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Constant Craving

Constant Craving

Learn what your food cravings mean and how to deal with them.

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  • Established: 2011
  • Founder: Doreen Virtue
  • Accessibility: Book
  • Diet Type: Conquering emotional cravings
  • Gender: Male and female

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Constant Craving is a book written by Doreen Virtue that helps you uncover what your food cravings mean and tells you how to overcome them. Virtue has worked in California and Tennessee as a therapist specializing in eating disorders. She has written several books on the subject of eating. Through Constant Craving, you will learn that each food craving you might encounter corresponds to an emotion. Once you are able to understand that, you can properly deal with the emotion instead of covering it up with food. This book includes a quiz to tell you what type of emotional eater you are, info on how personality affects your weight and a chapter devoted to why we eat more at buffets and on Thanksgiving.

Section three of the book breaks down a different craving in each chapter and shows what emotion correlates to it. This section of the book is easy to understand and allows you quickly diagnose what emotional triggers you might be succumbing to. This section of the book is also what has given Virtue credibility with several patients without engaging in hours of therapy. Some of the most popular cravings are examined including chocolate, dairy, salty snacks, breads and rice and high fat foods.

  • Solid information about cravings
  • Can help control emotional eating
  • Encourages dealing with feelings rather than turning to food
  • Written by an expert in eating disorders
  • Teaches you to give food readings
  • Heal from the cycle of emotional eating with this information
  • None to speak of

Although Constant Craving doesn’t offer a specific diet plan, it deals with the issue of emotional eating. This book teaches you how to understand why you have certain cravings and what emotion is tied to that craving. This book is a great guide for those that want to get control over their food cravings and deal with the emotions behind them. Every angle of eating emotionally including your personality is examined in this book. Along with the helpful information about getting started with interpreting your cravings is a quiz to show you what type of emotional eater you are. There is a chapter for every type of craving within Constant Craving. Some examples are listed below:

  • Dairy cravings – Antidepressants
  • Salty snack foods: Stress, anger and anxiety
  • Spicy foods – Excitement
  • Breads, rice and pasta – Comforting and calming
  • Cookies, cakes and pies – Craving hugs, pleasure and reassurance
  • High-fat foods – Filling the emptiness

Recognizing food cravings as emotional triggers will help you lose weight and reduce an out of control appetite. Some common things that trigger these intense emotional cravings are caring for everyone else and not yourself, a disagreement in a marriage or relationship and problems at work. While this book deals with identifying emotional trigger foods and dealing with them, there are also some pointers on making healthier choices when you are eating.


There is no specific exercise plan outlined in Constant Craving. The book deals with emotional eating that might be sabotaging your current diet and exercise plan though. Once those issues are dealt with, many people who have followed the advice in this book have found it much easier to lose weight. Proper exercise is recommended to help you reduce cravings for high-fat foods. It is mentioned that yo-yo dieters show the most dramatic decrease in fat cravings in response to exercise. Proper diet and exercise are frequently mentioned throughout the book as the best way to lose weight.


Constant Craving is a great guide book for those that want to uncover the emotions behind emotional eating and bingeing. This book can be a tremendous help to those that need to overcome this type of behavior to lose weight or migrate to a healthier lifestyle. Author Doreen Virtue found the methods of this book to be effective and has helped countless people make changes based on this information.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

constent craving, consisten craving, consistently craving, constants craving , constant cravings

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