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Weight by Date

Weight by Date

A weight loss journal for your PC.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Weight-by-Date is a diet software package that journals your own fitness goals and diet progress. There are no claims that you will lose a certain amount of weight by a certain amount of time. It instead includes a weight loss calendar which tells you how much you've lost and when you'll reach your goal. It also has a food diary which keeps track of what you are eating, the nutrients you are getting and helps you to stay under your caloric limits with its organized calculations. Weight-by-Date contains a health and fitness journal which allows you to track your fitness activities and progress. All of the information can be downloaded to your PDA.

Once you reach your desired weight, the software will also provide you with your caloric and expenditure needs to maintain your weight. Its charts and graphs help you to visualize your progress.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • An organized and comprehensive tool for monitoring weight loss
  • Personalized to your body requirements
  • Syncs with PDA or travels on your PC laptop
  • Affordable
  • Software is only available for PC users
  • Requires time for entering data
  • Must be technologically-savvy

The Weight-by-Date food database includes 40,000 foods and their nutritional analysis. You set the daily and per-meal limits for any nutrient. After eating anything, you select that particular food and its quantity from the database and its nutritional data is obtained instantly and plugged into your food diary. For foods that you consume regularly, place them in the “Recent Foods” list so that it saves you time when you input your daily eats. The program lets you know when you are on target, over or under your daily quotas allowing you then to make the necessary adjustments in your food choices.


Weight-By-Date does not require that you adhere to a specific exercise program. It instead has an exercise database which contains 130 different kinds of physical activity with their calorie burned data. You simply select what you did and it gets automatically configured into your profile. As you log your fitness activity into your exercise journal, you can learn how many calories you are burning versus how many calories you are consuming so that you can make any necessary changes to alter the balance to achieve your weight loss goal. You take your own body measurements on seven different areas of the body and then log this data in your journal. Not only can you see how much overall body fat you have but you can monitor your own progress over time and see how your body has changed.


The Weight-by-Date software program is a highly organized and comprehensive diet but for anyone who is not fond of remembering what they ate and how much they exercised, for those on a very time-crunched schedule or for those who are not comfortable using computer programs, this tool is probably not the best solution for you and your weight loss needs. But if being organized and meticulous of your caloric and energy expenditures keeps you motivated, the Weight-by-Date program might be a successful way for you to lose weight and track your progress.

The food diary requires that you be very cognizant and responsible for each morsel of food that goes into your mouth. Food diaries are often used as a way to take a very realistic look at what we eat and how much we eat. As with any diet, you must do the work. The Weight-by-Date takes it one step further by requiring that you astutely monitor your eating and exercise habits so that you can see for yourself why or why not your are meeting your health goals.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

weight by date, wieght by date, weight date, weight by date software, weight by date pc, weight by date journal

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(Page 1 of 1, 2 total comments)


I've used this program since 2001. Being hypertensive and diabetic, I use WBD to track my nutrient values. It keeps on target. You do have to enter a lot of information yourself at first but over time, it's minimal and you can back up your data so you don't lose it when you upgrade.

posted Feb 10th, 2010 11:09 pm



I've only been using it for a few weeks now but if your the type of person that likes numbers or needs to know how much your taking in vs how much is going out this is the soft\ware for you. Lots of options. Lots of graphs. Easy to use.

posted Feb 2nd, 2010 4:50 pm


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