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Die Fat or Get Tough

Die Fat or Get Tough

Learn the 101 thinking differences between fat people and fit people.

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Die Fat or Get Tough is an eBook available by Steve Siebold. This book includes 101 differences in thinking between fat people and skinny people. The book jumps right into the differences and each one is covered in a couple of pages. Die Fat or Get Tough is written in a very blunt style and will show you defined differences in attitude between those who are overweight and those who are not. The tone of the book is an all or nothing approach and the writer is very direct. Steve Siebold has also written 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class and Coaching 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class. Die Fat or Get Tough abandons the concept of hand holding and being politically correct and focuses on hitting hard and never lets up. It cuts through the delusional thinking of the masses and takes no prisoners. This book won’t allow you to hide behind any excuses and forces you to see yourself the way others might see you. It uses the hard truth to motivate you to believe you can do anything and get healthy.

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  • Offers facts that are helpful for those wanting to lose weight
  • No nonsense approach
  • Gives some very real facts where obesity and being overweight are concerned
  • Speaks candidly about the risks associated with being overweight
  • Very easy to understand
  • Puts the responsibility of being overweight on the individual unless there is a medical condition
  • Information comes from author’s own success with weight loss and hundreds of interviews with fit and fat people all over the country
  • Requires personal accountability for your current condition
  • Helps you deal with emotional eating
  • Some may be turned off by the blunt nature of the writing

Die Fat or Get Tough starts out by telling you how being fat will make you sick, take your energy, cost you money, damage your relationships and decimate your self-esteem. The book also highlights the good news which is a two-step process that will help you live a long healthy life. The two steps of this program are:

  • Consult your physician and select a world-class diet and exercise program
  • Develop the mental toughness to stick with your diet and exercise program

This info is covered in the book’s introduction and then you move to the 101 differences between those who are fit and those who are fat. Each difference is described and then briefly and followed by a quote, a critical thinking question and an action step. Although the book is very blunt, it doesn’t leave you without a solution. Everything offered is straight forward and each chapter gives a simple action to help you make beneficial changes. You can choose which of the 101 differences might apply to you and follow those, or you can read through all of them. Your diet will be one that you choose, so there is no specific information given with this book as far as what to eat and what to avoid. If you have cravings, you are encouraged to identify your most powerful craving and find a meal, snack or dessert on your diet that will satisfy that craving. Below are five of the 101 differences between fit and fat people chosen at random:

  • Fat people expect weight loss without pain…Fit people know everything has a price
  • Fat people see food as their enemy…Fit people see food as their friend
  • Fat people see exercise as a burden…Fit people see exercise as a privilege
  • Fat people eat for instant pleasure…Fit people eat for delayed gratification
  • Fat people associate with fat people…Fit people associate with fit people

Exercise is talked about in Die Fat or Get Tough, but the book does not give specific instructions on what types of workouts to do or the amount of time you should spend exercising. You select your own diet and exercise plan and dedicate yourself to it using some of the action steps in this book. There are some differences that deal specifically with exercise. Physically fit people place a high value on exercise and believe that it is a non-negotiable habit that must be established and maintained. One action step related to exercise asks that you decide how much time you will invest exercising each day, and place as much importance on it in your daily routine as going to work.

Another action step relating to exercise asks you to decide today to make exercise one of your top priorities, and build the habit of working out every day. All of the exercise advice is given assuming you have no health issues that prevent you from performing the tasks. Directions from your doctor would obviously be your top priority. If you have no restrictions, you are free to incorporate the action plans outlined in Die Fat or Get Tough. One other really great piece of advice given is to stop listening to fat people on how to get fit. Only take advice from people with a track record of success.


Die Fat or Get Tough takes a different approach to diet and exercise. You can use this book as a guide to finally stick with the diet and exercise program of your choice. The book uses language that anyone can understand and gives solid advice if you follow it. Author Steve Siebold has compiled this information from his own personal experience with weight loss and he has used it to become fit and healthy. You get to choose the diet and exercise program that will meet your needs, so you really have nothing to lose except unhealthy habits.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

get touch or diet fat, diet fat and get tough, died fat and get tough, die fat to get tough

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