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Macrobiotic Diet

Macrobiotic Diet

Learn about the yin and yang of healthy eating.

Top Rated Diet Shakes of 2025
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With a macrobiotic diet, you'll eat wholly natural foods, free of the man-made, processed additives that fill your body with toxins. A macrobiotic diet balances the foods you eat to work in tandem with your body, not against it; the idea of yin and yang. Dating back to 1920s Japan, macrobiotic diets are popular amongst those living an holistic lifestyle. As with most alternative methods, a macrobiotic diet has yet to have any scientific research to back its claims.

Do You Know the Best Diet Shakes of 2025?

  • Promotes all natural toxin-free foods
  • Low in fat and high in fiber
  • Diet promotes large portions of vegetables
  • Deserts are allowed in moderation
  • Organic food is more expensive
  • Fish and seafood are the only meats allowed
  • Program can be difficult for those that are used to more traditional eating choices
  • Diet may be too restrictive for many

The philosophy of yin and yang are the center of a macrobiotic diet. Foods that fall under yin are cold, sweet and passive; yang are hot, salty and aggressive. Any food that falls on the far end of each side of this spectrum are to be strictly limited, or you risk throwing your diet into imbalance. More neutral fare is what you're seeking. Cookies, ice cream, potato chips, coffee, additives, citrus and hot sauce are out.

Remember, a macrobiotic diet will really bring you in touch with food straight from the Earth as it was intended. Your diet will be rich in whole grains with a significant portion of your daily food source being barley. You'll also start spending a lot of time in your produce section as you'll eat plenty of vegetables, which should be about a third of your daily food source. You'll need to identify markets selling organic, locally grown produce. Soy and beans will make for about 10 percent of your diet. A few times each week, you can enjoy fish. You'll be nearly limited to drinking only filtered water.


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A macrobiotic will command serious dedication and a complete overhaul of your way of life - if you're not already prescribing to a holistic lifestyle. You'll be faced with a variety of excluded foods and beverages, and be restricted for the way in which you purchase and prepare food. A macrobiotic diet can also prove costly, which is why a lot of followers grow a lot of their own herbs and vegetables.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Macrobotic Diet, Macrobiotic Deit, Macro Diet, Macro Deit

How Does Macrobiotic Diet Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Good Taste
  • Macrobiotic Diet
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Well, I wasn't sure about this diet until I read the feedback. Cancer is consuming our lives, why not eat this way and get back to nature.

posted Aug 12th, 2009 9:25 pm

Meg Wloff

This diet saved my life! I was diagnosed with advanced breast camncer and no hope. Nine year later I am alive and cancer-free. Thanks for writing about it, you have it correct. Sincerely, Meg Wolff


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