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Total Mommy Fitness

Total Mommy Fitness

An online diet and fitness membership program.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Total Mommy Fitness is an online resource for those individuals who are attempting to lose weight in the privacy of their own home, using proven diet and fitness techniques.

Support is delivered via the internet, requiring a membership and a password in order to access the virtual personal trainer. The website is extremely thorough, and asks for a complete health history before beginning the program.

Once enrolled, the participant is led to a calendar to track their physical activity goals, as well as a menu planner to plan nutritious meals using their own foods.

Most activities do not require special equipment, but one would enjoy more variety with the usage of a balance ball and resistance bands.

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  • Total Mommy Fitness is for everybody, not just moms
  • Through Internet access, the program is available anytime, anywhere
  • Program appears to be safe and sound, with realistic weight loss goals
  • Provides support through fitness planners and personal trainers
  • Provides support through meal planners
  • Teaches how to use nutritious food that you prepare yourself
  • Not ideal for those who do not like physical activity
  • The higher calories recommended would be counter-intuitive to an extreme or hard-core dieter
  • Program is only as good as the dieter’s participation

The online demo provides an enjoyable preview of what appears to be healthy and realistic menu plans, which would support a more intensive physical activity program.

Unlike many weight loss programs that encourage and frankly force participants to buy in to expensive food delivery programs, and providing very little education on how to prepare your own meals, Total Mommy Fitness does the opposite. By providing health-minded meal plans that you prepare in your own kitchen with your own groceries, you'll learn portion control and how to create nutritiously balanced meals. Best of all, you can enjoy the same meal as your entire family.

By focusing on building lean muscle mass, Total Mommy Fitness is a program that would not only help someone lose the weight, but more importantly, keep it off.


Physical activity is the name of the game here, and Total Mommy Fitness features "avatars" engaging in simulated activity for demonstration purposes. This enhancement provides reassurance and motivation for performing the right kinds of activity, to avoid injury or pain.

The personal trainerfocuses on individualized approaches to activity and weight loss, though it is not clear if it is an actual person behind the program, or if it is strictly automation.


Total Mommy Fitness is just one avenue for a new, viable and global approach to health and fitness. More and more, people are looking for ways to streamline former mundane activities, such as paying bills, writing letters, grocery shopping, etc., by moving those activities online. Physical fitness is the next logical step, and if done right, could be a terrific solution to those who are gym-phobic or too busy to leave their desktop.

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