Alli is a weight loss pill intended to help people burn one pound of fat, for every 2 pounds lost through exercise. It’s an over the counter medication made to help reduce about 25% of the fat one eats.
It’s only available for people 18 and older, and for those who would be considered obese with a BMI of 25 or more. You also have to introduce a low-calorie, low-fat diet, and you have to make sure to take Alli alongside fats in your meals. The intended purpose of Alli is to remove some fat calories from your diet, by not having it digested, and instead being passed through one’s stool. So is this really an effective weight loss pill? What kinds of weight loss effects are possible? Featured in this Alli review is all the information needed to make an informed decision.
Orlistat: The sole key active ingredient in Alli. It’s used to help reduce the absorption of some fats, by having them removed by bowel movements.
You are advised to skip dosing these pills if you have a meal with no fats. It’s also advised to get no more than 30% of your calories from fat to make good use of this ingredient. Both and the official website for Alli confirm:
“Orlistat can make it harder for your body to absorb fat-soluble vitamins”
“may recommend that you take vitamin and mineral supplements while you are taking this medication”
This can reduce the intake of vitamins A, D, E, and K. When using this pill, it’s important to watch out for signs of vitamin and mineral deficiency. This can potentially lead to issues such as:
Brittle nails and dull looking hear.
Extreme fatigue.
Vision problems.
Mood swings and symptoms of depression.
Reduced muscle mass and weakness in the limbs.
Increased risk for disease.
Orlistat itself has also been shown to potentially cause side effects that include:
Blood in the urine.
Severe lower back pain.
Kidney problems including little to no urination.
Liver issues that may cause nausea, itching, loss of appetite, dark urine, fatigue, and yellowing of the skin and eyes.
Oily and or fatty stools.
Gas and oily discharge.
Stomach pain, increased bathroom usage, and rectal pain.
Inability to control your bowel movements.
Several other side effects
There are also other side effects that if experienced, it’s advised to seek immediate medical help. This can be a sign of serious health problems that can be potentially life threatening if not treated. Compiled in this link are the year’s best weight loss pills.
The official website does list some possible side effects, but a list on features all the possible issues people have experienced.
A clinical study of this ingredient showed very poor weight loss benefits. The Cochrane Metabolic and Endocrine Disorders Group ran a study showing the effects of the active ingredient when used for over a year:
“compared to placebo, Orlistat reduced weight by 2.9 kg”
2.9 kg is 6.39 pounds. So people lost around 1.87 pounds each month. This is significantly less weight loss than what other supplements can provide. You also have to make sure to consider all the possible side effects, as well as reduce your calories and increase exercise.
The company claims that you can lose around 5% of your total body fat if taken according to their demands, but this still isn’t very much. The added diet and exercise is likely a major part of why there’s weight loss.
FD&C Blue No. 2: Synthetic food coloring added to help provide a blue color. It has no nutritional value, and is only added to make these pills appear blue. Rats given this ingredient were subject to:
“statistically significant increases in brain cancer”
This is according to a study by the Center for Science in the Public Interest. They also advise that this ingredient should be banned, since it has no nutritional value. It’s also believed that this ingredient may cause hyperactivity as well.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate: A detergent and foaming agent that may cause skin and eye irritation.
Sodium Starch Glycolate: White powder added to help a pill dissolve and absorb better. It can be extracted from common allergens like wheat and corn. Those allergic or sensitive to these ingredients won’t know which is added, since manufacturers aren’t required to list what extracts are used.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven fat burner such as Sletrokor for better results.
Alli Quality of Ingredients
10 of the 11 ingredients are inactive, meaning they have no weight loss purpose.
The only truly beneficial ingredient is Orlistat, and its results on long term weight loss have been poor. You also have to make sure to take it alongside fats, so people who don’t eat much dietary fats wouldn’t see much improvement.
Clinical studies have shown that it may lead to serious side effects, of which there are many. Other studies have revealed that its weight loss effects are poor. Just over a pound of weight loss is possible each month, which isn’t much. This also comes at the addition of added diet and exercise, as well as special intake considerations, as not all people are advised to take this weight loss pill.
