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SlimQuick Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

Designed specifically with the needs of women in mind.

Top Rated Diet Pills of 2025
What is it?

SlimQuick is a weight loss brand that claims to offer a breakthrough formula for weight loss. This is achieved by green tea extract, which they say shows 3 times more weight loss than a 1,350 calorie diet for women.

The intended benefits include more energy, hormone support, reduced stress and water retention, increased metabolism, and reduced hunger. The website mentions that for women, more support is needed for weight loss than men. Though the company does make a men’s supplement, their main focus is on women’s weight loss. In this review you’ll learn about the quality, overall customer reviews, how effective it truly is for weight loss, and whether or not it can promote safe effects. To see a list of the top 10 diet pills available you can click here.

Do You Know the Best Weight Loss Pills of 2025?

SlimQuick Ingredients and Side Effects




Pyridoxine Hydrochloride

Folic Acid


Calcium Carbonate

Green Tea Extract (95% Polyphenols, 70% Polyphenols, 45% EGCG

Caffeine Anhydrous

BioPure Green Tea


Rhodiola Extract

Chaste Tree Extract

Microcrystalline Cellulose

Croscarmellose Sodium


Hydroxypropryl Cellulose

Titanium Dioxide

Proprylene Glycol

Polyethylene Glycol

Acesulfame Potassium

Stearic Acid

Magnesium Stearate

Silicon Dioxide


Green Tea Extract: Common tea that has antioxidants and caffeine. It’s used for weight loss, though the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health adds:

“There are not enough reliable data to determine ether green tea can aid in weight loss”

There are also concenrs with possible damaging effects:

“There have been some case reports of liver problems on people taking concentrated green tea extracts”

A current lawsuit is ongoing against the use of this ingredient in SlimQuick. One person with liver problems has claimed this ingredient caused irreversible liver issues.

There have been other documented cases of people with organ damage and other side effects from it. This ingredient may also cause other side effects such as:

  • Headaches, migraines, and agitation.
  • Pressure in the chest, swelling, and rapid heart rate.
  • Insomnia, restlessness, and fatigue.
  • Mood swings, irritability, and depression.

Click the link cited here for a comprehensive listing of the top ranked weight loss diet pills.

Caffeine Anhydrous: A central nervous system stimulant that increases energy, provides focus, and raises metabolism. There’ a total of 100 mg of caffeine per serving, which the manufactures recommend to limit oneself to 6 capsules, or 600 mg in 24 hours.

This is equal to the caffeine found in 6 coffee cups. It’s advides to get a maximum of 400 mg of caffeine per day in order to avoid side effects. Possible symptoms may include:

  • Insomnia, restlessness, and fatigue.
  • Headaches, ringing in the ears, and throbbing migraines.
  • Nausea, rapid heart rate, and jitters.
  • Irratibility, mood swings, and anxiety.

Caffeine is not advised for routine use, as it’s benefits are often lost. This requires taking breaks from caffeine, otherwise the only benefit is sleep loss.

Bottles of SlimQuick mention to only take it for 16 week periods in order to prevent possible side effects. It’s likely the reason for this is the caffeine, though they fail to give a reason why cycling is necessary.

Phosphatidylcholine: Soy based chemical extract that is used to help reduce fat.

It can cause side effects that include:

         Stomach issues and diarrhea.

  • sweating.

Web MD also adds:

“safety of long-term use is not known”

Soy is also often GMO unless otherwise stated. In certain people it can also cause unwanted changes in hormones. This may either raise or reduce estrogen.  

Rhodiola Extract: Herb used to help improve brain health and to reduce stress. Examine.com adds:

“some commercial Rhodiola products may be diluted or otherwise adulterated”

There are also issues with a lack of proven positive effects. Web MD confirms:

“none of these effects have been studied in humans”

They also add:

“safety of long-term use is not known. The potential side effects of rhodiola are not known”

There is not enough information about this ingredient to recommend its use.

Chaste Tree Extract: This herb is used for women’s health. It’s meant to regulate hormones and the reproductive ccle.

Possible side effects can include:

  • Weigh gain, headahces, and acne.
  • Nausea, burning, and itchig.
  • Upset stomach, insomnia, and change in menstrual flow.

It is consoiderd a controversial ingredient due to its potential side effects and unproven health benefits.

