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The FAST Diet

The FAST Diet

The Dean family proves that group support and common sense lead to weight loss.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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The F.A.S.T. Diet stands for Families Always Succeed Together. And in this case, it certainly did. The program was started when a family of eight, between the ages of 23 and 59, lost a whopping 500 pounds together. Convinced that they needed to share their keys to success, the Deans helped 100 random volunteers lose 4,000 pounds the next year.

The gist of the family's dieting philosophy is that you don't need pills or fancy packaged foods. What you need most is to team up with someone to help hold yourself accountable. The F.A.S.T. Diet explains a total of 10 mistakes that we make in our continual effort to lose weight and keep it off, and the program mostly centers around abandoning most of what you used to do. As the saying goes, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

The Dean family is taking their message from city to city, helping people lose weight using the F.A.S.T Diet. In fact, the website has a page with an open letter to the country's elected officials to organize their constituents to lose weight like the Dean family and the 100 people who lost 4,000 pounds.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • The F.A.S.T. Diet is an inspiring concept designed by ordinary folks
  • The family documents a list of physicians who lend support to their plan
  • Available in a published book
  • A common sense approach to healthy weight loss
  • Encourages a support system for weight loss
  • No guidance for exercise

The F.A.S.T. Diet website doesn't give recipes, but it hints at the philosophy that appears in the book, which is to stay flexible, and use common sense about food rather than worry about rigid systems.


The F.A.S.T Diet website only mentions that you need to have an exercise routine in a complete weight loss package.


The attraction in the F.A.S.T. Diet is its populist appeal. That is, it's done by regular people with everyday experiences and challenges. Their secret really is about teamwork. It's much easier to get through the challenge of weight loss if you have someone else's support. Couple the handy advice and the backing of people in the health industry, and The F.A.S.T. Diet starts to sound like a motivational program that's well worth further investigation.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

the fast diet, the fast deit, dean family diet, dean fast diet, the fasting diet, families always succeed together diet, deanfast.com, thefastdiet.com

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(Page 2 of 2, 30 total comments)



Straight forward advise for calories in calories out weight loss. The most important information in the book is how to work as a team for support and accountability, an essential part of achieving and maintaining weight loss.

posted Apr 10th, 2009 11:22 am



I have always been a big believer that a family should focus on health together. I took a lot of the principles I learned from the book i purchase for the FAST diet and brought them into my own family. We all now eat healthier and spend more time together, it's been a great transformation!

posted Oct 4th, 2008 10:41 pm



I was so impressed by the Dean Family that I thought this was something I could definitely try and I had such great success with it I lost my 40 pounds and then some, I really learned how to change my lifestyle!

posted Oct 4th, 2008 10:36 pm

Charline K

I just reached my goal and have lost over 50 pounds! I want to thank the Dean Family and my team mates for all the help and encouragement! Without them I would not have made it! Team spirit is the key to staying motivated and working toward the goal. I went from a too tight size 18 to a loose size 8! The difference in my energy level is amazing. This really is a life style change!

posted Jun 16th, 2008 9:08 am


For the first time in my life I have been successful at weight loss. Teamwork and support from Tony and the group are TOTALLY essential. Exercise is a huge component of the program. At least 30 minutes a day is a must and making small but steady improvements each day is what it's all about. I am working out harder than I ever have, eating better than ever, and feel better than I have ever felt my whole life. This program is practical, healthy, and very balanced. Tony's book is a quick read, very entertaining, informative, and gives a great deal of good information. Thanks to the F.A.S.T. Diet, the thirty members of Team Milan have lost 326.9 pounds in a little over a month. It's remarkable. I HIGHLY recommend the F.A.S.T. Diet. If you want to lose weight in a healthy way with lots of support and good education......this one is for you!!!

posted Jun 13th, 2008 9:34 am

William (Bill) Brown

This works! I do not feel like I am on a diet, because this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. My wife and I are supporting each other and having wonderful success!

posted Jun 12th, 2008 9:28 pm


I'm a walking, talking example of how great this works! I've lost almost 100 lbs and gained a world of knowledge that will keep me healthy for the rest of my life! I owe my life to the Dean family! Thanks, guys!

posted Jun 12th, 2008 4:56 pm


I love Tony and his family for getting the word out there. This book and family have changed my life. 38 pounds so far and I'm so much more happy!

posted Jun 12th, 2008 4:56 pm

Kathy D

The Dean Family has been wonderful without their help and pushing how important to be healthy is I probably would be 45 pds heavier.. Their program has done me well and made me enjoy working out.. Thanks to all the Dean Family --- We All Can Be Losers....

posted Jun 12th, 2008 4:56 pm


i really love what you've done dean family! you battled two american epidemics- family togetherness and obesity! thanks for setting such a great example and making it available to the rest of us.

posted Jun 12th, 2008 1:46 pm


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