What is it?
Perfect Portionsis a container claiming to offer weight loss via its dividers made to help dieters control their food portions easier. It’s an “As Seen On TV” product, and it separatesmacronutrients and different food groups via colors.
It boasts users won’t have to calorie count, instead one finishes their containers and that is considered a full day’s meal.The containers are also microwave safe. The claimed benefits include fast weight loss and ease of preparing your meals. There’s also a meal plan and recipe guide offered alongside the containers. Our experts have reviewed many different weight loss diets and the most effective was the 18Shake Diet. It combines a potent appetite suppressing meal replacement shake and a fat burning diet pill. Both are made up of natural ingredients and are free of artificial additives, colors, stimulants, binders, or fillers. To learn more about why it was rated the best diet plan, click the link here.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
Perfect Portions Ingredients and Side Effects

Perfect Portions comes in a 14 piece set offering the following color coated containers:
• Fruits 1 cup in red.
• Vegetables 1 cup in green.
• Proteins ¾ of a cup in purple.
• Healthy Fats 1/3 of a cup in blue.
• Carbs ½ of a cup in yellow.
• Seeds and Dressings 2 tablespoons in yellow and clear.
They claim a guarantee is offered for weight loss and less inches around the waist in 3 weeks. The intended result is to make sure one stops eating as soon as they run out of food inside the containers. So you add your food for the day and finish all the containers which have exact amounts of each kind of foods.
There are portions for each types of foods allowed. The containers are also microwave safe and free of BPA, a potentially harmful plastic which can promote estrogen.
A meal planning book and recipe guide are offered, but without being able to see it, it’s impossible to determine the overall quality. The main selling point of Perfect Portions is the containers themselves however.
There is no explanation why this would be a better solution than just buying one’s own containers for food storage. Several other brands offer the similar kind of portion sizes and storage capabilities. There is a claim however that:
“No more counting calories”
This is still necessary as depending on how a food is prepared and what it is can make a difference on the overall calorie count.
A major issue also exists in the one size fits all approach to dieting. Depending on one’s height, activity level, gender, and dietary needs, the specific portions offered may not be enough to provide sufficientcalories, nutrients, and weight loss support. The list of the highest rated diet plans can be seen in the link provided here.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this diet with a proven meal replacement such as 18 Shake for better results.
Perfect Portions Quality of Ingredients
The kinds of foods one eats will determine the overall quality. Since these containers do come with a meal and recipe guide, this plays a major role in the nutritional yield. There’s no explanation offered as to how these guides were created, or if they offer wholesome foods.
A big issue with Perfect Portions is that not everyone has the same caloric demands. There are very specific portions offered which isn’t a guaranteed way for people to meet their dietary needs. This can lead to hunger, lack of vitamins and minerals, and other issues.
The Mayo Clinic also adds:
“you don’t need to memorize a food list or carry around measuring cups”
“Instead, use common visual cues to remind yourself of appropriate serving sizes
This is a free approach to determining portion sizes once one determines how much food they need to eat to either maintain or to promote weight loss. There is no need to have to purchase containers like this, since the main benefit is to determine portion sizes which can be already done with visualization.
There is also nothing unique in these containers that can’t be found in other similar meal prepping products. Several other brands offer plastic free of BPA which is microwave safe.For a comprehensive list of the best diets for weight loss, follow the link here.
The Price and Quality of Perfect Portions
Direct sales are offered from the official website for $10 and a $6.99 shipping and handling fee which means one will pay $16.99 for 7 different containers.
It’s unknown if the recipe guide and meal planning booklet are useful. The idea behind this container is to provide easy access meal prep. This can be done on one’s own without having to buy this specific brand. There’s nothing unique about this other than it being color coded and labeled.
There have been some complaints by users as you’ll see in the “Customer Opinions of Perfect Portions” section about the labels rubbing off quickly. Many complaints come from people who felt that it wasn’t actually useful since it does not last long. It forced users to have to remember exactly what portion size amounted to each specific color.
Click on the link here to see a list of the highest rated diet plans for weight loss.
Business of Perfect Portions
The company is also known as Perfect Portion. Their official website lists contact information as:
Phone Number: (844) 255-8702
Email: [email protected]
There’s an official video that the company uses to promote this product. For unknown reasons the video says they guarantee weight loss and inches of one’s waist in three weeks, but the official website states:
“May see results in just 3 weeks… Could lose pounds & inches without fasting”
This also comes with a disclaimer that results may vary. This differs a lot from the video and makes it appear that they are not telling the truth about the weight loss results.
