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Have you been frustrated trying every diet under the sun with no success? You wouldn't be the first. According to makers of the weight loss supplement IntelliTrim, many people are victims of "LPL hyperactivity." People who suffer from LPL hyperactivity compare it to being in an elevator that is stuck, and can't go down, only up. There's good reason.
LPL, or lipoprotein lipase, assists fat molecules into your cells. Without the enzyme it can't happen. IntelliTrim is said to prevent fat molecules from moving into your cells. By interfering with LPL, IntelliTrim helps decrease the amount of fat your body stores. How does it do this? With its key ingredient that they refer to as the "strange fat." Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is the key ingredient, which studies have shown reduces body fat.
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- The IntelliTrim website has positive testimonials
- Research backs the company's claims
- Blocks fat
- The IntelliTrim website does not list ingredients
- Like many online diet products, IntelliTim uses an automatic charge system on your credit card
- No exercise recommendations
The main ingredient in IntelliTrim is Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). But you won't learn that by visiting the company's website. CLA is an all-natural Omega-6 fatty acid that can be found in beef and dairy products. But it's suspected that you can't get enough of it by eating these foods.
As with most supplement manufacturers, there is no exercise component given with IntelliTrim.
At first glance of the IntelliTrim website, the idea of a mysterious "strange fat" screams scam. But when you find that there have been studies that support IntelliTrim's claims that Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) helps reduce body fat, your suspicions are relieved. Now, does that mean this supplement will work for you? That remains to be seen.
Even with positive testimonials, there are many factors that go into weight loss. Did these people lose weight because of IntelliTrim, or did they simply start eating better and exercising? There have been studies that point to possible side effects, including cardiovascular disease. While these studies are disputed, it may be best to talk with your doctor before using IntelliTrim. As with any other supplement, some people will enjoy positive benefits and some will not- results vary by person.
intelitrim, inteltrim, intellitrims
User Feedback
(Page 1 of 1, 2 total comments)jd
+I have lost 10 pounds with this product-it does not work fast....maybe 1/2 pound a week but it is steady and I have not had to change my eating habits or exercise.
posted Feb 15th, 2010 12:19 amDianeD
Intellitrim's website does indicate the derive their product from Saflower oil, they do recommend a healthy diet combined with exercise. They offer diet and fitness tips and even have a "prgram" to join to aid in weight loss.
posted Jul 17th, 2008 10:45 pm