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Prevent cancer with these four principles.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Anticancer: A New Way of Life by Dr. David Servan-Schreiber is a compelling and eye-opening book about how the lifestyle choices we choose to make that can greatly impact our risk for cancer.

In 1995, Dr. Servan-Schreiber was diagnosed with brain cancer. As a French-born psychiatrist and neuroscientist himself, he underwent the battery of conventional medical treatments from chemotherapy to radiation treatments. He went into remission and then a few years later, the cancer reemerged.

But rather than turning solely once again to the Western cancer treatments, he used his prowess and expertise as a scientist to understand how to build his body defenses to keeping him healthy. Recognizing that Western medicine does an amazing job at killing cancer cells, it offers little in the way of developing the body's natural defenses to thwart an attack and get rid of cancer cells.

So he turned to the magical and healing powers of food by pouring over scores of medical journals to understand how micro nutrients in foods can help to enhance the body's ability to protect itself against foreign invaders like cancer cells.

In Anticancer, Dr. Servan-Schreiber suggests that if we all have a potential cancer lying dormant in us, each of us also has a body designed to fight the process of tumor development. It is up to each of us to use of body's natural defenses.

His book not only provides a comprehensive background into the development of cancer but he also discusses the American Diet's role in the disease development, salient studies that extol the benefits of how a plant-based diet can help to prevent cancer and he also lays out four key factors that we all can do to reduce our risk for developing cancer.

These four factors are a largely plant-based diet, modest exercise, stress reduction and consuming little meat.

Anticancer does not suggest that you should forgo modern medical cancer treatment if you are diagnosed with cancer but rather that lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise should be used in conjunction with such treatments in addition as a way to prevent cancer from developing.

Anticancer was first released in 2008 and then was revised in 2010 to reveal new research on how to fight cancer. Such new information includes updates on the research linking cell phone use to cancer, how certain food combinations can synergistically work together to offer more protection against free radicals, how polycarbonate plastics in our food containers may be putting our health at risk and the role that social connections can have in protecting our immune systems.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Advocates for a plant-based and whole-foods diet
  • Empowers the individual to take their health and life into their own hands
  • Written by a medical doctor who has incorporated his own experience into a real treatment plan
  • Provides a balance applying both Western medicine and natural lifestyle choices to improve health
  • Concepts are underscored by scientific studies
  • Revised edition includes some of the latest research in cancer prevention
  • Lifestyle choices that Anticancer promotes have been recommended by many health and medical experts as a way to improve health and stave off disease

Anticancer promotes a strong plant-based diet, limiting animal protein to only two times per week. In addition, the frequent consumption of specific anti-cancer foods like the spice turmeric, green tea and the allium, garlic are strongly encouraged as such foods have been shown to prevent cancer cells from developing.

Anticancer encourages the reader to also eat organic foods as often as they can and to avoid red meat. In addition, you learn how certain foods when eaten together, like tomato and broccoli, can fight cancer more effectively together than when eaten alone.

A sample day on the Anticancer diet might look like this:

Breakfast: Whole grain oatmeal with berries and walnuts

Lunch: Lentil soup with whole grain bread, an orange and green tea

Dinner: Vegetables roasted with turmeric and other spices and marinated tofu

The Anticancer does not tell you how many calories or fat grams to eat, but rather it encourages a diet that is full of fresh and organic vegetables and fruits, whole grains, legumes, tofu, spices and herbs and olive oil. It also promotes the regular consumption of green tea as a way to fight cancer.


One of the principles of preventing cancer through the Anticancer book is to engage in at least 30 minutes of physical activity, five days a week. Even simple exercise like walking will do the trick to keep the body healthy and prevent the onset of certain cancers.


Anticancer by Dr. Servan-Schreiber is part memoir and part guide from a medical doctor who was diagnosed with brain cancer and used conventional medical treatments and lifestyle choices to increase his body's defenses to fight cancer.

Relying on scientific studies as well as his own experience, Anticancer promotes four key principles that can help you prevent cancer. The information outlined can be incorporated into anyone's lifestyle who chooses to take their health into their hands by using diet, exercise and stress reduction strategies.


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(Page 1 of 1, 2 total comments)

James Reno

Thanks for this great article. As a cancer survivor I appreciate what you are doing. I have switched to a primarily plant based diet to minimize my chances of getting lymphoma again.

James Reno

posted Apr 13th, 2010 7:48 pm



Thanks for posting about Dr. Servan-Schreiber and the Anticancer cause. I am the web developer & digital strategist for Dr. Servan-Schreiber and Anticancer. I just wanted to let you know that Dr. Servan-Schreiber will be posting his latest insight and research through his official Facebook page: http://www.Facebook.com/Anticancer and his new website: http://www.Anticancerbook.com

Most recently, Dr. Servan-Schreiber and 40 renowned physicians & scientists presented new groundbreaking research regarding Vitamin D, while launching an international appeal and calling for new standard recommendations. http://www.anticancerbook.com/post/Vitamin-D-is-essential-for-the-prevention-of-cancer-heart-disease-osteoporosis.html

Please let me know if you have any questions or need related Anticancer content.


posted Feb 23rd, 2010 1:08 am


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