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Diabetes Diet

Diabetes Diet

Learn how to control your diabetes through a specialized diet plan.

Top Rated Diets of 2024
BACKGROUND Start the Diet Now Advertisement

For those suffering from diabetes, watching their diet and health is not a choice, but a requirement for staying alive. Making healthy choices can aid in managing diabetes and help avoid related illnesses. The creation of these diets is specifically designed to reverse this disease in those who have it. A key component to diabetes diets is managing the amount of simple and refined carbohydrates consumed, ensuring that consistent exercise is performed and managing portion control.
A diabetes diet can be a catalyst for maintaining your desired weight, avoiding heart disease and managing blood sugar.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2024?

  • Diabetes diets meets the special needs of diabetics
  • Some diets are endorsed by ADA
  • Diet plan may not be relevant for all dieters

Although the specific eating plans will vary from diabetes diet to diabetes diet, most of the diets will require that your daily caloric intake comes from complex carbohydrates, lean proteins and very little or no saturated fats. It is suggested that for those following a diabetes diet, consuming plenty of fresh vegetables, whole grains, protein, some fruit and occasional sweets will result in balanced blood-sugar levels and even weight loss. Some diabetes diets might suggest that you eat 5-7 small meals throughout the day while others will have you adhere to a more traditional three-meals-a-day approach.


Since exercise is a key component to healthy living and weight loss, most diabetes diets will include an exercise plan that should be followed on most days of the week.


Diabetes diets can be a very effective choice to address the specific needs of diabetics. Most diets will subscribe to a diet low in refined carbohydrates and saturated fats and high in fresh vegetables, lean proteins and exercise and moderate amounts of fats, fruit and complex carbohydrates. But before beginning any diabetes diet, visit with your doctor or diabetes professional.

Common Misspellings

Diabete diet, diabetes deit, diabetic diet, diet for diabetics, ADA diet

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Need something for the both of us to kick start us !

posted Nov 30th, 2010 2:10 am


it is useful site for getting idea for good living

posted Jan 6th, 2010 2:16 am



I want to share something about what is the best diabetes diabetes diet. Since our body have 70% water the best diabetes diet are fruits and vegetables which contains 70% Water.
Have a look at this page for more info about beat diabetes diet.

posted Nov 23rd, 2008 10:48 pm



I've been a diabetic for many years. This book is a good guide, and I rely heavily on diabetic nutrition clases offered my doctor and hospital.

posted Oct 4th, 2008 4:44 pm


Dear anonamous How did you do it I have the same condition

posted Sep 8th, 2008 7:01 pm


what diet did you use? Does anyone have any info on if the Ornish diet will work for diabetics?

posted Sep 5th, 2008 8:26 pm


The diet is designed to prolong diabetes....why would the ADA or the medical community want to cure it if it is a $132 billion dollar cash cow? Truth is there are way too many carbs promoted in this diet and all diabetics should look more towards restricted carb plans. I did...and I am no longer on any meds or insulin after being diagnosed 2 months ago with Blood sugars of 480 and A1C of 12. Today my A1C was 4.8. My doctor is still scratching his head.


I would be weary of the sweetners that you intake, just because the ADA says its ok we still have to be very careful. I did enjoy a lot of the recipes from the Diabetes diet and also make sure to speak with my doctor regularly.


I looked at the ADA site and it says that a lot of the usual sweeteners are ok to eat. Plus, they dont have calories. I like this diet b/c its really easy.


The Diabetes diet gives you lots of recipes to help you with your sweet tooth. As for sweetners, I only know that artificial sugar is no good.


I keep hearing about sweetner alternatives for those of us with diabetes yet I don't know which ones....any have recommendations?


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