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- Product: A natural berry that grows in the Amazon rain forest
- Accessibility: Online and some retailers in pill form
- Diet Type: Dietary supplement
- Gender: Male and female
Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?
Just the mention of a product coming from the Amazon has the overtones of possessing mysterious health benefits. Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) is the high-energy berry of a special Amazon palm tree. Its nutritional benefits are so powerful, Dr. Nicholas Perricone lists it as one of his top 10 Super Foods at Oprah's Web site.
Studies have shown that the Acai berry is one of the more nutritious and powerful foods on the planet. Harvested in the rainforests of Brazil, Acai tastes like a mix of berries and chocolate. Hidden within its purple pigment is what makes it the perfect energy fruit. Acai is packed full of antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids. You probably won't find it in your local supermarket, but you may have better luck at health food stores, or from the many products springing up online.
The benefits of Acai are purported to be good for detoxing and maintaining optimal health for balancing your pH level. Proper pH balance is vital to our immune health and for disease prevention and correction. Other benefits you'll enjoy:
- Acai has a high concentration of antioxidants that combat premature aging. It has 10 times the antioxidants that red grapes have, and as much as 30 times the anthocyanins of red wine. Anthocyanins may have antioxidant effects, possibly fighting cancer, diabetes, and bacterial infections, to name a few.
- Healthy monounsaturated fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols together help promote cardiovascular and digestive health.
- An amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals, help with muscular health.

- Research concludes that there appear to be significant benefits to Acai
- On Dr. Perricone's list of Super Foods
- Natural ingredients have disease-fighting qualities
- Increases energy
- Offers antioxidants and amino acids
- Good source of fiber
- Organic products available
- Many juices and other products available in major grocers
- Like other exotic products, Acai can be pricey
- Many imposters
Each Acai product will vary in its ingredients. Be sure to look for Acai products that are all-natural, and do not include a long list of other ingredients. Acai in its purest form is most effective.
Acai comes in many forms, including the whole berry, juices, powders, capsules and pills, food items and more.
Like any weight loss product, you should commit to a consistent exercise regimen. Be sure to look for Acai products that support a balanced and active lifestyle.
Exotic health foods, like the Acai berry, can provide untapped health benefits, if you can afford it. For whatever reason, these organic products are often on the steep side. But what else is more important than your health? If you can find room in your budget, a product like Acai is worth exploring.
Asai, Akai, Ackai, Acia, Acai Berry, Acaiberry, Acai Deit
User Feedback
(Page 27 of 28, 542 total comments)janice acosta
+I want try this diet. I need loss wieght. I saw Oprah, rachel and other and that cute.
posted Oct 18th, 2008 1:32 pmJaimeK
+Exercise Exercise Exercise - Treat your body right. The acai berry is a great addition to any diet.
posted Oct 17th, 2008 5:48 pmchristy
-Listen. They only way you will lose weight is through diet and exercise. Listen to yourselves. There is no magical freakin berry!!! If this berry was so amazing why would doctors still perform gastric bypasses and lypo, etc?? Why would celebs spends thousands on trainers? Why would all those people you see with thin beautifully fit bodies attribute it all to going to the gym? You probably aren't losing weight because you are lazy and spend all your time searching the internet for more stuff to EAT that will help you lose weight. Come on now!!! Get your butts in the gym, cut your calories and stop wasting your time on money on magic foods.
posted Oct 17th, 2008 4:06 pmRaychel
+It is AMAZING how quickly the results show from this Acai Berry Diet! I was skeptical about paying what I did, but it was totally worth it!
posted Oct 17th, 2008 1:32 pmTiffany
+I agree with Shannon that you NEED to exercise! You also need to eat right. But some people need more then just that. Controlling appetite can be tough and I am not against using a supplement if it is safe natural and works.
posted Oct 16th, 2008 11:04 amShannon
-Blueberries will do the same thing and the only way you will lose weight is if you exercise!!! There is no magic pill. Stop wasting your money and just get off of your butts!
posted Oct 15th, 2008 10:43 pmGorrillaGERL
+So far so good with Acai. It tastes good and makes me feel healthy - lets hope that it helps me lose weight as well.
posted Oct 15th, 2008 1:40 pmKELLY
-I got the Extreme AcaiBerry melt away tabs.....the free trial. First of all they sent me 15 tabs....supposed to be a 2 week supply. The bottle says to take 2 tabs 30 mins before each meal. If I did that I would only get 3 days out of my 2 week supply...hmmm one way to steal your money. So I try this pill...I GOT A TERRIBLE allergic reaction in my mouth and throat. Red sores coverd my lips and throat.....not to mention i felt HORRIBLE. And it wasn't the flu or anything like that...the doctor said it was an allergic reation. Then I am trying to contact this place to cancel any future oreders...because if you dont read the fine says 89.95 will be charged to your card..they do not say this on the web site!!!!!!! Now i have been on hold for almost 45 min with noone answering the phone...trying to get my money back that they already took out of my acct!!!!
posted Oct 14th, 2008 8:39 pmProject Swole
+Acai is a tasty food and an even better health supplement. Filled with antioxidants to combat aging, acai also helps you lose weight faster if you follow a moderate diet and exercise plan. Grab your FREE TRIAL of 100% pure Extreme Acai, with no added fillers or sugars
posted Oct 14th, 2008 4:57 pmJohn
+This is a ripoff! Don't believe these lies
posted Oct 14th, 2008 1:52 pmLSP
+I have been drinking Acai smoothies from Sambazon for a few years! They are about 10 ounces and are filling. I like them as meal replacements. I haven't tasted a true acai product i didn't like. Beware of high priced, low quality imitations.
posted Oct 12th, 2008 2:04 amtrina
-I didn't like it at all. Tastes horrible and it stinks.
posted Oct 11th, 2008 4:07 pmGinaL
+Where can you find Acai Berry? I have been looking for it in the US and I can not find it anywhere. Is there a site online that I can order it from?
posted Oct 9th, 2008 7:56 pmThank you!
+Does this really work? I have never found anything that works that easy. Just portion control and working out. But who knows maybe.
posted Oct 6th, 2008 3:45 pmsmith
+I love Acai I buy it frozen and blend it with banana and oj and mix it with Granola for breakfast soo yummy
posted Oct 5th, 2008 11:44 ameden
+i don't use the pills.... i just eat the berries. seriously so delicious.
posted Oct 5th, 2008 12:28 amhappycamper12
+Is Acai only grown in Brazil? Why don't we have it in the US? I have been taking it for 3 months now and have more energy than I did before, I even got off my morning coffee. Just wish we had it locally so it wasn't so expensive
posted Oct 4th, 2008 5:32 pmsallyC8899
+Sue - I saw Oprah talking about acai too and she couldn't say enough about it. I didn't hear any mention of weight loss but if acia helps me get healthier than I'm all for incorporating into my daily diet. Anyone lose any weight?
posted Oct 4th, 2008 5:31 pmCarol_S45
+I put Acacai in my morning health shakes I make. The boost of vitamins and nutrients are awesome and I feel better throughout the day but so far no weight loss.
posted Oct 4th, 2008 5:27 pmSue_a
I am so glade that acai has become a hit in the US! I think I heard Oprah even talking about it. I have not tried the supplements only the acai shakes and for breakfast with granola. I am going to order some acai supplements now and will post how it goes.
posted Oct 2nd, 2008 5:53 am