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Negative Calorie Diet

Negative Calorie Diet Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

Some foods make your body burn more calories, leaving you with a negative balance.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
What is it?

The Negative Calorie Diet is a weight loss diet that claims eating certain foods can help burn fat and increase metabolism. The recommended food options are also said to reduce hunger and you’re able to eat as much of them as you’d like.

The diet beings with 10 day cleanse which is then supported by a 20 day meal plan. All the information is available from the official book which also features over 75 recipes, a grocery list, dining tips, and a FAQ section. Our review experts analyze several forms of weight loss diets and they’ve found that the 18Shake Diet is the most effective. It’s a combination of a fat burning diet pill and an appetite suppressing meal replacement. They can help maximize weight loss using only natural ingredients. For more information about the 18Shake Diet, click on the link here.

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Negative Calorie Diet Ingredients and Side Effects

The diet does not require one to count calories, but to instead eat unlimited amounts of specific whole foods. These negative calorie foods are said to be available in unlimited amounts, and it’s claimed to be impossible to gain weight from these foods.

The 10 negative calorie foods that are unlimited include:

• Almonds, berries, apples, citrus fruits, celery, leafy greens, cucumbers, cruciferous vegetables, nightshade vegetables, and mushrooms.  

These are healthy foods, but there’s no evidence to prove that eating unlimited amounts of these foods will not result in weight gain. This is particularly an issue with almonds which can be very fattening.

This odd recommendation also shows the fact that the diet does not use legitimate science. There is no such thing as a food that has zero calories. Eating these foods in unlimited quantities may lead to overindulgence and weight gain. It can also make it hard for people to learn proper eating habits, as it suggests the idea that unlimited quantities is healthy.

For a list of the highest rated weight loss diets, click the link cited here.

The detox portion calls for:

3 smoothies and a meal a day. The smoothies are said to contain quality ingredients that are low in calories and satisfying. Recipes are featured and there is variety in each of the smoothies.

You also have to drink a total of 2 liters of water a day. This may lead to an electrolyte imbalance which is potentially harmful. An average of 2 liters per person is also not based in science as people have different needs.

This may potentially cause serious side effects such as:

       • Headaches, nausea, and weakness.

       • Irregular heartbeat, convulsions, and seizure.

       • Abdominal pain, cramping, and diarrhea.

       • Constipation, hyperthyroidism, and death.

       • Hormonal issues, muscle pain, and loose stools.

       • Vomiting, increased sweating, and high fever.

As you’ll see in the “Customer Opinions of Negative Calorie Diet”, there was even a case of severe side effects caused by an electrolyte imbalance.

The fact that this diet makes a general statement for how much water to drink showcases the fact that the author is not aware that everyone has unique demands. Suggesting just one quality is potentially dangerous. Web MD advises:

“try to drink between half an ounce and an ounce of water for each pound you weight”

The Negative Calorie Diet instead offers a strict recommendation which has led to hospitalization for some users.

The author has also been quoted as saying:

“You don’t have to count your calories, you don’t have to keep track of them anymore”

While this can be used by some, certain users who have difficulty control their hunger might find it hard to not overeat.

Our review experts have crafted a list of the top ranked weight loss diets.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this diet with a proven meal replacement such as 18 Shake for better results.

Negative Calorie Diet Quality of Ingredients

The diet advises people to eat unlimited amounts of certain whole foods. While these foods are healthy, there’s no evidence to prove you can eat as much as you’d like without experiencing weight gain.

There’s also a fasting period which may be difficult to sustain. The Mayo Clinic has also reviewed the claims of foods providing zero calories by stating:

“there are no reputable scientific studies to prove that certain foods have this effect”

Due to a lack of proof it makes this a very poor diet. You can still gain weight on these foods and there are other claims made not supported by any evidence. Discover which weight loss diets were rated as the best by visiting this link.

The Price and Quality of Negative Calorie Diet

Pricing for the book is currently $17.07 on Amazon.com. The overall price of this diet can be high due to the suggestions of eating organic and difficult to find ingredients.

You also have to partake in the detox formula which has been shown to be potentially harmful.

There is a lot of effort into making the meals due to the many ingredients and the cooking methods. You’d also have to stock up your fridge with the several whole foods recommended.

The claimed 10 pounds in 10 days of weight loss may also be unhealthy and not long lasting. The nutrition consultant Dr. Mike Rousell has this to say:

“Losing 10 pounds in one week usually creeps back on right away… best way to lost weight is losing 10 pounds in one month”

Due to this and other issues related to a lack of proof, it makes this a poor quality diet. There’s a possibility for you to regain any weight lost while on this diet. No evidence is provided to help show how losing this much weight in a short amount of time is healthy and long lasting.

Business of Negative Calorie Diet

The creator of this diet is Rocco DiSpirito, a celebrity chef and author of many weight loss diets. Though he has background in culinary arts, he is not certified to give weight loss or nutritional advice.

The author has no degree to in any field that can be translated to weight loss advice. This is why it’s alarming that he makes claims about needing to detox and drink certain amounts of water a day. In following this type of information there’s a possibility for extreme side effects.

He has also been on certain talk shows and has promoted his diet to shows like The View and Fox News. All the information is featured on the Negative Calorie Diet official book.

EDITOR’S TIP: The top 10 list of the best diets is available here.

Customer Opinions of Negative Calorie Diet

Here are some select reviews from online users:

“My mother is currently in the hospital after trying this diet. She had severe electrolyte imbalances which lead to seizure”

“Too many unusual and hard to find ingredients are recommended”

“The author parrots all the fancy food facts – eating gluten free, gmo free, and all these other claims with no evidence or sound logic”

“The book is absurd. Just don’t read it. I can’t believe anyone would pay for this pseudoscience twaddle”

While some people did enjoy the recipes featured, there were also complaints about there being many unproven claims made.

