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Crack the Fat Loss Code

Crack the Fat Loss Code

Learn how to use your metabolism to your health's advantage.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Sneaking up on your body’s metabolism and learning how to work with it, not against it, is the theme in Crack the Fat-Loss Code, a weight-loss guide written by Wendy Chant, MPT, SPN, who is also a certified personal trainer, body-builder and a specialist in performance nutrition.

Crack the Fat-Loss Code promises you that in just eight short weeks, you'll be able to accomplish three important steps that will help you lose weight and keep it off for good: First the book teaches you to reprogram your body so that you are burning fat and keeping it off. Next, you’ll learn how to feel healthy, not hungry, by eating certain foods that keep you satisfied. Finally, you’ll be able to conquer the diet plateau once and for all.

The plan behind Crack the Fat-Loss Code rests on the theory that our bodies are prepared for starvation mode: we are programmed to hold onto calories and store them as fat out of the body’s fear that food will be scarce. If only our cavemen ancestors had the unlimited access we currently have for copious amounts of food, we wouldn’t be in the diet and weight gain cycle that so many of us dizzyingly circle in and out of.

Crack the Fat-Loss Code teaches you an eating plan, called "macro-patterning." It is a simple routine of alternating carb-up, carb-down, and baseline days. Built upon exercise science research which has proven that it takes three days (72 hours) to eliminate glycogen stores in the muscles, Crack the Fat-Loss Code helps you lose fat by putting you on a very low carbohydrate eating regimen for the first seven days of the program. During this phase, the body reaches into the glycogen stores (where fat is stored) and uses that for energy. This phase is followed by three other cycles where carbohydrates are gradually added back into your body so that your body won’t kick into starvation mode.

There are even built-in cheat days, so you can enjoy the foods you love without feeling the diet deprivation that inevitably leads us to gorging on enough carbs and grease to feed a small army. There are also no foods that are totally off limits once you work through the first few cycles of the program.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Crack the Fat-Loss Code can help you lose weight
  • Author is expert in nutrition and fitness
  • Food plan is flexible
  • Teaches you the science behind how our bodies store and use energy
  • Crack the Fat-Loss Code contains important health information
  • No calorie counting
  • Crack the Fat-Loss Code may be difficult to follow for more than the recommended 8 weeks
  • Diet plan is not very vegetarian-friendly
  • Restricts carbs

Crack the Fat-Loss Code’s macro-patterning is divided into four cycles, each with their own food requirements and their own objective to getting you to look and feel your best. Each of the cycles has you eating between 4-6 mini-meals during the day so that you don’t slow down your metabolic rate and thyroid function. Each meal will contain a protein source.

The four cycles accomplish five key factors: protect and support muscle, level blood sugar, create an energy deficit, produce heat and manipulate energy stores.

During the first week of Crack the Fat-Loss Code, you will follow the Carb-Deplete Cycle. During this phase, carbohydrate consumption is kept to just 20 grams. You’ll be eating protein and fat at each meal and certain carb-friendly veggies like leafy greens, cucumbers and broccoli. A weekly meal plan is laid out for you making it easy to decipher what and how much needs to be eaten at each meal.

During weeks two through four, you’ll be following the macro-pattern in which you’ll toggle between carb-up, carb-down and baseline days.

During weeks five and six, you’ll be in the accelerated fat-loss cycle which also comes equipped with recipes and weekly meal plans. Weeks seven and eight are the maintenance cycle in which you teach yourself and your body how to incorporate carbohydrates back into your lifestyle and readjust the pattern again.

On Cheat Days, you are only allowed to eat one cheat meal and eat it until satisfaction, not to the point of stuffing yourself. Recipes are also given for many of the foods listed on the recommended weekly meal plan.


Being able to Crack the Fat-Loss Code also depends on exercise so that you’re producing heat in your body, creating an energy deficit and allowing your body to tap into those fat reserves and start using them as energy.

Chant recommends participating in regular cardiovascular and resistance training, but only after Cycle One or the Carb-Deplete cycle. There are no specific recommendations for how much or how often to exercise.


Crack the Fat-Loss Code tries to put a halt to the emotion behind eating and instead help you to realize that your body only needs food for one thing: to survive.  In regarding food as nothing more than fuel for our bodies to function, then the feelings around food start to dissipate and the process of losing weight becomes logical rather than a battle of our will power. It is not a calorie-counting guide. In fact, calories aren’t included in any of the recipes given or daily eating guidelines. This book looks at the science behind what our bodies do to energy and how to manipulate its long-held process that hold onto fat and energy stores.

If you’re someone who has hit a diet plateau or if you need to follow a diet plan where what you eat, when you eat and how you exercise is clearly spelled out for you, then Crack the Fat-Loss Code might be just the diet plan you need to meet your weight loss goals.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Crack the Fat Code, Crack the Weight-Loss Code, Crak the Fat-Loss Code, Crack the Fat Loss Code, Crack the Fat Lose Code, Cracking the Fat Code

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(Page 1 of 3, 58 total comments)


I lost over 50lbs with this diet as I was getting ready for my wedding! It changed how I thought about food. It really works :)

posted Apr 8th, 2017 7:23 pm



My body turned into a fat burning machine! However, I did miss having the amount of fruit I was used to. Wish there was more online support.

posted Apr 19th, 2016 11:57 pm

Carla in Wisconsin


After reading this book, I can not wait to apply what I have learned and I see how it is done correctly. I get it. I am turning 59 this year. I am over weight by too much. So I will leave feed back in April. Starting date is Jan. 27th, 2015. I think this will work for me. I will come back and leave feedback.

posted Jan 28th, 2015 3:07 am



This program has been a life saver for me. I'm a total sugar addict, and as I age it gets worse.. I have NO sugar cravings

when I follow this program, and the "D" days offer me the ability to eat something I want, including a dessert, and go right back on the next morning AND continue to lose weight.

