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Body By Type

Body By Type

Use this specified body type program previously featured on Extreme Makeover.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Body By Type is a weight loss program from Design Body Makeover that can allow you to lose 30 pounds in six weeks or less. The program offers a 14 day trial as well. Body By Type is backed by 25 years of proven success and offers you a chance at a complete body makeover. The program is 100 percent natural with no side effects. Your free trial of Body By Type includes the following:

  • Body type assessment and complete body analysis
  • Specialized body shaping DVD
  • Customized eating plan designed for you
  • Targeted weight loss from sound nutrition principles
  • Measurement and analysis instruments
  • Lifetime maintenance program
  • Step by step motivation and support package

You will be able to plan your daily meals and learn about food rather than just eating what you’re told to eat. There is also a task list to help you track you progress throughout your weight loss journey. The 14 day trial requires that you only pay shipping and handling. As with most trials, if you do not send the product back by the end of the trial, you will be billed for an enrollment fee and then have a monthly fee that occurs. You start the process by entering information to find out what type of body you have. Once that is completed you are ready to move forward with the program.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Offers assessments specific to your body
  • Teaches you proper nutrition principles
  • Offers weight loss of 30 pounds in six weeks or less
  • Offers a money back, risk-free guarantee
  • A chance to completely makeover your body
  • Customized eating plans
  • Task list to track your progress
  • Program focuses on eating more and exercising less
  • Sample menu shows no carbohydrates included in the diet except for vegetables
  • Cutting out carbs may be difficult for some to adjust to

Your meals are customized on Body By Type so what you eat could vary from what someone else might eat on the plan. This program does teach nutrition and also includes a meal planner. You will be in total control of your diet. You will be taught what to eat, how much to eat and how to perceive nutrition for your body type. The diet is somewhat strict because you will need to follow it exactly. There also seem to be no carbohydrates in the form of pasta, bread, sugar or potatoes allowed. Some of the things that are considered on this plan are how much weight you want to lose and your overall goals. Someone that wants to build muscle will have a different eating plan that someone that wants to lose 50 pounds. Some of the benefits of the eating plan include an increased metabolism, more energy and body transformation. You will typically eat six meals per day to keep you energized and your metabolism going. A sample menu on the program is reflected below:

  • Meal 1: Egg white omelet with sautéed bell peppers
  • Meal 2: Shredded chicken breast with steamed green beans
  • Meal 3: Grilled turkey patty with brown rice and grilled asparagus
  • Meal 4: Sauteed turkey breast with sautéed turnips and mixed greens
  • Meal 5: Ahi tuna and sliced cucumber
  • Meal 6: Baked halibut with quinoa and steamed broccoli

Exercise is carefully paired with the diet portion so that you can reach your goals. This means that the exercise component is also customized. You will learn the most effective exercises you can do to meet your goals quickly and without devoting hours and hours to working out every day. You will receive workout DVDs with your package that are specific to your body type. Once you’ve answered a few questions, your body type will be determined. Everything with this program including your eating plan and exercises come down to what body type you have.


According to Body By Type, you need to know how your body burns and stores fat before you can make changes to lose weight. This program is all about customization and allows you to lose weight quickly. The sample meal plan available shows that you will be eating healthy and filling meals throughout the day. It also appears that there are no carbohydrates factored into the meals. As with other carb-free diets, this may be part of the reason for the quick weight loss.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Body type, body type diet, body by types, body types diet, body type deit

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Gayla Williams


How do I cancel the draft being taken from my account? I want to cancel my subscription. Right now $39.80 is being drafted from my account. If you are not doing this, please direct me to the right place. Thank you

posted Jul 22nd, 2015 1:05 pm

Connir Kline

I haven't used the diet yet.

posted May 17th, 2015 8:30 pm


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