The company does offer a 30 day money back guarantee, but they fail to explain if this is allowed for any reason. The shipping and handling is also not covered, and since it’s so high at $6.99, it almost matches the entire cost of the product itself. This makes it so customers have to pay a significant amount in comparison to the product if they are allowed a return.
The comprehensive list of the highest ranked diet plans for weight loss is available in the link here.
EDITOR’S TIP: The top 10 list of the best diets is available here.
Customer Opinions of Perfect Portions
Here are some reviews from online customers:
“the labels which were a big factor in my buying them literally rub off”
“set is nothing to rave about and that it is grossly overpriced”
“they are flimsy, the lids aren’t very tight, and the first time you wash them by hand with soap the labels start to peel off”
“It’s starving yourself which is not at all healthy”
There were several complaints both about a lack of sufficient food to help satisfy appetite, and that the containers themselves aren’t very sturdy.
People often scrubbed off the name of each container which made them have to look at the booklet to see what color coordinates with what food group. Some even added how they peeled off the label with their first wash. People were disappointed to learn that the shelf life of these containers isn’t very long.
Those who were trying to lose weight felt that they had low energy and that the amount of food allowed is not satisfying. Many felt it was overpriced since one can find similar containers elsewhere for cheaper. The only difference is that these containers are labeled, though as mentioned, many noticed it peeled off almost immediately. For a comprehensive listing of the highest rated diet plans, click the link here.
Conclusion - Does Perfect PortionsWork?
Perfect Portions provides labeled containers with different kinds of foods one can add exact serving sizes to. This makes it easier to eat ones foods knowing that there are specific food groups in balanced portions. The issue is that many have complained about the labels rubbing off as soon as they are washed. There is also many other brands offering the same exact style containers for cheaper. There is a meal and recipe guide offered, but it’s unknown if this is quality as they fail to explain what recommendations are offered. It’s also expensive to return as the shipping and handling costs almost as much as containers themselves.
Our experts have rated several different diets for weight loss, and the overall most effective as found to be the 18Shake Diet. It contains a meal replacement that can suppressappetite for hours, and a diet pill that burns fat and raises metabolism. Both have natural ingredients with no added stimulants, binders, colors, artificial additives, or any filler. Customers have also rated them highly in terms of weight loss in official testimonials offered on their website.
The 18Shake Diet is also supported by a full 30 day money back guarantee. Returns are offered for 30 days with no questions asked. Discover more about the 18Shake Diet when you click the link here.
User Feedback
(Page 1 of 2, 22 total comments)Sandra
Hi my name is Sandy and I saw your video on portion controlland i have this program. I am currenty very overweight and have tried everything but to no avail and my health suffers because of it, i just got custody of my grandkids and it is so hard to keep up with them.i struggle everyday with this weight. I currently weigh around 275 and am about 5' 5 and 54 years old.. I really want to try this portion controll idea and i have the containers but i dont have any info on how to use them, no books or charts or anything. I really dont mean to bother u but i am desperate and saw your video. I really want to be around to take care of these kids i am all they have. I will understand if sending u this email may not work but like i said i am desperate. Loosing weight has been one of the biggest struggles i have ever had to deal with and i just keep loosing this battle.
posted May 3rd, 2018 8:52 pmSent from Yahoo Mail on Android
This is an excellent way of watching what you eat. The portions are realistic. I really like that this is a diet that doesn't focus on pre-packaged 'junk'. This is all about fresh ingredients, lean proteins, and portion size. The variety is endless. And hey, I lost 5 lbs. the first week and ate about twice what I normally would.
posted Apr 3rd, 2018 1:53 pmDR K Mawji
Please use your HANDS! to measure your own 'perfect portions'. Please provide your readers with a link to Hand portion guide.
posted Jan 15th, 2018 8:34 amAllison
please purchase the product before writing a review. This review was painful to read it was so inaccurate. You do not eat one of each container and call it a day. Lol
posted Nov 8th, 2017 1:38 pmAlso as far as carbs go, it’s 1/2 cup complex carbs. But the fruits you are eating also have carbs! :)
Phyllis G Stevens
Are these containers the correct portions for people who are pre-diabetic or have full diabetes and are watching the portions they eat, which is stressed in the diabetic classes? Thank you in advance.
