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Body For Life

Body For Life

The Bill Phillips plan is an aggressive approach to fitness.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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If it's an aggressive fitness program you're looking for, then Bill Phillips' Body for Life program is your answer. Prepare to have this 12-week plan transform you mentally and physically. The Body for Life program has helped millions of people reclaim their bodies, going from fat to fab.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • By the looks of the exercise regimen, you will surely tone and lose weight
  • Small meals help keep you from ever being hungry
  • The exercise program is taxing. May be tough for many people to handle.

Body for Life recommends eating six meals every few hours, each of which should contain a balanced mix of sensible portions of protein and carbs. No less than two meals a day should include vegetables and you should drink no less than 10 glasses of water. Also, you should try to include one tablespoon of unsaturated oil each day, or consume salmon three times a week.

You can also maintain ideal nutrition by complimenting this diet with nutrition shakes.


The primary focus of Body for Life is exercise. You'll train for 12-weeks, each week switching from upper body to lower body. Your upper body includes biceps and triceps, back, chest and shoulders. You'll train this muscle group on Monday, Wednesday and Friday during sessions lasting no longer than 46 minutes. Your lower body includes calves, hamstrings and quadriceps. You'll train this muscle group on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday using aerobics for 20 minutes. Each week you'll alternate the order in which you work the upper and lower body. For instance week one you'll train upper body on Monday and Friday, and lower on Wednesday. The second week you'll train lower body on Monday and Friday with upper on Wednesday.

You're encouraged to train each muscle group with two activities during each exercise session. Body For Life does not provide specifications for number of sets, rest periods and amount of weight you should lift.


Bill Phillips' Body for Life program appears to be the real deal. But, it looks like you could be set back with some extra costs for dietary supplementation.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Body for Living, Body For Life Diet, Bill Phillips for Life, Bill Phillips Diet

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(Page 3 of 3, 52 total comments)


I'm two weeks away from finishing this program - what a waste! Down 3lbs, and that was only after I stopped the suggested exercises and substituted my own. There are better plans out there.

posted Aug 5th, 2008 9:31 pm


I am planning on giving BFL a shot, however I have about 100lbs to lose and not a lot of support. I can do anything for 12 weeks just to see what happens, right?

posted Jul 3rd, 2008 12:57 pm

just me

Body for life does work...it's not a diet but a lifesytle... i've done the plan and stick to it, I lost about 40 pounds...Even with a fractured foot and not being able to workout, I kept the weight off...You don't need the supplements, I use them but you can easily eat 6 meals and make 3 small snacks..it's a great plan and i have all my friends doing it...and yes i was a yo-yo dieter from hell and have tried everything...seriously best and most complete plan to reach your goal!!! Just need patience and determination!!!

posted Jun 23rd, 2008 10:03 am


My wife and me both have done this program and found excellent results from it. She saw noticeable results in 4 weeks and other people noticed also. You have to keep the intensity up and the 6 meals also. I was in the military for over 20 years and stayed in great shape, this program transformed my body beyond my expectations by leaps and bounds. Stay committed! You will be glad you did.

posted Apr 20th, 2008 9:55 am


I did this diet for 8 weeks before I broke my wrist. I went from a size 14 to a size 6. The most difficult parts of this diet are not giving up when you make a mistake and getting through the first week. I never felt or looked better! It took me 3 years to put the weight back on but I plan on doing this one again for the full 12 weeks. It employes the tried and true rules of weight loss...diet and exercise. I recommend buying the journal it helps until you establish a routine.

posted Apr 13th, 2008 9:42 pm

Leah Mabery

I started two weeks ago and haven't seen any results. I called the folks at EAS and was told to expect results by the seventh week. I believe this diet works because it combines diet AND exercise. It doesn't promise quick results.

posted Apr 5th, 2008 6:58 am


this crap dont work dont waste your time

posted Apr 2nd, 2008 9:49 am


I havent started yet but by the way this plan looks it seems very successful i am going to stick to it until until june 7, 2008 i am totally excited an i cant wait to start on tommorrow march 7, 2008 !!!!! im ready to completely change my old way of thinking and i trust you are as well i am 265 lbs an i am 6'1 i want to loose atleast 40 lbs an gain muscle.

posted Mar 7th, 2008 9:05 am


You got it wrong. You don't train your lower body muscle group by doing aerobic exercise on body for life. You do it with weight training for 38 minutes. You will train 6 days/week. One free day. Of the 6 days, 3 will be weight training. 3 will be high intensity interval training (very intense aerobic training - this cardio vascualar work, no leg muscle work). One week you'll do upper body weight work twice and legs once. Then you'll hit the legs twice and upper body once the next week. It's hard work. It isn't for somebody looking for an easy fix. But it does work.


Am very big and i tried to slim down but i cldnt. Pls help me b4 i go crazy. Am frm Nigeria,africa.


I am happy to have finally found a diet that incorporates upper and lower body workouts. So many diets other then Body for Life focus on just abs or just cardio, this diet encompasses it all for fitness.


I LOVE that the max required aerobic time is 46 minutes, I mean what other diet than body for life will tell you that!!


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