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- Established: 1983
- Founder: Jenny and Sid Craig
- Headquarters: Carlsbad, California
- Stock Symbol: NESN
- Accessibility: Online, Centers
- Diet Type: Prepackaged Meals, Portion Control, Low-Calorie, Low-Fat
- Gender: Male and Female
- Celebrity Endorsements: Valerie Bertinelli, Jason Alexander, Sarah Rue, Carrie Fisher
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With more than 600 centers around the globe and thousands of female followers, Jenny Craig has established itself as a leader in the weight-loss industry since 1983.
The Jenny Craig approach is built on three tenets: food, body and mind. The food element focuses on healthy eating and portion control and also teaches you how to eat the foods you love in moderation, the body element focuses on exercise and overcoming barriers to being physically active. The mind element focuses on positive thinking and getting the support you need to reach your weight loss goals.
The program is most known for its pre-packaged and portion-controlled meals. But Jenny Craig sets itself apart from other meal-delivery diets because as you reach your goal weight, you work closely with Jenny Craig counselors to learn about portion control, healthy cooking and eating at home or while dining out.
With over 2,500 consultants, you have access to one-on-one support in person, online or over the phone to help you eat right, exercise, change habits and overcome obstacles that keep you from your goals.
After an in-depth interview with a Jenny Craig representative, you are given a personalized meal and fitness plan. The two basic programs are the In-Person Support and Jenny Direct programs. With the former, you attend weekly meetings, consultations and food pick-up at your local Jenny Craig center and the latter gives you the same support over the phone and delivers food to your door.
In addition, there are five Jenny Craig plans under the Standard program: Jenny Craig for Women, Jenny Craig for Men, Jenny Craig for Teens, Jenny Craig for Spouses and Jenny Craig for Seniors.
Famous Jenny Craig Spokeswomen include Kirstie Alley, Valerie Bertinelli, Phylicia Rashad, Queen Latifah, Nicole Sullivan and Sara Rue.
Other Jenny Craig plans include:
Jenny Craig at Home: A plan that allows you to complete the Jenny Craig plan from the privacy of your own home.
Jenny Direct: The Jenny Craig program delivered straight to your door.
Jenny Craig for Men: The Jenny Craig plan specifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of men who want to lose weight.
Jenny Craig Silver: The Jenny Craig plan for older adults who want to improve their health.
Jenny Craig YouTube Channel
Consumer Reports Jenny Craig vs. NutriSystem Taste Test
Flashmob Surprises Jenny Craig Celebrities
- Features a one-on-one relationship with counselor
- Menu includes a wide-variety of foods
- Program has a long history and is a trusted brand in weight loss programs
- Prepackaged foods offer convenience
- No food groups are off limits
- Named #2 in the Best Commercial Diets by US News, 2011
- May be a challenge to transition from the company's prepackaged meals to "real" food
- Low-calorie diet may be too strict
- Weekly in-person meetings can sometimes be inconvenient
- Financial responsibility of prepacked meals may not be a long-term healthy eating solution
A sampling of feedback and experiences shared by our community.
The food is great! Ediets is disgusting. Portions are small but your stomach does shrink so you don't really need more. Not all foods were wonderful but some I would eat even when not dieting. The food seems expensive but at the end of 6 weeks, I had actually saved money. I ate less, enjoyed my meals, and lost weight. - Katrina 1/9/11
I tried the program for a few weeks and was disappointed in the lack of support from the counselors. They didnt seem to have any "real" training. They said I could tell them things I dont like and they would make sure they werent included in the foods I bought (I hate raisins and mushrooms). They assured me nothing I bought had those 2 things in them, but lots actually did. They obviously didnt know their product. Way too expensive also. - Sandy 11/29/10
I've maintained my weight loss, fluctuating about 7 pounds, but still well below my goal weight for a year today! Great program, great food and awesome consultants. - Nina 7/12/10
Easiest diet I ever followed. Where I have always fallen off the wagon before is when I get stressed and am too busy to cook or just don't feel like it. With Jenny when I am stressed I just make a point of following the plan even better at those times. I don't do meals on my own, I just eat the Jenny food and know that way I am on track. - Carol Ann 1/17/10
I lost about 40 pounds on Jenny Craig and, with the exception of playing with 5 pounds here and there, have kept it off. I like that they first teach you portion control through their meals and then gradually reintroduce store-bought food into your diet. The one-on-one interaction with a counselor also helped keep me on track and did not allow me to hide in the back of a meeting. - A.C. 12/29/09
The program's success is in the Jenny Craig food, which offers convenience with portioned and calorie-controlled pre-packaged meals. The Jenny Craig plan has a daily caloric intake of 1,200-1,300 and contains 50% to 60% carbohydrate, 20% to 25% protein, and 20% to 25% fat.
