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The Breast Cancer Prevention Diet is a guidebook for the right foods, drugs and supplements that may reduce your risk for developing the disease that takes the life of one in eight women.
Written by Dr. Bob Arnot, NBC News chief medical correspondent, the book is grounded in numerous research studies which offer evidence in support of certain lifestyle behaviors that may prevent breast cancer.
The Breast Cancer Prevention Diet outlines a 12-step program for women of all ages, including both pre- and post-menopausal, that educates, inspires and motivates women to take their breast health into their own control and use effective and proven diet and supplement strategies to reduce their risk.
The Breast Cancer Prevention Diet is a high-fiber, low-glycemic, phytochemical and soy-rich diet that also includes healthful fats like nuts, avocados, flax seeds, omega-3 fatty acids and olive oil.
The Breast Cancer Prevention Diet is a not a weight loss diet and therefore little attention is paid to counting calories or fat grams. Rather, the foods outlined in the book are nutrient-dense and full of cancer-fighting antioxidants. When compared to the typical American diet, a diet that has been significantly implicated in the development of many cancers, including breast, the Breast Cancer Prevention Diet is drastically different but will leave women feeling better about themselves, healthier and maybe even lighter.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Written by a well-recognized and well-respected medical expert
- Rooted in science
- Outlines a simple and easy diet plan to follow
- Encourages a whole-foods diet that is naturally nutrient-dense
- Strictly limits processed foods
- Restricts consumption of alcohol
- Targeted to women
- Risk of sending false message to women that by following this diet they are a guaranteed a life free of breast cancer
The Breast Cancer Prevention Diet is full of fresh produce, lean proteins, soy-based foods, flaxseeds and other healthy fats.
The diet's foods have been selected because of the scientific evidence that associates each food's unique properties and its potential to stall cancer cell growth, reduce inflammation or sweep the body of cancer-causing agents.
Encouraged are a rainbow menu of vegetables, particularly cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cauliflower, vitamin-rich fruits, modest amounts of unprocessed soy, omega-3-rich fish like salmon, and flax seed oil. In addition, since alcohol might increase risk, alcohol consumption is restricted.
A sample day might look like this:
- Breakfast: Rolled oats topped with walnuts, almonds and berries
- Lunch: Spinach salad with miso-glazed salmon
- Snack: Edamame or fresh berries and low-fat yogurt
- Dinner: Grilled assortment of vegetables, seared tofu and brown rice
Since exercise has been associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer, you are encouraged to get in a moderate amount of physical activity on most days of the week including a cardio and strength-training component.
Grounded in research and incorporated into a guided 12-step program, The Breast Cancer Prevention Diet by Dr. Bob Arnot is a comprehensive and informative guide for helping a woman adopt certain lifestyle behaviors that might reduce her risk for developing this prevalent and very serious disease.
The dietary guidelines is a benchmark healthy eating plan with its reliance on nutrient-dense whole foods.
But if you have been identified as a carrier for the breast cancer gene or are in a high risk group, do talk to your doctor about the Breast Cancer Prevention Diet first.
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Breast Cancer Prevention Diet
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