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McDonalds Diet

McDonalds Diet

Someone decides to lose weight only eating McDonald's meals.

Top Rated Diet Shakes of 2025
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No, you don't need to have your eyes examined. This really is called the McDonald's Diet, named for the fast-food giant who put french fries and cheeseburgers on the international map. The diet did not come out of one of their test kitchens, but rather the mind of Merab Morgan of North Carolina.

Restricting herself to only 1,400 calories/day, her plan was to eat at Mickey D's three times every day. Over the course of her three-month diet, Morgan lost a little more than 30 pounds.

Do You Know the Best Diet Shakes of 2025?

  • Shows you that in moderation, anything is possible
  • Sheds a positive light on McDonald's image
  • Eating McDonald's every day
  • Expensive
  • Regular diet of fast food proven to have detrimental health effects

You're probably asking what someone eats on a McDonald's Diet for only 1,400 calories/day. Especially when you consider this - one meal including a Quarter Pounder with cheese, medium fries, medium Coke and an apple pie is a whopping 1,240 calories!

Morgan's diet included a sausage burrito and medium Diet Coke (300 calories, all from the burrito) for breakfast. The rest of the time it was cheeseburgers (300 calories each) and salads (a Southwest Salad with Grilled Chicken has 320 calories).

Morgan's McDonald's Diet was certainly not the first. A New Hampshire woman gave herself a 2,000 calorie McDonald's diet and lost more than 35 pounds. Guinness Book of World Records features Don Gorske, the famed gentleman who has eaten well beyond 19,000 Big Macs since the early '70s. Don's a slender 6', 180 pounds.

However, let's not forget Morgan Spurlock who filmed a 2004 documentary following him on his 30-day, McDonald's-only adventure. We watched his belly expand and health climb to dangerously high blood pressure, cholesterol and other life-threatening illnesses.


No guidance provided or suggested.


While limiting yourself to a healthy daily caloric intake is advisable, you would be strongly encouraged to speak with your doctor before pursuing a McDonald's Diet. Then be prepared for a scolding.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Macdonalds, Mcdnalds, Mcdees, Mcd's

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  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
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I've been on this diet for a couple of months and I've lost 20 pounds so far, that being said, I keep the regular diet which I would normally eat, such as a quarter pounder with cheese, add Mac sauce and lettuce, or a big Mac, or a double cheeseburger, add Mac sauce add lettuce, and a large coke, no fries.

On another note, I'm more concerned by all the people drinking diet pop an decaf coffee with this diet. Diet pop has aspartame and aspartame turns in to formaldehyde when your body processes it. Also, decaffinated coffee beans are apparently dipped in paint thinner to make them decafinated,

posted Jan 25th, 2012 4:56 am



Wow.....it's been six or seven years and this is still being talked about? It just goes to show what can happen when you make a bet on a construction site. How do you make national news without being arrested?

posted Jan 19th, 2012 8:20 am


I another question????
what happened to your breakfeast sandwich??
the one with canadian bacon,
'cheese and egg .....I didn't care for the new bread at all.

posted Dec 14th, 2011 12:37 am


why don't you make some of your great coffee drinks with decaf?
so many of us would really like have cappicino ....but are not suppose to have caffine....for medical reasons....

posted Dec 14th, 2011 12:27 am



I lost 50LBs on the diet. IT IS NOT BAD FOR YOU. You can have an egg muffin in the morning (NOT THE SAUSAGE) You get a GRILLED Chicken Salad for Lunch and eat a healthy dinner at home or if you're in a hurry eat another salad.

It really is not much different from just eating healthy anywhere else (home) but for people that don't have the time like busy professionals it's a great to know that you can eat healthy even at McDonalds or most restaurants for that matter if you order the right stuff and have portion control (don't eat everything on your plate just because it's there)

posted Oct 3rd, 2011 11:18 am


For all of you screaming "Watch Super Size Me!", you need to watch "Fat Head". It has some very good points that blow Morgan Spurlock's movie out of the water. I've just started the McDonnald's Diet, and... I'm lovin it!

