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Air Diet

Air Diet

The French fad diet that says you'll get skinny by pretending to eat.

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DietsInReview.com senior editor Brandi Koskie was featured on NPR's "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" to speak about the Air Diet. Learn More

There are fad diets and then there are fad diets, but perhaps the Air Diet, a French-created weight loss plan, may trump over all crazy and insane ways to get thin.

Just like its name suggests, the Air Diet, also known as the Virtual Eating Diet, is a weight loss plan where you consume, you guessed it - Nothing!

The diet has been made popular by a Dolce & Gabbana campaign, which featured Madonna and other celebrities holding food up to their mouths, but not eating it.

Referred to as "L'Air Fooding" and touted in the French magazine Grazia as the "it diet," The Air Diet has simply one rule: Eat nothing, save for the water and salt soup concoction.

Simply hold up a forkful of linguine or spoonful of ice cream to your mouth, maybe take in a few of the food's tantalizing aromas and pretend to eat it.

Whether the idea is to trick your dinner guest or your mind that you are eating is the name of the game, all for the purpose of dropping a few pounds.

You can look forward to losing four dress sizes before summer.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • None to speak of
  • Promotes anorexia
  • Promotes a fear of food
  • Promotes a dangerous message to women and young girls
  • Will slow down metabolism
  • Promotes binge-eating, weight regain and an unhealthy relationship to food

The Air Diet involves faking or pretending to eat while going through all of the motions of eating, including placing food on your plate, cutting it, putting it on an utensil and holding up to your lips. Just don't let it touch your mouth.

You are allowed to sip a soup, (if you can call it that), "soup à l’eau" to be exact, which is made from water and salt.

The soup promises to keep you hydrated and nourished while also saving you money.


There is no exercise plan mentioned, probably because you will have no energy to do much else other than lift a forkful of food up to your mouth, only to put it down again.


The Air Diet, a French-inspired fad diet, is one of the crazier diets to come out of the fashion and celebrity industries. Eating nothing but a soup made of water and salt and tricking your mind and guests that you're eating is just a wacky and dangerous way to lose weight.

The French may knock us for our invention of fast-food, but the Air Diet is just as damaging and counterproductive to long-term health habits.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

air deit, nothing diet, french air diet, l'air fooding, salt soup diet, airs diet, heir diet, dolce & gabbana diet

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(Page 1 of 1, 7 total comments)

Meals:Breakfast: A fist full of fruit.Lunch: Salad with Balsamic vinegar and olive oil desisrng.Dinner: A fist full of Baked salmon with vegetables.Only drink water throughout the day, and if you feel the need for a snack, Suck on ice instead. Don't eat more than a fist full at meal times.Exercise:Do squats, sit ups, lunges, and push ups for at least an hour a day.

Meals:Breakfast: A fist full of fruit.Lunch: Salad with Balsamic vinegar and olive oil desisrng.Dinner: A fist full of Baked salmon with vegetables.Only drink water throughout the day, and if you feel the need for a snack, Suck on ice instead. Don't eat more than a fist full at meal times.Exercise:Do squats, sit ups, lunges, and push ups for at least an hour a day.

posted Jan 23rd, 2015 7:11 pm



I am getting thinner all the time!

posted Aug 7th, 2011 3:41 pm



Makes fatties thinner, more tolerable.

posted Dec 15th, 2010 4:21 am



I lost 2 stone on this and it hasn't returned!

posted Oct 6th, 2010 3:16 pm



This is great... it is better than the bulimic diet

posted Mar 14th, 2010 8:36 pm



All you have to do is look at the last line of the review - Air Diet is ... damaging and counterproductive to long-term health habits.

posted Mar 4th, 2010 9:25 am user comment



Simply awful idea!

posted Mar 3rd, 2010 8:16 pm


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