You also have to watch out for fat soluble vitamin loss, which may require extra supplementation with multivitamins.
Alli is available for purchase in store and in online retail stores. One 40 day supply sells for $69.99 on So you’re essentially paying $1.74 per pill.
Most of what’s inside this pill has no weight loss effect. It’s mostly made up of food coloring, pill stabilizers, and additives to ease digestion.
The sole active ingredient has been shown to help reduce dietary fats, but its possibility for side effects and vitamin and mineral loss. Also, the weight loss benefits have been incredibly poor, and as you’ll see in the “Customer Opinions of Alli” section, it’s not well reviewed by users.
The makers have also been the subject of controversy over marketing and illegal actions. They also were subject to the biggest fine ever imposed on a drug company. The Department of Justice adds:
“Unlawful promotion of certain prescription drugs, its failure to report safety data, and its civil liability for alleged false price reporting”
“largest health care fraud settlement in US history”
They hid information about possible side effects, and they manipulated prices for several of their drugs.
In 2025, they also recalled Alli after fears of contamination. The FDA adds:
“the company believes some packages of the product were tampered with”
It’s unknown how this could have happened, but they voluntarily recalled all batches of Alli in the US.
EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using weight loss pills for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.
Customer Opinions of Alli
Several customer reviews are available online. Here’s what a few have experienced:
“hate so much that I paid for a product that did absolutely nothing”
“exercised as I did before, failed to lose any weight”
“It was disgusting and uncontrollable”
“Does not work at all”
Side effects were often listed, and they ranged from loose and oily stools, flatulence, increased bathroom usage, and sudden unexpected stools. A few people mentioned they couldn’t be far away from a bathroom, as they would suddenly get the urge to have to go immedietly.
A lack of weight loss was also listed as a problem. Currently 571 reviews on confirm the lack of beneficial effects. Many struggled to see any weight loss even with proper diet and exercise.
There was often concern that the new batches of Alli just aren’t as good, and that there’s a lack of any noticeable change.
When considering weight loss pills like Alli, it’s important to look at clinical studies and customer opinions. Many users who tried Alli failed to see any change, and many severe side effects have also been listed. Though Alli can help reduce some fat intake, it only works to reduce fat, and it has no metabolism boosting or other calorie burning effects. So sugar and carbohydrates won’t be reduced.
Also, the possibility for loss of fat soluble vitamins might require extra supplementation. A better solution is available that has only natural ingredients, no laxative like side effects, and great customer reviews. The very best option of 2025 is the all-natural Sletrokor.
It doesn’t require a special diet, and you can rest assured this supplement won’t have laxative like side effects. Customers have also raved about the beneficial and long lasting weight loss effects. You can find these testimonials on their official website, with people leaving nothing but positive weight loss results.
It does not matter how much weight i loose on this if i crap myself! What man will want a woman who looks great but......craps herself? Does that really happen?
posted Dec 9th, 2009 9:41 pm
I want to try this but it does not matter how much weight i loose if i crap my pants what good is it? What man wants a woman who looks good but craps herself? Is this really a common thing?
I have been really trying to lose some weight in the last month. I did lose some, but its been a slow battle. I started taking alli last thursday, today is monday and I am seeing a very real difference. All my clothes are just hanging off me, I love it. I do indeed exercise, so there is that..
I did take it back in 2007 and it worked then too. Fortunately for me, no "treatment effects." .
posted Nov 16th, 2009 1:34 pm
I'm in my 4th week I have lost 7 lbs so far , it is slowly coming off, but is finally coming off. It does not seem like much but I can tell by the way my clothes are fitting better.I have ordered a second bottle and hope to have a total of 10 more pounds off by Xmas then I will set another goal. I'll keep everyone updated weekly
posted Oct 29th, 2009 1:07 am
2nd week on pill .I have lost 5 lbs. I eat what I want but watch the fat. When we go out I order just one item like a sandwich no fries. I love this pill. I have had no effects. I wonder what the people are eating that have the effects. Must be fried foods. For lunch I have lean cuisines, and for dinner I do not have seconds. I have not exercised more than 3 times, this is a great product as long as you monitor your intake you will not have effects.
