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Weight Loss Partners

Weight Loss Partners

Find weight loss support online with a team of dieters and dedicated coach.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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As of 2/14/11, Weight Loss Partners no longer appears to be in business.

Weight Loss Partners is a motivational and accountability-based dieting program. Built on the notion that successful weight loss comes from a strong buddy system, Weight Loss Partners pairs you with a weight loss coach and teammates so that you're held accountable to your own day-to-day diet and you're inspired by your fellow dieting teammates.

Here's how it works: There are approximately 15 individuals per team. Each week, you are responsible for participating in three live phone calls with your team coach, who acts as your personal trainer, and your fellow teammates. The phone calls are meant to keep you connected, motivated and inspired by your team. You also keep a daily accountability journal, which is an online food journal where you input everything you eat or drink in a day. Finally, you must wear a Heart Rate Monitor / Calorie Counter Wristwatch and log the calories you burn each day on your accountability journal.

The system will automatically calculate your total deficit or surplus for the day. Your coach will view your accountability journal each day to make sure that you are staying on top of your diet and exercise goals. Your accountability journal cannot be viewed by any of your other teammates.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Diet support systems improve odds for achieving weight loss goals
  • Accountability to self and others
  • Inspire and be inspired by fellow teammates
  • Convenience of being online
  • 3 calls per week with team and coach
  • Food and exercise journals
  • Flexibility to choose weight loss plan of choice
  • Free heart rate monitor
  • Weight Loss Partners is only for people who like a team dynamic
  • Must be diligent about entering in daily totals
  • No reward for your team meeting its weight loss goals
  • Very time-involved program
  • No dietary or exercise guidance is given

There is no set eating plan that you follow while participating in the Weight Loss Partners program. The program does offer recipes from time to time, but their philosophy is that of a balanced diet focusing on your caloric intake as it relates to your activity level or calories burned.

Everyday, either before or after each meal, you'll enter what you eat in your accountability journal. The journal contains a database of 40,000 food items, including some restaurants. If the database does not contain the caloric information on a particular food, the system gives you the flexibility to enter that food manually, thus archiving it for future use.

Weight Loss Partner's food system then calculates your total caloric intake per meal and displays it for you and your coach to view.


Weight Loss Partner's does not give specific exercise guidelines for you to follow, but it does believe that exercising is a necessary component of your weight loss plan. Your personal trainer will help motivate you to keep with your activity goals but you are not given a specific exercise plan.

In order to make sure that you are expending energy and increasing your metabolism, you are required to wear a Heart Rate Monitor / Calorie Counter Wristwatch that is included in your registration fee. At the end of each day, you enter in your activity levels in your accountability journal and the system tabulates how many calories you burned for that day.

This number is then compared to how many calories you consumed in order to determine whether your output (calories burned) is greater than your input (calories consumed). This data is then viewed by you and your coach.


For those of you who are eager to lose weight and need a support network of fellow dieters to help inspire and motivate you, then Weight Loss Partners might be just the solution for you. Even though this team-based approach to weight loss has no shortage of motivating voices to keep you going, it does not include a predetermined diet and exercise program. So you must first find a weight loss and exercise plan that feels right for your lifestyle and dietary needs.

Weight loss research shows that those who go at shedding some pounds with others have a higher success rate at meeting their health goal.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Weight-Loss Partners, Wait loss Partners, Partners in Weight Loss, Weight Lose Partners, Weight Loss Parnters, Weight Loss Partner, Weight Loss Team

How Does Weight Loss Partners Compare?
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  • Easy to follow
  • Cheap Price
  • Fast Results
  • Weight Loss Partners
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This is the best kept secret in weight loss. The program is amazing and the coaches REALLY DO CARE and help you along the way.

My teammates are literally from all over the country and I have developed some tremendous friendships. The combination of my coach and teammates is like nothing I've ever experienced before and for the first time in my life not only have I lost the weight...I have kept it off. I HIGHLY recommend this program

posted Jun 3rd, 2009 10:05 pm



I've been on this program for less than 9 weeks and have already lost 19 pounds. Prior to starting I had tried numerous plans, but nothing worked for me. I kept losing and regaining the same 10 pounds. I highly recommend this program for anyone who is smart enough to know how to lose weight but needs the accountability from SOMEONE WHO CARES to get it done. An excellent bargain for the money.

posted Feb 19th, 2009 11:30 pm



A diet support network is key to sustainable weight loss!

posted Oct 5th, 2008 11:27 am


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