Acesulfame Potassium: Artifical sweetener that is used due to its lower calories.  A study in the Oxford Journals found that this ingredient affected mice’s preference for sweet foods.

It’s unknown if this would be safe to take, and it’s unknown what other possible side effects may result.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this supplement with a proven fat burner such as Sletrokor for better results.

SlimQuick Quality Of Ingredients

This brand contains caffeine, green tea, vitamins and minereals, a soy chemical etxreact and 2 distinct herbs.

Ingrddints like rhodiola and chaste tree exteact have yet to be proven both safe and effective. The soy chemical may also promote side effects, and it can be replaced with natural foods.

Other ingredients include vitamins and minerals which can be found in whole foods. The added green tea extract is formulated in a way to enhance the amount of antioxidants. The problem with this ingredient is that in its concentrated form, it has shown the possibility for organ damage. It reduces the overall quality of this supplement.

To see which diet pill made it to the top 10 list, you can click here.

The Price and Quality of SlimQuick

No direct sales are offered, but the company website does list multiple 3rd party retailers. Wal-Mart sells a 60 capsule bottle of their regular strength formual for $19.79.  A full serving is 6 capsules; therefore each bottle lasts 10 days. This averages to a daily price of $1.97.

It’s not advised to take SlimQuick for longer than 16 weeks without first getting the advice of a physician. The company also mentions:

“This product contains a chemical known in the State of California to cause cancer, and/or birth defects or other reproductive harm”

It’s unknown what ingredient this might be, and whether or not it’s added in high amounts.

The overall quality of this brand is poor since most of what it offers can be replaced with either whole foods, or cheaper ingredients.  The key active ingredients are caffeine and green tea, both of which can be sourced for much cheaper.  The top 10 diet pills have been ranked in order of most effective and safe, click here for more information.

Business of SlimQuick

The company is owned by SLIMQUICK LABORATORIES, they can be reached below:

Phone Number: (877) 221-7546

Address: 1201 N. Orange Street, Suite 741

                   Wilmington, Delaware 19801

Email: [email protected]

A watchdog group has claimed that the company has made false weight loss claims about their supplements.

They add that even though the company said weight loss was possible by adding a patented ingredient, they failed to mention diet and exercise are needed.

A lawsuit was filed against the company for alleged liver damage caused by SlimQuick:

“ended up being diagnosed with jauncide, grossly elevated liver function tests, and acute hepatitis”

“plaintiff ahead an enlarged liver, according to the lawsuit”

This was according to the PennRecord, a website that tracks legal related issues in Pennsylvania.

There were issues with 2 ingredients:

“singled out as being known “hepatoxins”…camellia sinensis or green tea extract, and Arctostaphylos uva ursi”

The woman is experiencing serious liver problems that continue today. It’s unknown if these listed ingredients may cause these types of side effects. Studies have shown both of the listed ingredients may cause liver related side effects.

EDITOR’S TIP: For the best results, our experts recommend using weight loss pills for at least 3 months. Save your money by buying a few bottles at once.

Customer Opinions of SlimQuick

Here are some reviews from online users:

“Nausea, stomach was upset, very irritated, not worth it”

“Used this for about a week. Made me very jittery, made me nauseous”

“I was shaking, nauseous, unable to sleep”

“It didn’t work for me at all”

The majority of reviews on Amazon.com are negative, with a total of 103 complaints. Many failed to lose any weight at all, and there were issues with severe side effects.

People experienced nausea, heartburn, irritability, mood swings, jitters, insomnia, restlessness, headaches, and many other symptoms.

A few people were also concerned enough that they hospitalized themselves.

Conclusion - Does SlimQuick Work?

Before considering SlimQuick, it’s important to understand what’s inside of it, how customers have rated it, and what it can do. Customers have widely regarded this supplement as both ineffective and possibly unsafe. There’s also common ingredients added to this blend as well as unproven additives. The possibility for green tea extract and caffeine to cause side effects is also concerning. You also are not advised to take this for more than 16 consequence weeks, possibly due to side effects.

A better option for weight loss is seen through the highest rated supplement. The top rated diet pill of 2025 goes by the name of Sletrokor.