posted Oct 15th, 2009 11:06 am
Ive been reading up on Alli and people keep saying to keep your meals under 15g. but what can you eat that is under 15?
posted Oct 11th, 2009 3:48 am
posted Oct 6th, 2009 10:54 pm
You can have my pills for FREE! OMG...the side effects are horrible. I was fine the first few days until they kicked in. You cannot fart unless your on the pot! The oily, orange "stuff" that comes out stinks and you have to wipe forever so you get it off of you and not pull up your panties to soil them. I would rather be slightly overweight then go through this disgusting mess. NO THANKS!
posted Oct 6th, 2009 2:02 pm
I am on my 5th day of this pill.I am 5 foot 5 and weigh 216.5 I want to lose at least 40 lbs.I have not had any treatment affects, but have been pooping more, 2-3 times per day. This morning I weighed myself in at 214.7, so about 2 lbs. I am eating right and watching the fat , this is not as hard as I thought it would be. I do not feel like I am starving. I hop this product really helps me loose weight, I am tired of being big.
posted Oct 4th, 2009 12:24 am
I haven't taken this, and don't plan to, but I was interested in reading feedback on it. I certainly don't want to laugh at someone else's misfortune....BUTT, having said that--I haven't laughed SO HARD or been so grossed out since I found out that my father-in-law poops right next to the fairway when he's golfing because he doesn't want to waste time going to a BATHROOM. Kbrownie44--if you're not a comedian, you should be!! I was laughing so hard that my 14 year old daughter came out of her bedroom to see what could be so funny while sitting at the computer, alone, at 11:00bm...This is definitely a skit worth doing on SNL. Good luck all you guys...but I think I will try something else.
This product is wonderful for people who already exercise regularly and watch what they eat.
20 months ago I was in a snowboarding accident and tore a ligament in my ankle. I was very active up untill then, but because of my injury I was unable to do ANY workouts involving my feet and gained 40 lbs!
I've been dieting and exercising for the past 9 months and have only lost 10 lbs. After hearing a good review from a friend I decided to try Alli.
In the 1st week I've lost 4.7 lbs! Only 25.3 to go! The only side effects I 've ever had is always from dinner, which has always been my biggest meal of the day. I can only imagine what would happen if you had a horrible diet and took this pill!
The key is diet and exercise!!
posted Sep 25th, 2009 11:55 pm
I've only been on it just over a week. On ky 7 day weigh in i lost 6lb. Ive not had any problem with 'bowel movements' like other people have said they have had, just a little more wind than usual. Worth it if it loses weight this quick though! :)
posted Sep 25th, 2009 11:32 am
yes, Alli will help you lose weight and teach you to eat properly with healthy food and exercise...but the side effects are horrible! when they mention on the website and on the side of the bottle that you may experience "lose bowel movements" or "oily spotting and stools," it's just an understatement! I've never been so afraid to take a supplement in my life! I'd eat healthy and all that jazz, but I was still afraid I'd crap my pants! There were several days that I had to go home from work just to change my clothes because of the oily spotting (which is more of a grease stain!)...If you don't mind pooping out bacon grease that smells more like last month's leftovers rotting in the city dump, then this product is great...otherwise, be afraid, be very afraid!
I used Alli and planned my own meals. Lost a lot of weight in the first 6 months. Enough to keep me motivated, more than when I was just exercising and eating better on my own. Only had a bad side effect once when I went way over the fat gram restriction.
posted Sep 12th, 2009 10:16 pm
This is a great plan overall.
You actually get punished with disgusting side affects when you eat something you shouldn't. :)
I actually have been eating very well since starting...due to the rediculously high cost of the pills and the fear of side affects. Great stuff!
posted Sep 11th, 2009 1:46 pm
Starting Alli today.
I gave it a trial-run a few weeks back, didn't change my diet, lost a little weight (4 or 5 pounds) but suffered the most horrific side effects. Changes of clothes were needed regularly (!) and EVERYONE knew when I had visited the bathroom.
