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Seattle Sutton Healthy Eating

Seattle Sutton Healthy Eating

Meal-Delivery weight loss program with diabetics in mind.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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The Seattle Sutton Healthy Eating program is a meal-delivery program that was started not in Seattle, Washington but in Marseilles, Illinois by Seattle Sutton, a registered nurse who has made it her mission to improve the way people eat.

Created in part to avoid the pitfalls of grabbing a greasy pizza after work or running through the fast-food drive through after a late meeting, Seattle Sutton's Healthy Eating meals are convenient, taste-tested, calorie-controlled and low fat.

You can choose between a 1,200 or 2,000 calorie-a-day meal program. The program is intended for people who want to lose weight, are diabetic, have heart disease, are unable to drive or cook for themselves or prefer to not shop and cook meals for themselves or their family.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Seattle Sutton’s Healthy Eating program was created by medical professional
  • It is a convenient way to eat healthy meals
  • Ideal for diabetics
  • Ideal for those with heart disease
  • Low-calorie and low-fat meals help you to lose weight
  • Fresh-prepared, refrigerated meals
  • Encourages exercise
  • Expensive
  • Does not teach you how to eat or prepare your own meals
  • May not be realistic to always eat delivered meals
  • Not vegetarian friendly
  • No customization of menu
  • Does not take into account the emotional component of eating

The Seattle Sutton Healthy Eating meals are delivered to you two times each week, or if you live near a Seattle Sutton's center, you can pick them up. Each shipment contains 21 meals: 7 breakfasts, 7 lunches and 7 dinners. The meals require refrigeration. There are five weeks of meal plans that you will receive alternately.

Unfortunately, special requests like vegetarian options cannot be accommodated. Each of the two meal plans, either the 1,200 or the 2,000 calories, sticks to foods that are low on the glycemic index in order to stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent any surges in hunger.

Sample menu items include apple-cinnamon muffins, peirogies, spinach calzones, salmon fillet and southwestern bean and pasta salad.

On the plan, you are allowed to drink fat-free milk, have an occasional alcoholic drink and go out to dinner. If you go out to dinner, you are encouraged to eat salads with dressing on the side, lean protein and vegetables with no added butter. It is then recommended that you freeze your Seattle Sutton dinner for another meal.


The Seattle Sutton's Healthy Eating program does not require that you exercise as part of your diet, but they do encourage you to exercise if you want to lose weight. According to the company, successful weight loss requires that you take in fewer calories than you use. Eating a healthy, balanced diet combined with moderate exercise is the most effective way to lose weight.


Like other meal-delivery programs, the Seattle Sutton's Healthy Eating program is designed to help you lose weight without having to count calories or prepare your own meals. If you don't mind spending the money to have someone cook for you, then this program might be a wise choice. Just keep in mind that the diet does not instill any knowledge in you on how to prepare your own meals. Once you leave the program, it then becomes your responsibility to teach yourself how to shop and cook for yourself while maintaining your new weight loss.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Seattle Sutten's, Seatle Sutton’s, Seattle Suton’s, Seattel Sutton’s Seattle Sottun’s,

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The food is quite delicious, better than Jenny Craig which I have been on and off for the past 14 years. I like to switch between Seattle Sutton and Jenny Craig. Both programs are expensive but they work as long as you don't cheat. The problem is since I've always used these plans to lose weight, around 8 to 12 pounds in around three months, I never learn how to just control what I eat when I go off the plan. It seems I can eat whatever I want afterward for about six weeks and then the weight starts creeping up. Then I get to the point where I can't stand it anymore and have to pay money to go back on the diet. It's probably not the best thing to do but it seems to be what works for me and until I can learn how to control portions and what I eat on my own I'll stick with the plans. And also, one day when I'm living on a fixed income I will for sure have to learn how to do this on my own because like I said, it's expensive.

posted Jan 11th, 2009 12:20 pm


I'm on my second week of sshe. I signed up mostly for the convenience factor (though after having eaten so much over the holidays if I lose a few lbs I'll be really happy). The price is too much for me to do on a regular basis and they just increased the price $15.00 more per week since Jan 1st. I have them delivered so for my area with the 20.00 delivery fee I'm paying 154.00/week.
The food is over all really good. Some of the fruit is not ripe. I've swapped fruits between days to encourage some ripening otherwise I just eat it anyway. I've eaten everything including the items I didn't like (the brussel sprouts and the beets). I've reminded myself that while I don't like them, they are nutritious and that is why they were given to me. I often pull out the fruit or bread to use as a snack so that I'm eating 4 or 5 times a day. For the most part I find the meals quite filling and even the icky brussel sprouts (my least favorite vegetable ever) were edible. I love that they're fresh meals. Nothing takes more than 2 minutes in the microwave to heat up, the packaging works great for transporting and everything is easy to assemble. I would suggest that people buy a bag of salad, and a tomato or two. I happened to already have some in the fridge and I'm glad because it made the burgers seem more gourmet.
If you can afford the expense and if you're willing to be objective and eat what you're given I think this is a great program. There is also no commitment. My delivery woman asks me if I want the next week of meals or not, and that's it. No pressure, and she's super sweet.
If you were living on lean cuisine like me, this is a real treat.

posted Jan 11th, 2009 11:32 am

Beth S.


I was so happy to have SSHE move into my town! After 3 babies, and the weight gain that came with them...I needed some help to lose baby fat! I didn't have the time to head off to a weekly meeting, and honestly, I was lacking in the "will power" department, so prepackeged and preplanned meals were a great answer!
The representatives are local, so you always talk to the same person(s). The delivery is a great option, or you can drive to their area location weekly to pick up which saves around $30.
The food is fresh, not frozen! It was great to eat meals that were balanced, and purposely put together to make your body chemestry work to keep you full and lose the cravings and the pounds!
I enjoyed all but one the chinese selections. The dinner roll was slightly tough because of it being cold, but I always ate it! The portions are small, but I always felt fulfilled, and frankly, my portions had been for "two" so it was good to have a visual of what is appropriate.
I was on SSHE for at least 2 months, maybe 3 and I lost 30 lbs. with little exercise.
They don't require signing contracts. You can order 1/2 weeks, full week, or up to 3 months in advance. If you choose to have them deliver, they used to have a cooler "deposit" that you get back when you'd return it, or else it was your's to keep for your "deposit" fee.

posted Dec 26th, 2008 11:29 pm



it ws super good. i am skinny now.

posted Nov 5th, 2008 1:00 pm


these meal delivery diets are so hot! popping up everywhere.

posted May 30th, 2008 3:33 pm


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