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Bill Phillips For Life Diet

Bill Phillips For Life Diet

Nothing is off-limits on the Bill Phillips plan.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
BACKGROUNDBACKGROUND Start the Diet Now Advertisement

A recognized fitness and nutrition expert, Bill Phillips offers his version of a weight loss plan in his book, The Bill Phillips For Life Diet. It's a 12-week plan that prepares you with all of the diet and exercise information you'll need to carry on healthy habits for a lifetime. It's about more than losing weight, it's getting and staying healthy.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • You won't starve with six small meals each day

  • A built-in cheat day

  • Personalized meal plans and shopping lists

  • Provides recipes

  • Included on eDiets

  • New York Times Bestseller

  • Promotes exercise

  • No counting

  • Encourages several protein shakes each day

There is a lot of direction for what, when and how you should eat with Bill Phillips' Diet. Most important are the authorized foods - vegetables, carbs (grains and fruit) and proteins. You can pretty much eat whatever you like from these groups, as long as it fits with in the six small meals a day and within the portion guidelines. Phillips defines a portion as something that fits in the palm of your hand.

Nothing is totally off limits. Once a week you're allowed to cheat and have sugar. But you can have salt and most foods as long as they fit within the authorized food list.

Lose pounds, not flavor, with Bill Phillips. Some of the really tempting recipes offered in the book include:

  • Omelet with ham, peppers and onions
  • Tacos with creamy salsa dip
  • Peppered steak with oriental vegetables and noodles
  • Fortified Fudgesicle
  • Banana Cream Pudding

Being the fitness guru that he is, Phillips isn't going to let you off easy in this department. Expect to be moving six days a week - one off for the cheat day. He goes into great detail in the book, but strongly encourages you to pursue cardio and weight-lifting exercises. There are a variety of options presented and you can select a routine that fits you best, no matter your skill level.


Learning the right (and wrong) foods, managing portions, exercising and staying hydrated are the key ideas to Bill Phillips' For Life Diet. This is one of the more balanced plans available, as it doesn’t exclude any one thing. It's about moderation and smart, healthy choices.

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Bill Phillips For Life Deit, Bill Philips For Life Diet, Bill Phillip's For Life Diet, Bill Phillips Diet, Bill Philips Diet

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(Page 1 of 1, 8 total comments)

Larry Kort

Why doesn't the Body of Life web site work anymore? And what is all this crap tied to anything about Bill Phillips? How can all this junk associate itself with Bill Phillips Eating for life, like ediets, etc.

posted Sep 29th, 2010 2:50 pm



lost 25 lbs! have never gained it backed!

posted Dec 12th, 2008 9:33 am



Well balanced, easy to follow, great results

posted Oct 22nd, 2008 2:00 pm

Sarah A

This diet really seems to help me FEEL healthy. Not only does it give the body the nutrition it needs, it provides the attraction of toning the body at the same time. Some weight loss plans help you lose weight, but leave you looking saggy. It seems in no time, you not only are skinnier, but you want to be more physically active in your life. It has helped me sleep better, have higher self-esteem, and my body has thanked me because it can run faster and climb higher without straining.

posted Mar 21st, 2008 12:42 pm


I lost 60 pounds on this diet and have made exercise a permanent part of my life! Although I have gained some of the weight back, I've kept 30 pounds off for 9 years and continue to use the Bill Phillips workouts every day. My diet problems are all in my HEAD!!

Lisa A

Does this really work? It seems like you'd be eating too much


This guy is a genius. His recipes r good and flavorful and by eating so many times, you stay full. Cooking all the meals is another story, but you will lose weight


I started it 8 days ago, and I have lost 4.6 pounds already. Imagine taking your normal 3 meals a day and taking out a portion to have between meals...really not that much food.


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