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The Weight Loss Cure

The Weight Loss Cure

Kevin Trudeau says his cure for obesity has been suppressed by the establishment.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Author Kevin Trudeau says he has a big secret to share; one he claims has been locked away from the public for 30 years or more. Trudeau says that 30 years ago, an English physician uncovered the end-all cure for obesity. In his book, The Weight Loss Cure, Trudeau introduces the public to revolutionary information that he says the FDA, AMA, diet industry and food manufacturers have worked steadfastly to keep away from the public.

The Weight Loss Cure aims to help you overcome obesity once and for all. Suggesting that obese and overweight people can blame their condition on "uncontrollable urges to eat when not hungry, low metabolism, abnormally high amount of fat stores.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • New York Times Bestselling author
  • Removes fat
  • Boosts metabolism and energy
  • Reduces hunger and cravings
  • Rids toxins from the body
  • Claims to uncover hidden secrets about the weight loss industry
  • Author has a criminal background
  • Author does not have a medical background
  • New York Consumer Protection Board warns of Trudeau's history of making false claims/fraud
  • Proposes one solution for fighting obesity; not customized to the individual
  • Uncomplimentary consumer reviews
  • Recommends colonics every-other-day for 30 days
  • All food purchased must be 100-percent organic (can be costly)
  • Treatments not FDA approved
  • Promotes hCG injections

The diet outlined in The Weight Loss Cure recommends eating only 100-percent organic foods for the first 30 days. These resources are not necessarily available in all communities and are often quite expensive. There is also a high herbal supplement regimen to commit to. Several herbs and upward of nine pills a day will be taken with this plan.

The book recommends having hCG injections daily. The hCG hormone produced in pregnant women to protect the body from losing good fat and muscle. The FDA has not approved this treatment for losing weight. Few medical doctors will prescribe nor offer this treatment.


The Weight Loss Cure is one of many weight loss programs that suggests that limited or no exercise is necessary to lose weight and keep it off. It's recommended that you visit with your physician before committing to any program that removes consistent physical activity.


The book The Weight Loss Cure proposes to offer the cure for weight loss. The author, Kevin Trudeau, makes it clear that these are not his findings, but those of a British medical doctor about 30 years ago. Trudeau says he's presenting this information to the public for the first time, in spite of reputable organizations like the FDA and AMA. Trudeau does not have any medical or nutritional background. In fact, his resume ranges from billiards to alternative medicine and now weight loss. Trudeau does not have a flattering reputation and many websites warn consumers of his criminal background, including fraud.

While the book is discussed across the Web, its own site offers very limited information - merely Kevin's testimonial and an opportunity to order the book for a reduced price.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

The Wieght Loss Cure, Wait Loss Cure, Weight Lose Cure, Kevin Truedo, Keven Trudeau

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This program works! On Easter I saw my sister for the first time in month as she looked great! Months ago she told me about the weight loss cure and of course of was skeptical. She has lost 45 pounds and did not work out once!!!!! Thanks Kevin!!!

posted Mar 25th, 2008 9:43 am


Suspicious about this book and/or its author? SO WAS I. Until my sister and brinlaw lost tons of weight and told me what they were doing. You do NOT have to take colonics - and although it is recommended, you do not HAVE to eat ALL organic for the program to work. PLEASE - if you have weight to lose, check out: http://www.hcgdietinfo.com/Dr-ATW-Simeons-Pounds-and-Inches.htm: read this first! This program is based on the extensive experience of this doctor from 50 years ago. Then go to: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/HCGDIET/ - there you will find many helpful links and hundreds of users who are successfully using the protocol. I am all for eating healthy, and working out, but for those of us who have struggled forever with our weight, to little avail, or who have conditions making intense exercise next to impossible, THIS PROGRAM WORKS. I haven't actually started it myself, but am so excited - my supplies are in the mail! I may not like Kevin Trudeau much, but his book is re-discovering something that worked for hundreds of people until it was 'shut down', so to speak. RESEARCH it before you knock it - and by people who have DONE it! Concerned about hcg? It is prescribed by doctors everyday for conditions other than obesity. If you are really concerned, check out drugs.com, look up hcg, and make sure (with your doctor, if necessary), that you don't have any of the contraindications. CHECK IT OUT.


This is the FREAKIEST thing I have ever read. How exactly is this a best seller? The list of do's and don'ts sound nutty to me. Repeated colonics, specialty herbs, supplements and teas- and that' s just to name a few. Ridiculous.


I just saw the commercial and was so exicted I went to his site. Then I thought I might be able to pick up at ebay cheaper and THEN I thought maybe I better do a little research first. Thank you for the information on this site. I will NOT be buying Mr Trudeau's book. I have about 15lbs more to lose and have been going to the gym,working out, doing aerobics and eating sensibly. And the results have great-BUT SLOW. But I think I'll just keep on doing it the old fashion. The way we all know that really works. And the other commenter is right. Who wants a colonic every other day!! YIKES!!


I've heard lots of crazy stuff about kevin trudeau and his many books. I wouldn't trust this either. And who wants to get a colonic everyday?!!?!?

From Wisconsin

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