Dieters eat 6 times a day, which includes 3 meals and 3 snacks.
Meals are either picked up at Jenny Craig centers or delivered straight to your door. There are four different menu options with Jenny Craig. You can customize your own meals, order pre-planned meals, enjoy an all-vegetarian menu or select a menu specifically designed for adolescents.
Eating on the Jenny Craig program can be easy because most of your meal is provided for you. Jenny Craig foods are paired with your own grocery foods like fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, whole grains and heart-healthy fats. Low glycemic veggies can eaten in limitless portions. Although the meals are prepackaged, the makeup of the foods you eat will set you up for how you should eat to maintain a balanced diet.
Jenny Craig uses the Volumetrics® approach which encourages consuming low-calorie, nutrient dense foods high in water, fiber and protein to help dieters feel fuller longer.
A dining out guide is also included so that you can eat out without sabotaging your weight loss goals. No foods are off limits on the Jenny Craig program. You work with a counselor to learn how to safely incorporate your favorite foods into your healthy eating plan.
In 2015, Jenny Craig's packaging was redesigned to help members make more informed nutrition decisions and encourage members to get creative with their meals and make their own unique recipes.
On Jenny Craig you are given a personalized activity and motivational plan to get you moving more. When you meet with your consultant in the Jenny Craig office, they will help you personalize your fitness plan. This can also be done online for those that are doing the at-home delivery program. You will work to develop an approach to fitness that starts where you are now and builds on that. You will also be identifying personal barriers to your physical activity so that you can work to remove those and stay focused on the benefits of exercise.
Consultants work with members to achieve 10,000 steps a day through habit change and intentional exercise.
The Jenny Craig activity plan centers around three kinds of activities. The first are natural activities like house cleaning, shopping and gardening. Next are planned activities such as doing cardio at the gym or taking a yoga or aerobics class. Last are playful activities like taking a dance class or playing football with your kids.
Over time you gradually increase your activity through these three elements and you learn how to incorporate more movement into your day.
Your planned exercises will include a combination of cardio, resistance and stretching activities. The Jenny Craig program strongly recommends exercise while on the program so that you can have an established habit to maintain your weight loss after you’ve reached your goal weight. Some of the outlined planned exercise options as well as the playful options are listed below:
- Weightlifting
- Walking
- Yoga
- Kickboxing
- Aerobic Dance
- Dancing
- Bicycling
- Playing Basketball
- Playing Tag with the Kids
Common questions asked about the Jenny Craig program by our community. Click to see the full answer.
Is the Jenny Craig food frozen or freeze-dried? - Celia 6/18/11
With its focus on food, body and mind, Jenny Craig is a well-rounded weight loss program that offers the training and support you need to achieve your weight loss goals. Its varied programs and pre-packaged meals and snacks offers the convenience of healthy eating in combination with a personalized plan that fits your lifestyle.
While most pre-packaged meal weight loss programs don't provide you with any information on how to prepare and eat healthy meals on your own, Jenny Craig offers support that educates you on healthy cooking and eating.