posted Jul 22nd, 2017 6:41 amTeresa
The biggest problem is that in the PP food guide there is an error on the red and purple recommended servings. For Example: 1200-1499 calories you should have 4 Protein servings and 2 Fruit servings, but it says 4 "reds" and 2 "purples". If you did that you would be eating 4 fruits and 2 proteins. This is incorrect. It is like they used the food guide colors from the 21 Day Diet, but changed up the colors on this plans containers for fruits and proteins. They need to change it on the food plan too.
posted May 23rd, 2017 1:41 pmSandra
I like the guidance the portion containers give...I tend to carb load and forget fruits and vegetables. With these I find I can't eat the amount of food recommended for my daily caloric goal. I like that they give you the formula for figuring that out.
posted May 2nd, 2017 1:56 pmMy labels haven't washed off.
I was lucky because I got my set for much less than the advertised price due to a clearance sale at a store I frequent. Funny because it was one of the things I was planning on buying.
I'm looking forward to see where this concept takes me.
i just t understand what the tablespoon logo is for in the guide..But as far as portions are concerned its great, Im eating more now than i've ever ate. and losing. lost 11 lbs in two weeks ...good luck. Its not everyone ! No eating plan is. Its personal preference. Important thing is that if it works for you! then awesome! good luck! don't give up there is a perfect plan out there for everyone! :)
posted Apr 29th, 2017 5:10 pmBarbara Welch
Just want to know how many grams of protein per meal or in ounces.
posted Mar 27th, 2017 11:49 amTldavid
This is a great idea but the plan doesn't adjust to bmi, only your weight. I am 6'1" and a little over 210 lbs. It has me eating way too much and I'm pretty sure I did the math right. I can't possibly eat that many cups of fruits and veggies. How can I adjust the meal plan for my height? And also, should sex be a factor? Other plans have a man eating 100 calories more than a woman. Please help if you can, thanks!
posted Feb 24th, 2017 8:22 amLanie
How do you write a review without actually reading the pamphlet to know what you're talking about? If you had actually done a little bit of research, you would know that you don't just eat 1 of each container of food. There is a formula for food and activity label to figure out your portion control by calorie level. Based on that you get multiple amounts of each container, other than fat & carb. The containers are a measurement device. Not necessarily a storage device. Even at 1 container each of fat and carb, you can divide that into smaller portions per meal, or eat in one sitting if you want. This is actually a very realistic way of eating and has a lot of variety. The pamphlet also has a few recipes.
posted Feb 17th, 2017 9:35 amCarolyn
I ordered mine online and did not receive the meal plan and recipe guide booklet in the box. all I want to know is how much to eat in a day from each container.
posted Jan 31st, 2017 4:10 pmLisa
I bought the product. My question is we are always told 1200 for women..when I added everything it says I should eat over 2,000 calories. I
posted Jan 15th, 2017 5:09 pmallison
did you even look into these at all before reviewing them? they offer an entire guide on how to the amountof each container to eat every day, its nto all "eat one of each andlose weight!!".
posted Jan 14th, 2017 7:29 amyoure also expected to fill only with whole simple foods, preparation with things such as OIL would be counted in your HEALTHY FATS container.
dontreview something you dont even know anything about. i mean come on. dont be stupid.
I just purchased the Perfect Portions and cannot wait to start. However - I was looking at the color containers and the orange one (carbs) we only have 1 container (1/2 cup) per day?
posted Dec 13th, 2016 10:02 amElizabeth Angelici
Do you just fill the containers once a day for all your meals?
posted Mar 23rd, 2016 3:58 pmROBERT
posted Feb 2nd, 2009 11:53 amterri
Is this the plate that LA Weight Loss promotes?
posted Jul 15th, 2008 10:09 pmbrenda
I just wanted to say that I purchased this new off ebay for $9. I see they have lots of them. I LOVE it. For me it not only helps me remember my portions (which seem to grow when I'm not being careful) but also helps me balance my meals - keeping me satisfied longer. Before perfect portions I don't think I was eating enough protein and I was hungry all day! I'm on my way to losing weight and I'm already feeling better after just a few days :) Check out ebay to save some money.
posted Mar 3rd, 2008 4:28 pmValkyree
Hello, I was actually one of the first testers of this product, working with the creators to prove it's success. I was also involved in an Informmercial about this product. This product really worked for me. Like the description states..."takes all the guesswork out of portion control. It also includes a cookbook wiht some very good recipes. Try the turkey shepards pie! yum!
posted Feb 26th, 2008 10:10 pm