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Dr. Oz YOU On A Diet

Dr. Oz YOU On A Diet

Oprah's favorite doctor with a healthy weight loss plan.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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YOU: On A Diet was written by Drs. Mehmet Oz and Michael Roizen to help people identify a realistic approach to slimming their waistline, and not necessarily losing weight. By explaining ordinary body functions and processes, they teach you how everything you put inside your body affects those functions. And when the right balance of food and exercise are found, you'll realize noticeable changes in your body and health.

A few key takeaways from YOU: On A Diet include: - Forget the scale, waist size is a much more important measure of health - Body chemistry rules over will-power - Walk every single day - Clean out your fridge, and start fresh

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Endorsed by Oprah
  • Authors are well-respected experts in the field
  • Witty and engaging book
  • Promotes exercise
  • No Counting
  • Teaches you about the food/body relationship
  • Diet is flexible
  • Encourages monotony in food rotation
  • Permits fast food

You'll start YOU: On A Diet by cleaning out your pantry and refrigerator. It's likely most of the items in there aren't going to be up to par for Drs. Oz and Roizen. Over-processed foods, those containing high fructose corn syrup, anything that says hydrogenated, trans-fats and other food ingredients that do more harm than good have to go immediately. You'll replace them with whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats.

YOU provides meal plans that include breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as snacks. None of them require a lot of time to prepare. Some easy food rules to live by from YOU: On A Diet include:

  • Keep healthy snacks at arm's reach, you never know when you'll get hungry
  • Stop eating three hours prior to bed
  • Eat until you're full, don't go past it
  • Manage portion size by using a 9" plate
  • Save dessert for every-other-day

There are a lot of recipes included in the book. You'll also receive guidance for reading and understanding food labels, as well as eating out.


You're encouraged to walk every single day for half an hour. Following your walk you should do about five minutes worth of stretching. You also need to do the 20-minute workouts three times a week. Details for these are included in the book and on the website and available for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of expertise.


This is probably one of the most exciting lifestyle programs to hit the market in recent memory. Drs. Mehmet Oz and Michael Roizen have completely thrown out the window the melancholy and disappointing approach to weight loss and healthy living. Their book is funny and quite an enjoyable read. They breakdown complex scientific principles and explain them so that you completely understand why you can and can't eat certain things. Best of all, they've introduced their "waist-loss" approach, explaining how the size of your waist is far more indicative of your health than a constantly changing number on the scale. Oprah and thousands of other fans have jumped on board the YOU: On A Diet fan train, and you shouldn't be disappointed if you join, too.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

YOU Diet, You on a Deit, Your Diet, YUO: On a Diet, Dr. Oz Diet, Oprah Diet, Doctor Oz

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(Page 2 of 2, 30 total comments)


dr. Oz I love your show. I have a question for you I really hope you can help I have been having leg pain in right leg between the knee and ankle, I went to see my doctor about it he ordered an X-ray but the X-ray showed that everything is normal but the pain is getting worse what do I do ? Please help?

posted Nov 9th, 2009 4:09 pm




posted Sep 29th, 2009 2:20 pm


What about exercise for a stroke patient with emiparesis in a w/c ABLE TO AMBULATE SHORT distances, 200lb gain in 4 years. WHAT DO I DO????


posted Sep 26th, 2009 1:05 pm

melissa rathbone

I watch your show and I would love to know where can I get on of your books You on a Diet. Keep the good work. I love your show.

posted Mar 22nd, 2009 2:12 pm



The good Dr. Oz. isn't trying to re-invent the wheel(regarding a comment of " nothing earth shattering here"). However, it will shatter you world if you want to regain your health. As well it should. It's a gentle wake up call to get to life before you somewhere along the line seem to have gotten derailed. There's a lot of us like that out there.
His book is the next best thing to actually seeing him. Worth the money and all the effort you put into it.
Simply put; how much do you want to regain your health back.

posted Jan 4th, 2009 11:59 am



There is a wealth of information and I would suggest YOU: the owners manual and YOU: staying young. Great book series!

posted Dec 31st, 2008 2:38 pm



Good diet, you will feel healthier and lose weight. However, you have to be very disciplined.

posted Dec 30th, 2008 8:48 pm


I purchased the book and have been following the diet and work out regime. In two weeks I have already seen results. I find the exercises to be fun and easy especially since no weights are needed.


Nothing earth shattering here. Lots of biological info. For those of us who have been there and done that, nothing I didn't know.


oz and roizen have a good approach here. useful info by explaining body functions and processes


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