Most importantly, I can live like this for the rest of my life, and that is major.

posted Jun 13th, 2012 11:11 pm

michelle s


crack the fatt loss code I love this diet!! I lost over 35 pounds 2 years ago,,,but ive tried to start again and i ve cheated several time so i havent been able to loose weigh,,i guess my body is fighting it. My question is How do I re start after re trying it for over a month?? Do I do Induction all over again???or start with week 2??? Im confused, since ive meesed it up several time and the diet says you dont have to do induction only once. Please anyone thats done it more than once help!!!!

posted Nov 7th, 2011 1:39 pm

Michelle Smith


What is the best way to restart Crack the Fat Loss Code? I need advice from someone whos done this diet before!!! Hi everyone!!! I did this diet twice and ive lost over 35 pound. I let myself go during this summer going out with friend and having social drinks. Well.. I started the diet again,,but at least once a week Ive dropped it for one reason or another,,my question is Should I continue with the diets cycle 2 or should I re do the induction cycle again?/ I think my body is used to it since ive started it 4 weeks in a row. Im just confusede and dont know how 2 restart. I do love this diet and It works when you follow like you should. Im ready 2 start clean, but not sure where to start since they tell you that once youve done induction, you dont have to do it again. Please help!!!!

posted Nov 6th, 2011 3:37 pm



posted Oct 6th, 2011 6:52 pm


Lost 20lbs in 8 weeks

Helped improve my eating habits

posted Aug 31st, 2011 2:16 pm



posted May 16th, 2011 10:36 am



This is a great program that lets you eat real food. I started this back in September and lost 43 lbs. After about ten weeks I followed the basic program but not like I should have and pretty much kept most of the weight off.
I decided to start the program again and just finished my first week and lost another 9 lbs. Seven more to go!

posted Apr 3rd, 2011 9:22 am


lost 15 pounds in two weeks only had 36 total pounds to lose

posted Mar 23rd, 2011 4:26 pm


so far so good! I am just starting day 6 and have lost 4 pounds. This week is not a big stretch for me because I am not a big carb eater anyway and the meals are similar to meals I often eat (albeit much smaller and more often). I imagine for those whose diets in this first week are chronically different than usual would see much larger weight drop. I haven't had any tiredness or anything and feel really good. I am finding it very easy to follow and actually much easier than normal eating because the meals are sooo quick and easy to prepare. There is very little effort involved. Having said that, I am looking forward to a bit more variety in coming weeks.

posted Feb 15th, 2011 2:55 pm



Love it,love it!! I have to lose 100 lbs and even I only have 5 days of the 1st week and I've lose 6 lbs, I really feel how the fat is melting inside my body, this is the only plan where I dont feel 'cranky' or hungry!I've tried EVERYTHING! the first 3 days I had a terrible headache but I'm starting to feel better now;I really recommend this plan. Also I read that there is a 2nd book? can someone tell me the name?? I'll post in the next weeks !

posted Jan 28th, 2011 3:08 pm


I don't know if I am supposed to count the carbs in my mulit vitamins or not. Does anyone know the answer?

posted Jan 29th, 2010 3:39 pm



Amazing plan. Easy to follow and incorporate into life. This should be embraced as a lifestyle rather than a diet. I lost 13lbs the first 8 weeks. I only had 15 lbs to my first goal and 5 more after that. This is a great well rounded plan that when you decide to do it you will reap the benefits. Thefirst week is the hardest but if you can get through that your golden!!! LOVE THIS PLAN!

posted Jan 6th, 2010 7:37 pm


really helped me drop about 20 pounds. easy to follow. But i had to switch off the diet when i had to do a more intense workout routine because i had extremely low energy levels.

posted Dec 8th, 2009 8:45 pm



I hvave never herd about this diet before i read about it inFirst magazine; this makes sense to me, i am going to give a try , i am 62 years old and i need to loose fifty pounds .

posted Nov 27th, 2009 9:51 pm



I am on week 5 and have lost 15 pounds! Since middle age has set in WW and other diets that worked for me in the past would not budge the scale. My metabolism was shot. This has been the first thing to work for me in a long time and I am thrilled!

posted Nov 20th, 2009 9:48 am

Thomas Martin


My co-worker tried for 10 yrs since I have known him to lose weight, bouncing between 290-390 lbs (6'1"). He bought the book in April at 384lbs, I saw him today, he is at 232lbs and dropping. Amazing!

posted Nov 17th, 2009 2:30 pm



Just started week 5 and have lost 17 lbs. The most I have ever lost with pills and Weight Watchers is 10 lbs. This is the best program I have ever tried!

posted Nov 11th, 2009 8:38 am


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