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Beat the Gym

Beat the Gym

Learn the secrets of the gym that personal trainers won't openly share.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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If you have ever wanted to have access to the best workout information and know what personal trainers know without paying the hefty price tag, Beat the Gym may be the perfect book for you. Beat the Gym offers all of the most important secrets of personal trainers without you having to pay for the lengthy and expensive one-on-one sessions. Written by Tom Holland, this book takes the guess work out of going to the gym and getting an effective workout. Holland is an exercise physiologist and is certified by several organizations. He is an elite athlete and has been named one of the top 10 fitness professionals in the country by Women’s Health magazine. Beat the Gym is a great tool for those that might be intimidated by the gym or the machines within a gym.

By reading this book you can eliminate the pressure of feeling like you’re on your own. There are step by step guides to gym equipment, fitness classes and meeting your personal fitness goals. This book is great for those that have been previously fed up with mixed messages on weight loss, discouraged from working out and seeing no results, and frustrated by the fact that personal trainers seem so expensive. Some of the other secrets that are revealed in this book include:

  • Workouts trainers use for their celebrity clients
  • Most powerful exercises to tone your butt
  • Best exercise to flatten your stomach
  • Which machines fitness models use to get in shape

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Used by men and women
  • Written by an exercise specialist
  • Reveals information that many personal trainers don’t reveal
  • Allows you to reach your goals without paying a personal trainer
  • Removes intimidation from the gym and machines at the gym
  • Breaks down every element of fitness
  • Includes information on dieting
  • None to speak of

There is some diet information included in Beat the Gym. You are told what personal trainers eat and the best way to see results. By cutting your calorie intake, you will see results at the gym. Although the main focus is exercise, it is only half of what you need to reach your goals. Food is the other half. Trainers don’t add a lot of variation to their diet, they simply eat a lot of the foods that are good for their body. Some of the food rules covered in this book include:

  • Eat foods that come without a label
  • Stay away from food that has more than five ingredients or comes in a bag
  • Eat your meals sitting at a table rather than in front of the TV or computer
  • Indulge yourself occasionally but make it a special trip
  • Eat breakfast
  • Stay away from fried foods
  • Keep portion sizes small and visualize meat as a side dish rather than entrée
  • Be adventurous with fruits and vegetables
  • Think of food as fuel, not comfort
  • Keep temptations out of the house

There is a small list of the foods that personal trainers eat a lot of. They like to keep things simple and stick to what they know. The foods that are most often eaten by trainers are egg whites, chicken breasts, tuna, fruit, oatmeal, salads and protein shakes. Something you should do is commit to eating every two to three hours making sure not to skip any meals.


Exercise is the main focus of this book. Beat the Gym is all about making the most of your workouts at the gym. Holland has created 20 different effective programs in the book to choose from. There are literally thousands of dollars worth of workout plans in this book. Some of the included routines are for the entire body, while others focus on upper or lower body. It is important not to work the same muscle group two days in a row. You can choose the aggressiveness of your program based on your personal fitness goals.


Beat the Gym is highly praised and gives everyday people a chance to know what personal trainers know. This book can not only help you reach your weight loss and fitness goals, it can help you have the body of a personal trainer. If you’ve wanted to try having a personal trainer, but were short on cash, Beat the Gym offers you all the benefits without the hefty price tag.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Bat the gym, beats the gym, gym beats, beat out the gym

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