Sletrokor is made from a blend of natural plant extracts added to help increase metabolism, reduce appetite, improve mood, and several other benefits. There are many gains to be had from this supplement due to its well-rounded blend of ingredients. Testimonials are also offered from users who have lost weight.

A 30-day money back return is offered on all purchases with no questions asked. To learn more about Sletrokor you can click here.

How Does SLIMQUICK Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Contains No Coffee

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(Page 8 of 15, 292 total comments)


okayy... ive been on this for about 8 days now and i havent lost anything, im hungrier than usual, and i get tired after taking the pills. im not sensitive to caffiene, but i dont drink pop or coffee, and it actually makes me super sleepy and groggy. im going to continue since i paid for it, but i really hope something starts to change. i really want to lose about 10 pounds before homecoming.

posted Sep 20th, 2009 7:48 pm


I am just beginning day 2 of the SlimQuick GreenTea and was ok yesterday which was day 1. I will say that once you take the pill, you definetly need to eat 30 min after taking it. Yesterday I was ok, didn't have any jitters or anything. I did notice that I started to get a headache around 2pm but that was right after my 2nd pill and plus all I had eaten all day was a bananna and a bagel. When I ate I was ok. I did have to pee alot!!!! Seemed like every 30 min I was in the restroom. It didn't effect my sleep last night in which I am glad as I already have sleep problems. Will keep all posted as the days go by. Hoping this works!!

posted Sep 18th, 2009 9:20 am


I'm on day 4 taking these pills, still havent felt any energy. my appetite has decreased however I havent had any extra energy, if anything I've been feeling more tired.
I did notice a change in appetite.

posted Aug 24th, 2009 10:04 am


I have been reading alot of reviews but not many people have said they lost weight ??? Does this work and do you have to follow diet, and excersize as well????

posted Aug 24th, 2009 8:49 am



I've been on SQ for about 4 days. I haven't weighed myself so i dont know if i've lost any weight, but it definately feels like I have. It totally decreases hunger and that urge for eating when you're bored... gives me great energy as well. I'm excersizing every other day, just jogging and such... And I've never felt sick from it nor have i been jittery or headachey.

Give it a shot.

posted Aug 15th, 2009 9:08 pm


i would really like to try this product im 5'6 and weight 131 and want to go down to about 110, is there any side effects or things you really need to be aware of before you start taking this? im 16, and i know that all diet pills arn't great but out of all the ones i've researched i've found this one to be the best reviews,

posted Jul 29th, 2009 6:48 pm



detox? hoodiea? drink mix? or regular? what type of SQ do you recommend?

posted Jul 5th, 2009 2:12 pm



which type of SQ do you recommend? i am just headed off to buy some. the drink mix? hoodia? or the regular? i just need to lose weight in problem areas. im 5'6 140.

posted Jul 5th, 2009 2:03 pm


it does suppress your appetite a bit, but i've been using it as an energy pill. finals were a few weeks ago & instead of the morning coffee routine i just took 4 of these & was ready to go!

the meal log is such a hassle, and the intake amount is SO MUCH! you have to take it like 3 times daily, so if you're at school or work & you're popping pills it's very inconvenient.

sooooooo, good as an energy pill. very avg as a diet pill.

posted Jun 27th, 2009 12:00 am

Mari P.

I want to start this diet . Can anyone tell me how to lose about 30 lbs in 2 months? I weigh 215 & I'm 5'2'. Some feedback would be awesome..

posted Jun 6th, 2009 12:51 pm



I have been taking SQ for about a month now and i have dropped about 15 lbs. My weight was 195lbs and now i weigh 180. I am a 5ft 4in 23 year old female and i would like to get down to 130lbs and i believe that this product will help me get there. Thanks SQ

posted Jun 2nd, 2009 1:28 pm




I too am only on day two, so I can't give any major advice. However, I think it's important that you make sure you eat thirty minutes after. Also, the first day, I had a little indigestion so I drank some herbal tea and it helped a lot.

(Be careful, drink the caffine-free tea)

I have noticed the jitters, but only a little. I am sesitive to caffine, but I slept fine last night and did not crash from the energy in the pill. Because I rarely drink soda, I think the pill has the effect of drinking a soda but it tapers off slowly instead of crashing.