See the Official Jenny Craig Web Site

Other Slideshows About Jenny Craig
7 Weight Loss Plans Fit for Fall
The Cost of Losing 20 Pounds
Jenny Craig on Facebook
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Jenny Craig on IMDB
Jenny Craig Good Morning America Statement
Jenny Craig at Wikipedia
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User Feedback
(Page 1 of 8, 141 total comments)Dianne Mancey
I have been with JC for six months. I love the food and am having great results. My only concern is I have developed kidney disease and was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. Maybe total unrelated and just a coincident.
posted Oct 1st, 2019 5:32 amTrina Dungan
I have been doing the Jenny Craig diet for about 6 weeks and have lost close to 15 lbs. I like the diet but in the last few days I have had the worst feeling in my upper stomach area and it is unbearable! I even called EMS to come to my house thinking I was having a heart attack. Someone in a previous post had mentioned they had a bad stomach ache. I wondered if anybody else has had similar issues. I don't know if it's the diet or not but I need to know if it's related so if anyone else has had this issue, can you please respond? Thank you
posted Nov 15th, 2018 7:29 pmDeborah
When I went to my first consultation the consultant told me their food was made mostly with good clean ingredients and no chemicals, much better than frozen food in the groceriy stores. So I believed her and got my first week of food. When I looked at the ingredients at home most of the food contained Soy, plus not much real food. I am not supposed to eat soy because I’ve had cancer. I called and asked for a refund of my money. In total I talked to four different people in customer service. Each promised they would bump it up to a center manager and would get back with an answer. Needless to say, I have not received any answer. I am out $150 dollars for food I cannot eat.
posted Oct 28th, 2018 1:59 pmBETTY JO HOWE
I want to knok if JG has a diabetes plan every time I click on it it takes me to nutrasystem I don't like them do you or do you not have a diabetes plan
posted Sep 18th, 2018 9:59 pmChristine M
I've been on JC for 6 months and have lost about 47 lbs. and counting. I'm 67 years old and thought that I would be fat the rest of my life, but this diet has worked great for me. I'm on the 1200 calorie plan and have been losing consistently without hunger. The food is very good and I think their food is the best of any program. It is a little expensive, but well worth it. Staff has been great and I'm at a weight that I never thought I'd be again.
I have been on Jenny Craig for 6 months and I absolutely love it. The food is very good. I need structure to stay on track and the planned menus provide this. I have a great counselor who is very supportive. So far, I have lost 45 pounds and plan to lose at least 25 more. I feel great! The doctor took me off my blood pressure medicine and I am no longer close to being pre-diabetic.
posted Aug 9th, 2018 5:08 pmmary
I am happy with the food, but get terrible gas pains shortly after eating the food. I'm not sure I will be able to continue because of that.
posted Jun 27th, 2018 7:32 amBeverly Hayes
I lost about 10 lbs, going from 159 to 149 in about 4 weeks. I wanted to go back and purchase some of their food, but they said I couldn't do that unless I signed up again for 50.00 dollars. The food is so expensive as it is. I just want to buy the food and the shakes. They told me no. I'm very dissappointed and I am not going back.
posted Jun 20th, 2018 12:18 pmChristine Ziegler
I went to Jenny Craig several years ago when I saw a commerical for 30 days free. The consultant told me the 30 days for free is for people who only need to lose 10 pounds. I was then signed up for a lifetime membership that cost $300. After a couple of weeks, I had to stop going because i couldn’t afford the cuisine. A week ago I went back and wanted to elimate the snacks and do the cuisine for five days and two days on my own in order to keep the costs down. I was told they don’t do that anymore. We went over the menu, and i wanted to make some changes because I don’t eat red meat. The consultant went over the menu and some changes were supposedly made. When I got the cuisine most the changes hadn’t been done, and i have some food that i don’t want. I was also charged another $50 to come back even though I bought a lifetime membership several years. It’s too bad that sone of Jenny Craig’s business practices, bait and switch, are dishonest. The food is good, and it does work for those who can afford it.
posted Jun 8th, 2018 7:22 pmShirley
I find that the meat in the meals is of very poor quality, similar to the cheapest frozen dinner, and get very little meat with any single meal with exception of the burgers. The change made to the meals now, compared to what the meals were like 5 yrs ago is very significant and all of change is for the worst. Will finish prepaid plan, but will never use again.