People added how especially during the detox phase that they experienced unwanted side effects. This included nausea, headaches, insomnia, loss of energy, and ill feelings. The most serious being a woman who was hospitalized and experienced seizures related to an electrolyte imbalance.

A common complaint was due to the fact that many scientific sounding claims are made without any evidence. Some didn’t believe the diets claims and added how it’s potentially dangerous. To learn about which weight loss diets were rated as the best, click on the link here.

Another issue was due to the amount of time and effort that is required to follow the recipes. While these are optional, it’s important to have access to satisfying meals that are easy to make in order for a diet to be made usable.  

Conclusion - Does Negative Calorie Diet Work?

The Negative Calorie Diet makes many claims which sound scientific but that are not supported by any evidence. It does suggest many natural and healthy whole foods which are good, but it also claims you can eat unlimited quantities without gaining weight. Many users have left negative reviews saying that it is expensive, lead to side effects, and that it did not help with weight loss. Some even had serious health complications due to the fact that the creator makes claims about detoxing which are not suitable for everyone.

In reviewing many weight loss diets our review experts have found that the 18Shake Diet is the most effective. It combines a fat burning diet pill and an appetite suppressing meal replacement. Both are made with natural ingredients without stimulants, fillers, binders, preservatives, or any artificial additives. It’s also certified with a GMP stamp of approval to ensure that what you’re taking is inspected in a clean and safe facility.

Customers have left positive reviews and glowing testimonials. Users mention how they’ve lost significant amounts of weight with ease. Learn more information about the 18Shake Diet by clicking the link here.

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Post menopausal. Foot injury caused me to stop running, put on 30 lbs. in one year, scale kept creeping up. I tried many things that worked in the past with no weight loss. I am on day 9 of the cleanse, I have weighed myself all week. I'm down 6 lbs. the first day was difficult, but the second day I felt calm and satisfied. I have good energy, sleeping well. The fresh food tastes amazing. I love the variation of flavors. Quick to prepare, tasty! He says you can eat all you want, because you will not over eat these foods. And eating all "your body wants". I found that to be very true. I am completely satisfied with a 200 cal. Shake when some foods I can eat 1500 and still want more. It is working I feel great.

posted Dec 5th, 2016 6:08 am

bob edwards


meat is protein. protein builds/sustains
muscle. Eliminating meat eliminates protein. Could the weight loss from this
diet be muscle loss? there is no (complete) protein in fruits or veggies.

posted Aug 16th, 2010 8:22 pm



I think this diet is amazing. I started today but will be eating 1 egg and 1 glass of milk every day in addition to the diet so it isn't as unhealthy.

posted Apr 24th, 2010 8:27 am



I was on this diet for a while and absoluetely loved it I lost around 25 lbs, Unfortunatly the college lifestyle makes it tricky to get a hold of fruits and veggies for quick meals.

posted Sep 18th, 2009 6:50 pm



I lost weight and gain back very quick , it's good for near occasions

posted Aug 2nd, 2009 5:38 am



I only eat fruit and veg anyways so losing weight with it is a plus!

posted May 2nd, 2009 4:42 pm



i tried the negative calorie diet eating only fruits and vegetables that were permitted and excercised daily. The results I received were awesome! I've lost 12 lbs already.

posted Mar 31st, 2009 8:05 pm



Neil Barnard is hugely recognized in the field of health and wellness and with his book I have found new ways of bringing health and nutrition back into my diet without sacrificing a whole lot. For a one time price I feel I have gotten good information to pass to my family!

posted Oct 4th, 2008 11:57 pm



I went to the library to pick up the book that corresponds to this diet and found that the diet changes totally made sense. For only a fraction of the cost of most diets i got some good information and am a huge fan of Neil Barnard

posted Oct 4th, 2008 11:55 pm



I am a meat-eater so the fact that this diet requires you to limit or eliminate the amount of meat you eat is not ok with me. I'll find a diet elsewhere that is more flexible

posted Oct 4th, 2008 11:52 pm


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BACKGROUNDBACKGROUND Start the Diet Now Advertisement

Can you really get a positive from a negative? More specifically, is there such a thing as negative calorie foods? The Negative Calorie Diet is centered on the idea that certain foods create a negative calorie effect. What happens is that certain foods require your body to burn more calories than the food actually has itself. This isn't an approach without debate. Critics spurn the idea of foods being called "negative calorie" and that there is a need for positive caloric foods for your body's energy needs. They also say, rightly, that there is no scientific evidence to back most of these assertions.

Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?

  • The Negative Calorie Diet promotes consumption of vitamin- and nutrient-rich foods
  • The Negative Calorie Diet is more a theory than one focused plan with one particular website or "inventor" backing it
  • It lacks scientific support

You will concentrate on plant-based foods such as celery, green cabbage, asparagus, watermelon, pineapple, grapefruit, and papaya.


The book, Foods That Cause You to Lose Weight: The Negative Calorie Effect by Neil Barnard talks about some of the benefits of exercise, including appetite control, but mostly centers around the diet.


Foods that are high in fiber are a very important part of a healthy diet. But that doesn't mean you need to exclude other nutrient-rich foods. It doesn't look favorably at meat-eating, which in moderation is perfectly fine. In general, it seems a bit too restrictive to be recommended above other much more open-minded diet routines.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

negotive calorie diet, neg cal diet, negative colorie diet, negative calorie deit

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