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Updated 1/2009, no longer in business.
The My New Form meal delivery program promises to give you just that, a new form, with its own line of meals and snacks that are delivered right to your mailbox each week. Each week, you’ll receive 7 days worth of food that promises to keep you satisfied and free your mind and time from thinking about and preparing your meals.
You are supposed to lose about 1-2 pounds each week while eating the meals from the My New Form eating plan. You select among the 1,000, 1,200, or 1,600-calorie meal plans. Each one includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack. You can also purchase just a dinners-only meal plan which gives you seven dinners each week.
You are also encouraged to track your progress on their online weight loss calculator and chart. The My New Form meals are designed using the USDA recommended food pyramid guidelines.
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- My New Form program is a convenient way to eat healthy
- Takes the guesswork out of measuring, preparing and thinking about what you are going to eat
- Delivered fresh and chilled
- Appears to have gone out of business
- Hard to dine out while on the My New Form program
- Does not teach you how to prepare your own meals
- Vegetarian options are limited
- Some meal plans are very low in calories
The My New Form meal plan does not outline a specific exercise plan for you. But they do mention that any successful weight loss plan includes a consistent exercise program.
The My New Form meals are shipped to you each week. They are either fresh and require refrigeration or are shipped frozen and need to be kept frozen until they are to be consumed. Sample menus include hotcakes with syrup, minestrone soup, cheese cannelloni, sandwiches and salads. If you are a vegetarian, it is recommended that you contact the company so that you can pre-select certain foods that are within your eating plan.
In addition to the meals, you will also receive a snack and a piece of fruit. The fruit though is only included in the 1,200 and 1,600 meal plans.
The convenience and ease of having your meals delivered to you each week is one way to lose weight. The My New Form meal program doesn’t promise you any quick fixes or force you to consume any diet-related products while adhering to their food plan. Their low calorie eating plans will result in weight loss as long as you stick to just eating your daily allotment of food and get in some quality exercise each day.
If you're someone who hates to measure the ounces of your chicken breast and tally up your calories on your cell phone calculator, then at-home meal programs like the My New Form program might be a good temporary solution for you to meet your weight loss goals. Just beware that you’ll have to reeducate yourself on how to eat and how much to eat once you are no longer on the program.
My Knew Form, My New From, My New Form Diet, MyNewForm
My New Form
User Feedback
(Page 1 of 1, 2 total comments)linda
It does not work good enough for the price. I would say it helps 50% but no miracle product.
posted Sep 1st, 2008 8:32 amChrysti
I heard about a new diet tablet called FORM. Does it work?
posted Aug 11th, 2008 11:36 am