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Another diet supplement with hoodia and green tea extract.

Top Rated Diet Pills of 2025
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African tribesmen have eaten hoodia gordonii for hundreds of years to help deal with hunger during times of famine and long travels. Finally, the Western world has caught on to this fascinating appetite suppressant. Hoodiatrin is yet another supplement variation that utilizes the power of hoodia.

Glucose is released as you chew and digest food, and after enough is released, the body sends a signal to the brain to stop eating. Research suggests that natural hoodia may act on the brain in the same way, only 10,000 times as strong. As is the growing trend, Hoodiatrin uses hoodia gordonii, which is the only type of hoodia that has the p-57 molecule that is thought to be much more powerful than glucose in setting off the signal for fullness. Hoodiatrin is not a magic pill, though. You still need to eat right and exercise.

Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?

  • The Hoodiatrin website is not overly sensational. It states that you still need to watch what you are eating.
  • Hoodia gordonii is a natural supplement
  • Can suppress appetite
  • There are no testimonials of success to be found on the Hoodiatrin website
  • No FDA approval
  • Contains caffeine source

There is no exercise program with the Hoodiatrin supplement. However, the website does say that you need to include it if you expect optimal results.


The market has been flooded with hoodia weight loss supplements. Deciphering which one is best for you can be difficult. The criteria should be that the supplement has hoodia gordonii, which is the only variation to have the all important p-57 molecule. After that, it becomes more difficult. Hoodiatrin appears to be comparable to the other quality hoodia products, so give it a try. The only possible caveat is that you may be able to find more affordable products at your local supermarket.


Hoodia gordonii, garcinia cambogia, green tea extract, choline, inositol, L-methionine

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

hoodiatrim, hoodia trin, hoodiathin, hodiatrin

How Does Hoodiatrin Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Contains No Coffee
  • Hoodiatrin
  • /100
  • .
  • .

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