But seeing as I have a months supply bought and paid for I figured I might as well commit to the diet as fully as I can (I'm useless at diets!)
Start weight - 200 pounds. Will update regularly :)
Alli is a great aid for someone who is going to be commited to the diet and exercise. I have been on alli almost 3 weeks now and am happy to report I have had little side effects. The key is to really stay below the 15 g of fat. The only time I had any side effects was when I had a meal of 14 g of fat and I noticed later that day I had diarrhea. Otherwise I've had far no accidents or anything along those lines like some other reviewers. I really think it's because I'm strict to stay within the 15 g. So far in the 3 weeks I have lost 6lbs.
posted Aug 23rd, 2009 7:27 am
i just started taking alli yesterday so far so good i hope i dont poop on myself!!!! im trying to eat all healthy things and smaller portions. so we will see how it works for me. i am 5"7 and weight 185 i want to get to 160 even.
i justed starter alli 8-10-09 i talke too my doctorand other doctors they told it was self to us and when pass orange looking stuff the fat is coming out you lossing the weight by cleaning your self out so i am not eating that much i hope i keep on do well
The anticipation for a new diet pill is over as the FDA recently approved Alli (pronounced Al-eye). It's the weight loss newcomer that is quickly finding its place on drug store shelves. Alli is the first FDA-approved diet pill available without a prescription. Alli is actually a low-dose version of Xenical, a prescription drug that successfully assists obese individuals losing weight. Xenical is taken under a doctor's care while following a low-calorie, low-fat diet. Alli has the same active ingredient (Orlistat), but in a much lower dosage, and is available without the prescription.
Alli can help you lose a few pounds more than just dieting and exercise alone. It works by suppressing the body's ability to absorb fat in the intestines. By reducing fat, you reduce calories. When the body is unable to absorb these fats they become undigested waste.
Alli works best when it is used in conjunction with a low-calorie, low-fat diet and a regular exercise program. But since sticking to a reduced-calorie diet is tough and since certain foods need to be avoided while using the diet pill, Alli has partnered with eDiets, a meal delivery service that delivers Alli-specific meals to your door every week.
While some may view Alli as a controversial solution to weight loss, the manufacturers of this product have gone to great lengths to offer a comprehensive program to its users in order to make weight loss as easy and approachable as possible.
Although studies on the amount of weight loss you can lose with Alli are limited, you can expect to lose three to five pounds more than just relying on diet and exercise alone.
Comprehensive website that offers support, food journals, calorie counters, meal plans and shopping lists
Partnership with eDiets makes eating and meal planning simple and convenient
The only over-the-counter diet pill with FDA approval
Low-dose version of effective prescription diet pill
Some think it shouldn’t be sold without a prescription
Not a long-term solution to weight loss
Uncomfortable side effects
Must be very careful to not exceed the maximum fat gram requirement with each meal
Weight loss affects are modest
Meal delivery services don't teach you how to consume and prepare your own calorie and portion-controlled meals
Alli contains 60 mg of Orlistat.
Alli is a 60 mg tablet taken three times a day with meals that should not exceed 15 mg of fat.
A low-fat and low-calorie diet must be followed while taking Alli. Since the success of Alli depends so largely on what you eat, how much you eat and when you eat, you have two choices for designing the most effective meal plan for your weight loss needs:
You could consult with your physician or a registered dietitian to design a well-laid out diet and exercise plan.
You could sign up for Alli's partner eDiets, a meal delivery service that creates special Alli-approved meals and delivers them to your door each week.
With the eDiets plan, you eat three meals a day plus snack and desserts. Menus can be personalized to reflect your tastes and preferences and you also have access to a registered dietitian, an online community of other Alli dieters and fitness and exercise support.
Since the fat content of each meal must be closely monitored while using Alli (no more than 15 mg each day), eDiets special Alli-approved meals meet these requirements so that your risk of side effects is kept to a minimum.