Also, I read somewhere that the extra energy the pills give you need to be burned off. So, today I took my pill then ate thrity minutes later and then went for a walk after eating. (Both breakfast & lunch.) During the walk is when the energy bursts usually hit, so it helps me.

posted May 28th, 2009 5:22 pm


Jessica, you have to drink a lot of water or you will get dehydrated. If you drink anything with caffeine in it, you will get the jitters. Don't take the pills before you go to bed, I believe the directions stated to NOT take them 4 hours before sleep. I hope that help. Leslie

posted May 26th, 2009 2:56 pm

Jessica S

I don't I feel confused. I have read all these reviews and they had great turn outs with slimquick. Today is my second day using slimquick and I feel sick. I constantly feel like there is something right at my throat. I drank two glasses of water but it hasn't helped. Also, I now have diarrhea. I couldn't fall asleep last night, and all day yesterday and today I have been feeling jittery. I have never tried diet pills, so I don't know if this is normal. however, I will continue to take these pills until the bottle is empty. All the positive feedback has convinced me to do so.

posted May 21st, 2009 1:53 pm



i was on for 2 days and i hadnt lost any weight because i am already very tone from playing soccer six days a week. But for some reason i could never loose this flab on my lower belly. After I was off I realizd I ate a lot, and i instantly regretted going off. I now don't eat as much as I normally do (I eat very healthy, I havent had any junk food in almost 3 weeks! and INSANE record for me) and I am sooooo excited for summer because now i can wear a 2 piece and feel sexy and confident. I give this product a MILLION THUMBS UP! This changed my life, and ps. If you wake up at 5 am every morning and sleep at 12 pm every night, you will love the energy this product gives you. NO SIDE EFFECTS, perfect amount of ENERGY (not overkilled)... pps, i am 13 (yikes) and i was very apprehensive about taking these supplements but now i am so eased because they work PERFECTLY. I'm smiling everyday now, too!

Praise the lord(;

posted May 13th, 2009 10:21 pm



posted May 11th, 2009 12:26 am



I have tried many diet aids and SQ is the only one that doesn't cause jitters or insomnia for me. I eat less and stay motivated. I think it works very well. The cleanse is awesome, very gentle but effective.

posted Apr 24th, 2009 9:57 am



I am a teen struggling with a weight problem and im really happy with this product. tomorow will be the end of my cleanse and i've already lost ten pounds. and i havent really exercised at all. and thats with eating normal too. im about to kick it up a notch and i am excited to see how it goessssssss!!!!!!!! :) thank you slimquik.

posted Apr 23rd, 2009 10:10 pm


I tried slimquick about 2 years ago and had good results with exercise. Since then I have had a baby and now need to lose about 40 lbs. I started slimquick cleanse today and I am hopeful and excited to start sheding the lbs I hope it works.

posted Apr 20th, 2009 2:47 pm



I've been using it with my regular diet and exercise and its worked wonders for me. I take it in the morning with my breakfast and it helps me to wake up. I've been taking it for 3 weeks and have lost 10 pounds.

posted Apr 17th, 2009 12:37 pm


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Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?

  • Established: 2010
  • Founder: Slimquick Laboratories
  • Headquarters: Wilmington, Delaware
  • Accessibility: Online or at retail stores
  • Diet Type: Diet supplement drink mix and pills
  • Gender: Female

SLIMQUICK is a fat-burning supplement specifically designed for the needs of women. The company is also forthright with explaining that you need to eat right and exercise. They've put together a 7-Day Meal Plan and helpful tools like a Meal Log and Calorie Intake Chart to assist you in reaching your goals.

  • The SLIMQUICK site provides success stories, which help promote legitimacy for the product
  • The company offers a 45-day money-back guarantee
  • Meal planner
  • Calorie chart
  • Specific to the needs of women
  • Contains hoodia

  • SLIMQUICK contains caffeine, which may adversely effect some users

SLIMQUICK offers four products that cater to women's specific needs or desires. The ingredients include green tea , calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, folic acid, South African hoodia gordonii, ginseng, and caffeine.


SLIMQUICK offers help by providing you a 7-Day exercise plan, along with some demos. This will include walking and weight training.


There are several familiar ingredients in SLIMQUICK that can be found in most weight loss supplements today. However, the slight edge they offer is a few ingredients geared towards women's needs, like water retention, hormone balance, and getting sufficient calcium.

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