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A diet pill that claims to kill fat cells.

Top Rated Diet Pills of 2025
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Zyatrim is a weight loss supplement with a claim that one-ups the competition. It's purported to not just shrink your fat cells, but actually kill them.

Zyatrim claims to have three major benefits. It increases your metabolic rate, which promotes the burning of stored body fat. Second, it increases the release of norepinephrine and dopamine, simply saying that it's for "dramatic weight loss," without explaining more. Since those substances are involved with regulating your mood, it's probably meant to keep you from stress eating. Third, Zyatrim promotes "extreme energy" while not causing jitters.

While it shares testimonials of its customers, the testimonials are less reliable since there are no photos. The company addresses this oddly by saying that, instead of using photos, it will expose the lies of other supplements. A strange non sequitur, for sure.

Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?

  • The site is thorough in its descriptions of how Zyatrim works
  • Zyatrim website has written testimonials
  • The product comes with a 60-day money back guarantee
  • Ingredients listed on the FAQ page
  • Claims no jittery side effects
  • Free Trial does not describe terms and conditions on the site
  • Unknown ingredients
  • Does not provide guidance for proper diet
  • No FDA approval

Zyatrim says the diet pill only has natural ingredients with no manufactured ingredients. Dietitians always say- natural doesn't always mean it's good for you and if you can't pronounce it ,you should probably be leery of putting it in your body.

Zyatrim gets its fat-killing power from their proprietary blend of five compounds, known as Apopadex. The main ingredient is Acacia Rigidula, which is really nothing more than a large tree. It is suggested that the Acacia Rigidula produces alkaloids that create a source of norephinephrine in your body- which can effect mood and appetite. Other ingredients include Methylsynephrine, Phenylethylamine HCL, Cassis Nomame Extract, Theobromine, Yohimbe and ECGC. EGCG is extracted from green tea, which contains caffeine.


Zyatrim is taken twice daily, preferably one an hour after breakfast and one after lunch. They do suggest that up to four pills can be taken in a day for those trying to lose extreme amounts of weight.


While it promotes "lipid mobilization" as "technology that allows you to burn fat without exercise," the makers of Zyatrim don't play it down altogether. In fact, this process, in concurrence with exercise, increases fat loss. There is no mention of proper diet.


The concept of a weight loss supplement as not simply helping you lose weight, but actually "killing" your fat cells is, if anything, a bit intimidating. As an average consumer, do you really want to be killing your body's cells without a doctor's supervision? That's assuming that Zyatrim does what it claims. Oddly, the makers of Zyatrim make a point of trashing other supplements, even Alli, the only over-the-counter weight loss pill with an FDA approval. It just seems a bit bold for a diet pill manufacturer with questionable ingredients to speak badly about one approved by the FDA.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

zytrim, zyitrim, zietrim, ziatrim, zeetrim, zy-trim, zy trim, zya trim, zyatrim.com

How Does Zyatrim Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Contains No Coffee
  • Zyatrim
  • /100
  • .
  • .

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(Page 4 of 4, 73 total comments)


I ordered the trial and a month supply. It took about 2 weeks to get to my door. I took one pill before my workout and after I ate something. After the workout I was a little out of it and dizzy/jittery. It subsided and I went to sleep. However, it was not easy falling asleep and I woke up a few times. I'm guessing they tell you to take it after breakfast and lunch because the caffeine in it is powerful enough to keep you up. The only thing I know about it so far is that it DOES suppress appetite. After about 20 mins I completely lost my appetite. Again, caffeine does tend to do that, so I'm not sure what ingrediants are helping.

posted Aug 20th, 2008 5:10 pm


I ordered it and have been taking it for like a week.. it seems to be working.. i sweat a lot more than i used to and i have less of an appetite now.. but its only been a week so i dont know about the long term effects

posted Aug 19th, 2008 9:06 am


I am thinkning to try this, has anyone tried and worked for you? i don't want to waste the money if its not going to help.

posted Aug 14th, 2008 10:04 am


I ordered zyatrim and they railroaded me into buying more..Then it didnt work.After a month i try to get a refund and they send me to a # which is an advertizement to buy more!...No one picks up the phone..the ORDER lines are picked up in less than 10 secs....I have been trying for the last 10 days..TOTAL SCAM..BEWARE OF THE REFUND CLAIM!!!!

posted Aug 12th, 2008 5:23 pm


I just called in a order about 4 days ago! I am still waiting for my order though! I have tried plenty of weight loss pills so I'm hoping I can just loose 10 to 15 lbs off of this one! I'm a vegan and I excersise...so hopefully that will boost up the weightloss!

posted Aug 7th, 2008 5:48 pm


This ZyaTrim seems like a heart attack waiting to happen!! Acacia Rigidula has methamphetamine and nicotine properties; Methylsynephrine is like ephedra & ephedrine, and causes racing heart and high blood pressure; Phenylethylamine HCL is a stimulant; Cassis Nomame, if it is the same as Cassia Nomame, is a lipase inhibitor; Theobromine is chemically related to caffeine & other stimulants; Yohimbe causes rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, over-stimulation, insomnia, sleeplessness, & high anxiety; and ECGC is an extract of green tea, of which green tea has caffeine! This sounds like a dangerous product to take, and I would say do so only at your own risk!!!

posted Aug 5th, 2008 8:54 am


I took my first dose of Zyatrim today, although I took 2 pills instead of the recommended 1. I did notice exactly what they claim, I had a significant increase in energy & I did not have any appetite at supper time. So far, I am impressed, but I have no idea if it will actually work long term.

posted Jul 31st, 2008 1:01 pm


It took about 8 working days to recieve my order. I felt no side effects after one pill per meal, but when I started two pills per meal I felt shaky and dizzy. Also, do not take with stimulants like sinus meds.

posted Jul 31st, 2008 1:01 pm


havent recieved my order yet but if not by wed. call better businessbureraul for help

posted Jul 31st, 2008 1:01 pm



posted Jul 29th, 2008 8:34 am


Has anyone taken zyatrim? What was the results good or bad? And how long did it take to receive the bottle after purchase

posted Jul 28th, 2008 9:11 am


I called to order the trial and was also given the sales pitch about their "special offers." When I stressed that I only wanted the trial offer I was hung up on. When I called back to complain, I was put on hold and, after about 15 minutes, hung up. My card was charged for the shipping, so hopefully the trial will arrive.

posted Jul 21st, 2008 5:09 pm


When you call to order the free trial, they tell you that it wouldn't do you any good because it's just a few pills. Then they try to railroad you into buying the more expensive larger quantities. Shouldn't the trial be first to see if you want more?

posted Jul 17th, 2008 10:45 pm


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