posted Mar 16th, 2011 11:25 pm


I actually went on a McDonald's diet in 2004 and it worked quiet well. I wouldn't say it's the healthiest but who cares as long as you are losing weight. In the morning I had a dunkin donuts Coffee Roll (which is larger than a standard donut), then for lunch I had from McD's: Double Cheeseburger(440 calories), McChicken(360 calories, 4 PC nuggets (170 calories). The key was the last food consumed was by 4 PM. I figured I was getting a good amount of protein (50+ grams) so my muscle mass wouldn't break down because of starvation. Diet soda and water were the only thing I drank. So I slept hungry. I shed weight real fast, it was great.

posted Mar 3rd, 2011 2:11 pm

sara anderson

The mcd's diet sounds preTty terrible if you ask me. YOU MAY lose weight but with major health risks DIABETES, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE AND CHOLESTEROL AND EVEN DEATH! If you want to destroy your body, say hello to mcd's but if u r like me hv the occasional burger - do not live on burgers! Are you out of your minder. No wonder America is the fattests nation!

posted Feb 14th, 2011 5:01 pm

nolan firlotte



posted Jan 17th, 2011 8:19 pm

Jay Turberville

Wow - it's been over nine months and I'm still eating a cheap moderately low calorie McDonalds lunch every day. McDouble, side salad (I like the Italian dressing) and a parfait is now my mainstay. Meat, bread, dairy, leafy greens and a little bit of fruit. Three bucks!!

And for those that think eating hamburgers leads to clogged arteries, do some research. That is a contentious topic among researchers.

posted Jan 12th, 2011 1:28 am


You may look thinner after this diet but how will your clogged arteries look??????...... We all know that you do not have to be over weight to have clogged arteries.....

posted Jan 2nd, 2011 6:59 am


Watch the movie Super Size Me

posted Oct 4th, 2010 7:01 pm

Jay Turberville


I love the negativity about this. A carefully chosen diet of McDonald's food is almost certainly better for you than the average American's diet. And it need not be expensive either. I've been doing my lunches at Mickey D's for about six weeks now and have dropped about 10 pounds (172 to 162 @ 5'10"). I eat exclusively from the dollar menu and spend $2-$3 per meal. McDouble, Grilled Spicy Chicken, side salad & Fruit & Walnut salads are my mainstays. I haven't modified my other eating habits except to be a bit more careful about portions sizes.

The end reference to "Super Size Me" and that fellows resulting health concerns is quite irrelevant to the topic. Everyone knows you can eat poorly at McDonalds - or at your local grocery or health food store.

posted Mar 26th, 2010 3:47 pm




posted Feb 8th, 2010 3:36 pm



Fast food is terrible for you, ive been running since I was in 3rd grade, and now am a sophmore in highschool, im 6' 120 pounds, my point: RUN AND EXCERCISE youll be in way better shape than slammin down a big mac 3 times a day, eat fruits

posted Oct 24th, 2009 5:55 pm

Robert Hill

mcdonalds di9et is the best i lost 10 pounds in 6 days

posted Sep 18th, 2009 11:39 am

Robert Hill


best diet in the universe

posted Sep 18th, 2009 11:33 am


This is stupid as hell. You'll lose weight on ANY diet restricting the amount of calories you consume. I could eat cake and ice cream, but as long as I'm at a calorie deficit, I'll lose the weight. It'll be unhealthy as hell, expensive, and you'll get sick of it fast, but as long as you're consuming less calories than you're burning, then you will lose weight.

posted Aug 17th, 2009 2:56 pm


People. Come think. Mcdonalds is no different then your grocery store. You can waddle your big but to the grocery store and buy a package of hamburger, a package of cheese and a bag of hamburger buns. And you can go to Mcdonalds and eat fruits, vegtables. And they get it from the same suppliers as the grocery stores. I am a Restaurant manager there. I know. Its your choice what you eat. When you go into your Mcdonalds, look at how many restaurant manager are in shape. Thats because were are able to make intelligent choice. And guess what? We can eat Mcdonalds for free, EVERYDAY!

posted Jul 27th, 2009 9:16 pm



I tried the Mc's diet for 3 months and lost 41 pounds. I know I probably could have lost more weight going to the store and buying green food, but some people dont like that. If you going to eat at Mc's anyway, might as well make better food choices there and loose the weight at the same time.

posted Mar 24th, 2009 6:02 am


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