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BreathSlim is a new breathing system that is designed to train one to breathe properly in order to create full oxygen utilization. The concept is designed to bring maximum function to all the body’s systems and speed up metabolism.
The breathing exercises are conducted with the BreathSlim device, a small cup and tube combination. Users are instructed to fill the outer chamber of the cup with water, attach the tube and sit upright at a table. Once the user is in proper BreathSlim position, they are instructed to follow a simple breathing exercise.
While holding the tube in their mouths, users breath in through the nose for 5 seconds, hold their breath for 5 seconds, and then breath out into the device for about 10 seconds.
This is the exercise that is designed to provide resistance exhalation causing the lungs to face resistance and increase the pressure of the air, which then is claimed to allow more oxygen to circulate through the blood.
The circulation is the key factor that the company claims will provide more complete “oxidation” or burning of fats and lead to weight loss.
Simply put, oxygen burns fat and the more oxygen that's in the blood stream will equal more fat burning and therefore weight loss.
As the user begins to increase their deep breathing and eliminiate shallow chest breathing, other aliments that are effected by poor breathing and extra weight are expected to be eliminated. Those ailments include eating disorders, stress, sleep troubles, breathing disorders, and joint problems.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Product is backed by scientific studies
- No food or equipment purchases are required
- Device is easy to use and maintain
- Product site has many positive testimonials
- Product site has a free online journal to track progress
- No diet or exercise plan accompanies the device
- Device may not be suitable for all abilities, specifically those with serious breathing conditions
- One device purchase per person, they are not intended to be shared among multiple users
BreathSlim does not endorse a diet plan. The device is noted as safe to add to any current diet plan, though.
The only exercise required with the BreathSlim is the seated breathing exercise. They claim to give the user additional energy as they continue their personal exercise plan.
The BreathSlim is a weight loss tool, but not a weight loss program. There are no diet or exercise instructions beyond the once-a-day breathing technique. The claims of the device are expected to lead to more energy and more success on a weight loss plan as it allows the burning of fat to maximize. The BreathSlim is an investment in a new type of product that has not had much market time to be proven by the public. However, the company rests on its scientific data to back their claims.
breatheslim, breath slim, breathe slim
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