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As the holidays approach, many people are busier than ever between shopping and attending holiday parties. This is a difficult time of year for those that might be trying to lose weight or those that want to maintain weight loss. For those who are currently working out, Bob Greene wants to see just how fit you are. To test your fitness level, he’s offering the Best Life Get-Fit Holiday Challenge. This is the perfect program for those already doing a fitness routine, or those that want to get started on one. It’s important to resist the temptation to take a break during the holidays when you’re used to working out on a regular basis. Exercise can increase energy, which is great for the holiday time of year. The program includes a challenge that lasts for a month. This is something simple that can be done anywhere for your convenience and it includes six different exercises.
The Best Life Get-Fit Holiday Challenge consists of adding six specific exercises to your current fitness routine over the next 30 days. If you like, you can adopt these exercises as a new routine as well. Each week you track your results on the Best Life Get-Fit Holiday Challenge web site. The end goal is to outperform yourself each week. The six exercises together will offer a full body workout and will measure your level of fitness. There is no special equipment or weights required, so you really can do this challenge anywhere for free. The Best Life Get-Fit Holiday Challenge offers specific details about each exercise along with video demonstrations for reference.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Measures fitness level
- Encourages you to keep challenging yourself
- Only involves incorporating six new exercises over the course of a month
- No weights or other equipment required
- Take the challenge for free
- Only requires a one month commitment
- Created by Bob Greene
- Keeps you working out through the holiday season
- Focuses purely on fitness; no eating element involved
- Created more for those that are already working on fitness
- Plan is not about weight loss
The Best Life Get-Fit Holiday Challenge focuses strictly on exercise and fitness. This plan is more for those that are already working out faithfully and presumably eating right. It offers a challenge to continue working out through the holidays to combat weight gain and energy loss.
This program is full of exercise. You are asked to commit to 30 days of incorporating six targeted exercises. These exercises provide a total body workout when combined together. Several people who work out regularly may think they are a certain level of fitness, but the Best Life Get-Fit Holiday Challenge will show your true level of fitness and allow you to challenge yourself. The exercises are also simple and require no additional equipment. This convenience factor eliminates the excuse that you don’t have time to get to the gym. You can do these anywhere and at anytime that works for you. You have the ability to choose whether you want to add these elements to your current workout, or adopt them as a new program while doing the challenge. The exercises and their recommendations include:
- Walking: Walk around your neighborhood or on a treadmill for 20 minutes. On a perceived exertion scale try to maintain a level of seven while you walk. Keep track of the distance you walk and try to maintain your pace throughout the entire walk.
- Push-ups: Do as many as you can in a row while maintaining the proper form. If you can no longer lift your body as a single component or your head dips toward the ground it’s time to stop counting.
- Squat thrusts: Do as many of these as you can within one minute. Your session is over if your stomach starts to sag or your back arches. Any pause more than 10 seconds would also mean it’s time to stop.
- One-leg stand: This exercise requires a stop watch or the use of a clock. You simply time yourself to see how long you can maintain the position without holding on to anything. This should be done for both legs.
- Crunches: Do as many crunches as you can while maintaining proper form within the span of two minutes. While doing crunches be sure to avoid pulling on your head and avoid rising up any farther than to lift your head and shoulders off the floor.
- Straddle stretch: This stretch targets your hamstrings and groin muscles. You will need a tape measure and masking tape to measure the distance form the wall to the piece of tape that is farthest away. This exercise should be done with your back against the wall spreading your legs out in a straddle position as far as you can comfortably.
You can do all of these moves together if you choose, which should only take about 30 minutes. You can also spread them out throughout the day if that works better for your schedule. You are in competition with yourself for this challenge, so each week you should strive to do better.
If you are a person that works out faithfully, but are looking for a challenge, the Best Life Get-Fit Holiday Challenge offers a way for you to push yourself to higher levels. This challenge is great because it involves a time of year when many people struggle to get their workouts in and typically eat more than usual. Bob Greene is a trusted fitness professional and this program is free and offers simple exercises that can be done anywhere without additional equipment needed. Instead of gaining weight like so many will this holiday season, you can use the Best Life Get-Fit Holiday Challenge to stay fit and take your body to improved fitness levels.
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Best Life Get Fit Holiday Challenge
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