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Denise Austin's name is one of the most well-recognized names when it comes to fitness. From aerobics to strength-training, this fitness guru has an amazing repertoire of experience and products to showcase her dedication to health and wellness. And additional proof is seen in her awesome body.
Now with a series of yoga DVDs, Denise shows you how to combine this ancient practice of strength and flexibility training into your exercise routine to develop long and sleek muscles.
Denise Austin: Hot Body Yoga will sculpt every muscle in your body as you are guided through two 30-minute yoga sessions that are designed to get your body in shape.
Hot Body Yoga can be done by the yoga beginner or by the more seasoned practitioner.
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- Can be done at home
- Created by a well-recognized fitness expert
- Exercises will help to build flexibility and strength
- Applicable for all fitness levels
- Routines are only 30 minutes
- Not created by a yoga expert
- May appeal more to women than men
- Beginners would benefit more from learning yoga in a live studio with a hands-on instruction to avoid injury and miscommunication of information
There is no diet or nutrition plan included.
Whether you're a yoga veteran or just starting out, Denise shares her most effective yoga moves and poses that will challenge your body so that you can develop the Hot Body you've always dreamed of having.
The DVD includes two 30-minute yoga sessions. The beginning session is called "Yoga Fit" and works to define a leaner physique using traditional moves and balancing poses. The "Yoga Sculpt" routine is more advanced and provides a powerful yoga workout using small weights for accelerated toning of the arms, chest, back and shoulders.
Both of the routines are also set to music.
Some DVDs may also include a coupon for a free exercise ball.
Denise Austin is a true fitness icon. She has been the number one fitness brand for more than a decade. And now she has expanded her fitness reach by creating a series of yoga DVDs that can be done at home.
Denise Austin: Hot Body Yoga is energetic and invigorating yoga DVD that features two yoga sessions designed for the beginner or advanced practitioner.
While Denise is clearly one of the most well-informed fitness instructors, she is not a yoga instructor. The beginner should therefore use a bit of caution if she is to use this yoga DVD as her first introduction to this ancient Indian discipline. Beginners may fare better by recieving hands-on and verbal instruction in a live yoga setting.
Nonetheless, Hot Body Yoga is a convenient, cost-effective and challenging way to help support your fitness goals.
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Denise Austin Hot Body Yoga
User Feedback
(Page 1 of 1, 1 total comments)jo g
-Funny when it was non yoga expert Jillian Michaels with a yoga DVD you didn't mention beginners needing to take yoga from an expert.
posted Jun 1st, 2013 2:17 am