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Diet Rehab is a new book written by Dr. Mike Dow and Antonia Blyth that was recently released. This book offers a 28 day program that will help you finally stop craving the foods that make you fat. Dr. Dow is a psychologist that specializes in addictive behavior. Within Diet Rehab, he shares information from a study done at the Scripps Research Institute which showed that rats on a junk food diet had just as difficult a time giving up fat and sugar as those who were struggling to overcome an addiction to cocaine. Certain foods alter the way the brain responds to them, making the act of consuming these foods more like an addiction. In keeping with the addictive nature of certain foods, Diet Rehab examines the rush of dopamine and serotonin experienced when we eat junk food. When you stop eating those foods suddenly, withdrawal is experienced which is why many people fail at losing weight on a traditional diet program.
Diet Rehab showcases how to lose weight while paying attention to your emotional and physical needs. The program within the book is four weeks long and allows you a gradual decrease in junk food instead of an immediate elimination of everything bad. This four week program also helps you break the hold that certain foods might have on your mind, body and spirit. This program is great for those that might suffer from emotional eating issues. You won’t have to count calories or feel deprived while on the program. You will be able to continue eating your favorite snacks without having to make diet versions of those items. Over time, you will find that you crave those types of food less as you start incorporating more healthy foods.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Written by a food addiction expert
- Based on recent research
- Requires no calorie counting
- Allows you to gradually incorporate healthy foods in place of unhealthy ones
- Program will help you stop craving foods that make you fat in just 28 days
- Helps you figure out how to identify cravings
- Uses gradual detox to eliminate withdrawal pains that come with most diet plans
The Diet Rehab program is a 28 day program that offers a gradual detox from foods that are high in fat and sugar. The program will not suddenly require that you eat a certain way which is foreign to your habits like other diets. Instead, you start out by not cutting anything from your normal diet. You add things to your diet before you take anything away.
There are four different parts of the book with each part offering a helpful element in dealing with food addiction. The different parts are broken down as follows:
- Part I – Learn how high-fat, high-sugar foods affect your brain chemistry. Learn to identify pitfalls – the foods and thoughts that set up the addictive cycle and boosters – the foods and behaviors and improve your brain chemistry in a healthy way.
- Part II – Figure out whether you need to replenish serotonin or dopamine or both. You will also learn how to identify the pitfalls in your thinking. These are the negative and addictive patters of thought that send you into an emotional downward spiral.
- Part III – Learn to free yourself from pitfall behaviors and habits. Break the power of damaging triggers so that you can let go of compulsive eating, emotional eating and bingeing.
- Part IV – This is the gradual detox plan that will teach you how to fill your plate with healthy booster foods and fill your schedule with booster activities that will raise your serotonin and dopamine levels.
Some of the things you will do in the first week of the program is make sure that at least one of your meals or snacks each day is made up of serotonin or dopamine booster foods. This will help you determine if you are serotonin-deficient, dopamine-deficient or both. During the first week you will also add one boosting activity each day. Just like the foods, your activities will replenish the neurochemicals you need most. If you need to replenish both, you alternate one each day.
For the second week, you will make sure at least two of your meals or snacks each day are made up of booster foods. You also add in two boosting activities each day. During week three you are to limit your pitfall foods to no more than three servings per day and the rest of all meals and snacks will be made up of booster foods. A pitfall food or meal should be around 300 calories at most so this would be a maximum of 900 pitfall calories per day. You will also raise your boosting activities to three per day during week three.
On week four you will limit your pitfall foods to no more than two servings per day which would be a maximum of 600 calories of pitfalls each day. You will also have four boosting activities each day.
Below is a sample menu from week three for someone with a dual-deficiency. All snacks are optional so that you can eat according to your tastes. Both types of deficiencies include long lists of booster foods so that you can create several healthy meals.
- Breakfast: 1 hash brown; scrambled eggs; coffee with stevia; water
- Snack: Vitamin Water Zero; whole apple; ten almonds
- Lunch: Tuna salad with reduced-fat mayo, lettuce, tomato on whole-wheat bread; whole apple; unsweetened iced tea
- Snack: 1 Small candy bar
- Dinner: Grilled chicken, low-fat cheese, salsa, fat-free sour cream in a whole wheat tortilla; celery with salsa; water
- Snack: 2 pieces of white bread; 2 tablespoons almond butter
In place of exercise on the Diet Rehab program, you have what are called booster activities. Booster activities are defined as activities that boost your stores of serotonin and dopamine, giving you the physical and emotional nourishment your body and mind need. Some examples of this are taking a brisk walk, spend five minutes meditating, chat with a friend on the phone or learn something new and interesting. The reason for the vast types of activities is because these things alter your brain chemistry and transform the way you feel. There are seven booster attributes mentioned in the book and all booster activities target one or more of these attributes. The more booster attributes you fill your life with, the fewer pitfall thoughts you will have. The seven booster attributes are:
- Purpose: Why are you here? What’s your life’s purpose on this planet? What do you think you’ll remember most when you’re looking back on your life?
- Peace: What fills your life with a sense of peace or calm? What spiritual beliefs help you to make sense of your life?
- Pride: If someone were to ask you the three things you are most proud of, what would your answer be?
- Power: What gives you a sense of power in your life? People who don’t feel power are prone to hopelessness, anger, low-self-worth and sadness. We need to feel powerful to experience a sense of competency and mastery in one or more areas throughout our life.
- Passion: What are the things in this world that truly interest you? When you’re engaged in an activity you’re passionate about, time seems to fly by. It’s important to fill your life with things that are captivating to you.
- Productivity: One of the best things you can do when you feel sad is distract yourself with something that makes you feel productive. Even if you don’t feel like it, do it because this sort of redirection helps to decrease many pitfalls.
- Pleasure: When you’re sad, do something that brings you pleasure like get a massage, watch your favorite TV show, laugh or dance. You have to have a balance of all of the boosters though, so don’t get stuck on pleasure alone.
Some booster activities for week three for someone with a dual-deficiency are reflected below.
- Booster activity 1: saw my therapist
- Booster activity 2: went to bed 30 minute earlier to feel well rested tomorrow
- Booster activity 3: took the stairs instead of the elevator at work
Diet Rehab maintains that it is not a diet. Instead it is a program that will show you how to kick your addiction to certain foods and replace that with healthier choices. Diet Rehab allows you to indulge occasionally, but after 28 days of gradual detox, you should find that your cravings are almost non-existent. This program could be the answer you’re looking for to lose weight and get off the diet roller coaster.
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Diet Rehab
User Feedback
(Page 1 of 1, 2 total comments)sara
Awesome book! Everything about the book makes absolute sense! Understanding the concept makes choosing what to eat so easy. It is also well written, easy read and the information is so valuable. Highly recommended!!!
posted Feb 23rd, 2012 6:53 pmterry walsh
I found his info informative, I agree w/ several of the points mentioned, and want to lose 30 pounds plus get into a mild execise program.
posted Jan 6th, 2012 6:58 am