The eDiets menu includes a wide variety of delicious meals, including:
Maple Apple Oatmeal
Denver Style Potato Skillet with Turkey Ham
Rosemary Pork with Brown Rice
Oven Roasted Turkey with Savory Sweet Potatoes and Mixed Garden Vegetables
Blackened Chicken served with Seasoned Spicy Brown Rice
Peach Cobbler
Sugar-free Pudding
Irrespective of which meal plan you follow, since Alli inhibits the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, it is important to take a daily supplement that includes Vitamins A, D and E.
In addition, for the best results, a regular exercise program should also be followed that includes 30 minutes of exercise on most days of the week. If you decide to sign-up with eDiets meal delivery service, you have access to a live fitness trainer to help you customize an exercise plan to compliment your weight loss needs.
Many people have seen positive results with Alli. However, those considering taking Alli should note that side effects can include gas, and uncontrolled urination and bowel movements, especially when not following the guidelines prescribed by Alli.
Alli is not a magic pill to lose weight, but its special partnership with eDiets, a meal delivery service, makes eating and meal planning simple and convenient.
Do keep in mind that the effects of taking Alli in comparison to just dieting and exercising alone are just the difference of a few pounds. It is necessary that you consult with your medical practitioner before taking Alli.
User Feedback
(Page 6 of 20, 389 total comments)kris
It does not matter how much weight i loose on this if i crap myself! What man will want a woman who looks great but......craps herself? Does that really happen?
posted Dec 9th, 2009 9:41 pmkris
I want to try this but it does not matter how much weight i loose if i crap my pants what good is it? What man wants a woman who looks good but craps herself? Is this really a common thing?
posted Dec 9th, 2009 9:39 pmtxphoenix
3 wks of Alli, 4lbs of weight loss.
posted Dec 1st, 2009 5:53 pmeponine
+I have been really trying to lose some weight in the last month. I did lose some, but its been a slow battle. I started taking alli last thursday, today is monday and I am seeing a very real difference. All my clothes are just hanging off me, I love it. I do indeed exercise, so there is that..
posted Nov 16th, 2009 1:34 pmI did take it back in 2007 and it worked then too. Fortunately for me, no "treatment effects." .
+I'm in my 4th week I have lost 7 lbs so far , it is slowly coming off, but is finally coming off. It does not seem like much but I can tell by the way my clothes are fitting better.I have ordered a second bottle and hope to have a total of 10 more pounds off by Xmas then I will set another goal. I'll keep everyone updated weekly
posted Oct 29th, 2009 1:07 amRobin
+2nd week on pill .I have lost 5 lbs. I eat what I want but watch the fat. When we go out I order just one item like a sandwich no fries. I love this pill. I have had no effects. I wonder what the people are eating that have the effects. Must be fried foods. For lunch I have lean cuisines, and for dinner I do not have seconds. I have not exercised more than 3 times, this is a great product as long as you monitor your intake you will not have effects.
posted Oct 15th, 2009 11:06 amTrisha
Ive been reading up on Alli and people keep saying to keep your meals under 15g. but what can you eat that is under 15?
posted Oct 11th, 2009 3:48 amenr713
posted Oct 6th, 2009 10:54 pmJamie
-You can have my pills for FREE! OMG...the side effects are horrible. I was fine the first few days until they kicked in. You cannot fart unless your on the pot! The oily, orange "stuff" that comes out stinks and you have to wipe forever so you get it off of you and not pull up your panties to soil them. I would rather be slightly overweight then go through this disgusting mess. NO THANKS!
posted Oct 6th, 2009 2:02 pmRobin
+I am on my 5th day of this pill.I am 5 foot 5 and weigh 216.5 I want to lose at least 40 lbs.I have not had any treatment affects, but have been pooping more, 2-3 times per day. This morning I weighed myself in at 214.7, so about 2 lbs. I am eating right and watching the fat , this is not as hard as I thought it would be. I do not feel like I am starving. I hop this product really helps me loose weight, I am tired of being big.
