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Billy Blanks is back with another inspiring and fast-paced workout video that will have you in fantastic shape in no time. This video teaches you the basics of tae bo, while also combining cardio, muscle sculpting exercises, and core training for maximum results.
Billy Blanks: This Is Tae Bo will give you an excellent cardio workout. Billy keeps your heart-rate elevated throughout the workout by using simple moves at an advanced rate. For many users, this provides a challenging yet entertaining workout. If you get bored easily with other forms of cardiovascular exercises, then this is the workout for you.
This is a great way to practice tae bo in the comfort of your home. BIlly is a great teacher, but he does not talk much during the actual exercises, allowing you to concentrate on the moves, which can be difficult at times. He does end the workout with a prep-talk to congratulate you on finishing the video and to encourage you to continue with your fitness goals. He also shares the history of tae bo and his influence on the exercise program's creation.
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- High energy workout
- Targets various muscle groups, including legs, arms, and core
- Very good cardiovascular workout
- Informative information about the creation of tae bo
- Music can be repetitive and quiet at times
- Backup crew does not always seem on the same page as Billy, which can be confusing to watch
- Not a long cool down section at the end of the workout
Billy Blanks does not offer any diet or nutrition information on this video. However, a balanced diet rich in lean means, fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grains is best for an active and healthy lifestyle.
This video can be used to fulfill your daily recommendations of 30-minutes of exercise, five times a week. The workout lasts approximately one hour.
If you are looking for a fun and unique cardiovascular workout, then this might be the perfect choice for you.
Billy Blanks offers a high energy workout that will challenge you but also motivate you to keep going. He combines muscle strengthening workouts with high-intensity cardiovascular workouts to quickly tone and strengthen your entire body.
Billy had created other tae bo workout videos in the past, but this is his new and improved version. If you enjoyed his earlier videos, you will probably enjoy this one just as much.
Billy Blanks: This Is TaeBo, Tae Bo with Billy Blanks, Blanks' Tae Bo, Learn Tae Bo, TaeBo with Billy, This is Tae Bo with Billy Blanks
Billy Blanks: This Is Tae Bo
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