posted Apr 3rd, 2018 7:00 pmKonnie
I've been on JC for three months and have lost about 34 lbs. and counting. I'm 65 years old and thought that I would be fat the rest of my life, but this diet has worked great for me. I'm on the 1200 calorie plan and have been losing consistently without hunger. The food is very good. I tried South Beach delivered to my home and the food was unfit for human consumption and they refused to tefund my money. I tried nutrisystem, but FedEx refused to bring the food up my stairs. Nutrisystem did refund my money. I was trying to get out of going to an office once a week, but decided I'd try JC again, as I had tried them before and I think their food is the best of any program. It is expensive, but I also did not buy the shakes, vegetable side dishes or salad dressing after the first week, which lowered the cost somewhat. Staff has been great and I'm at a weight that I never thought I'd be again.
posted Mar 23rd, 2018 6:30 pmAngela Luby
I was on Jenny from June,2011 to July, 2017 when I moved out of state. I had tremendous success with a 40lb weight loss and wad on maintenance. I moved back a month ago,. I put some weight back on so what I thought went happily back to Jenny. I have never been so disappointed! The food has gone waaaaay downhill and I am told what to eat everyday whether I want it or not. They claim the results are better but I believe the are setting me up for failure. I use to eat what ever Jenny meal I had a taste for but now whether you want that meal or not you have to eat it. If the food was good like before maybe it wouldn't be so bad eating what you are told even if you don't want it but the food is awful! I honestly don't know how long I can stay on it this time. I am checking into alternate programs.
posted Mar 8th, 2018 1:31 pmTanya
Sometimes I just have to be told what to do and follow the directions. When I'm out of control with my eating then I'll go on JC to get back on track. JC is not meant to be a long term diet for me. JC is a wake up call telling me to chill out with my portions and get the weight off because I obviously can't do it on my own.
posted Feb 19th, 2018 5:23 pmMitch
Food is expensive but very healthy and good!! Fast food is cheap but very unhealthy. If you can afford it, do it!!
posted Feb 19th, 2018 9:47 amgalsal
I've been on JC for awhile and have lost 50 plus pounds. I have a wonderful counselor who has been very encouraging. However, I'm questioning (somewhat late in the game) what the actual content of the foods may be. Example: Turkey and wild rice entree has, according to the box, 15 grams of protein. I separated out the turkey and there was one ounce which translates to 5 gms of protein. Nothing else on the label contains any significant protein so where does the rest come from? The same was true of the turkey/mashed potatoe dinner. Anyone know?
posted Jan 10th, 2018 6:59 pmJen
These guys won’t leave you alone. Constant calls and BS mail. Save your sanity and look to a different diet plan.
posted Jan 3rd, 2018 7:20 pmJohn cahill
I have been on this diet for 5 months now. I have lost 54 lbs working great for me
posted Dec 29th, 2017 5:54 amSusan
This article is very, VERY unfair. Jenny Craig consistently is rated number one by the AMA and other organizations, and I have been on and off of Jenny for over 30 years. She started in Australia, and I lived there at that time. I came back to the states and continued to go to Jenny when I needed to drop some weight. The food is delicious, is of high quality, and yes, the food IS expensive. But people don't put on weight without spending money. Trust me, your dinners out, or fast food, your cravings, and you KNOW you still have that gym membership and you are not even using that, so that also costs money. It is a great plan.
posted Nov 13th, 2017 5:16 pmbarbara Wilson
This is my third time around with Jenny. Craig. Smaller portions. Quality is not there in several dinner and main meals. Also still no prices on what each item cost. Am disappointed in what has happened to their company. Will not go back.
posted Oct 11th, 2017 5:49 pmDebbie Klein
posted Oct 10th, 2017 12:12 pmI am having feeling full stomach aches lately especially today which caused me to stay home from work. My friend said the Jenny Craig diet could be doing it. I hope not because I am happy with it. Did anyone have that problem and was told that by a doctor. Thanks