posted Oct 4th, 2009 12:24 amjenbrensoph
I haven't taken this, and don't plan to, but I was interested in reading feedback on it. I certainly don't want to laugh at someone else's misfortune....BUTT, having said that--I haven't laughed SO HARD or been so grossed out since I found out that my father-in-law poops right next to the fairway when he's golfing because he doesn't want to waste time going to a BATHROOM. Kbrownie44--if you're not a comedian, you should be!! I was laughing so hard that my 14 year old daughter came out of her bedroom to see what could be so funny while sitting at the computer, alone, at 11:00bm...This is definitely a skit worth doing on SNL. Good luck all you guys...but I think I will try something else.
posted Oct 2nd, 2009 2:17 amMichaela
+This product is wonderful for people who already exercise regularly and watch what they eat.
posted Sep 25th, 2009 11:55 pm20 months ago I was in a snowboarding accident and tore a ligament in my ankle. I was very active up untill then, but because of my injury I was unable to do ANY workouts involving my feet and gained 40 lbs!
I've been dieting and exercising for the past 9 months and have only lost 10 lbs. After hearing a good review from a friend I decided to try Alli.
In the 1st week I've lost 4.7 lbs! Only 25.3 to go! The only side effects I 've ever had is always from dinner, which has always been my biggest meal of the day. I can only imagine what would happen if you had a horrible diet and took this pill!
The key is diet and exercise!!
+I've only been on it just over a week. On ky 7 day weigh in i lost 6lb. Ive not had any problem with 'bowel movements' like other people have said they have had, just a little more wind than usual. Worth it if it loses weight this quick though! :)
posted Sep 25th, 2009 11:32 amKBrownie44
-yes, Alli will help you lose weight and teach you to eat properly with healthy food and exercise...but the side effects are horrible! when they mention on the website and on the side of the bottle that you may experience "lose bowel movements" or "oily spotting and stools," it's just an understatement! I've never been so afraid to take a supplement in my life! I'd eat healthy and all that jazz, but I was still afraid I'd crap my pants! There were several days that I had to go home from work just to change my clothes because of the oily spotting (which is more of a grease stain!)...If you don't mind pooping out bacon grease that smells more like last month's leftovers rotting in the city dump, then this product is great...otherwise, be afraid, be very afraid!
posted Sep 15th, 2009 5:34 pmDeb
+I used Alli and planned my own meals. Lost a lot of weight in the first 6 months. Enough to keep me motivated, more than when I was just exercising and eating better on my own. Only had a bad side effect once when I went way over the fat gram restriction.
posted Sep 12th, 2009 10:16 pmJuanita
+This is a great plan overall.
posted Sep 11th, 2009 1:46 pmYou actually get punished with disgusting side affects when you eat something you shouldn't. :)
I actually have been eating very well since starting...due to the rediculously high cost of the pills and the fear of side affects. Great stuff!
Starting Alli today.
posted Sep 7th, 2009 8:32 amI gave it a trial-run a few weeks back, didn't change my diet, lost a little weight (4 or 5 pounds) but suffered the most horrific side effects. Changes of clothes were needed regularly (!) and EVERYONE knew when I had visited the bathroom.
But seeing as I have a months supply bought and paid for I figured I might as well commit to the diet as fully as I can (I'm useless at diets!)
Start weight - 200 pounds. Will update regularly :)
+Alli is a great aid for someone who is going to be commited to the diet and exercise. I have been on alli almost 3 weeks now and am happy to report I have had little side effects. The key is to really stay below the 15 g of fat. The only time I had any side effects was when I had a meal of 14 g of fat and I noticed later that day I had diarrhea. Otherwise I've had far no accidents or anything along those lines like some other reviewers. I really think it's because I'm strict to stay within the 15 g. So far in the 3 weeks I have lost 6lbs.
posted Aug 23rd, 2009 7:27 ammia
i just started taking alli yesterday so far so good i hope i dont poop on myself!!!! im trying to eat all healthy things and smaller portions. so we will see how it works for me. i am 5"7 and weight 185 i want to get to 160 even.
posted Aug 20th, 2009 2:46 amheather
i justed starter alli 8-10-09 i talke too my doctorand other doctors they told it was self to us and when pass orange looking stuff the fat is coming out you lossing the weight by cleaning your self out so i am not eating that much i hope i keep on do well
posted Aug 15th, 2009 1:02 am