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Dr. Oz One-Day Diet

Dr. Oz One-Day Diet

America's favorite doctor is offering a weight loss plan for everyone.

Top Rated Diet Shakes of 2025
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Dr. Mehmet Oz has become famous with his easy to understand approach to health and wellness. He’s a doctor that practices the same healthy techniques he teaches us about and now he has come up with a diet plan that can lead to losing 10 pounds in a month. Dr. Oz is introducing the One-Day Diet. The name of the diet comes from taking things one day at a time. After one day, you will realize you can follow this program, which will lead to you having the confidence and courage to try it for one more day. On the One-Day Diet, everyday is the first day. With the program you can focus on key factors of weight gain and overcome them. You can also lose up to two inches and 10 pounds in four weeks. There are some important steps that provide the keys to being successful with losing weight and keeping it off according to Dr. Oz. Those steps include:

  • Renew Your Vows Daily
  • Do Something Completely Different Everyday
  • Set Your Kitchen on Automatic
  • Keep Your Belly Full
  • Extend the Burn
  • Check Portions
  • Chill Out
  • Get Enough Sleep
  • When You Blow It, Start Again

The One-Day Diet is essentially a Mediterranean diet when it comes to the food you will be eating. There are some suggestions for dining out and staying on track. This program focuses on what you eat and moving your body so all necessary elements are covered.

Do You Know the Best Diet Shakes of 2025?

  • Tips for being successful are realistic
  • Program created by a trusted medical doctor
  • Involves healthy eating and exercise
  • Allows everything to be done one day at a time
  • Diet is practical and can be done by most people
  • Includes solid information
  • Lose up to 10 pounds in four weeks
  • None to speak of

The diet portion of the One-Day Diet consists of eating a Mediterranean diet. This means you will have several meals per day including breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. You will consume healthy fats from things like sunflower seeds, olive oil, olives, avocados, nuts, and other items. You will also get to eat some sort of lean meat or fish each day. Plant foods do make up most of your food intake with things like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Something else that is recommended on this plan is to arrange your fridge and pantry so that your only food choices are healthy ones. You must also keep your belly full. Eating actually helps boost your metabolism so you must not let yourself get too hungry. Adding in filling snacks like almonds or low-fat string cheese is a great way to keep hunger at bay in between meals. Keeping a handle on portion sizes is also very important. Dr. Oz does recommend you eat more if you find you’re staying hungry throughout the day. The important thing is to eat more of the right foods so that you aren’t setting yourself up for failure. If you find yourself slipping, just get back on track immediately. The calorie breakdown for the One-Day Diet is as follows:

  • Breakfast: 300 calories
  • Snack: 125 calories
  • Lunch 400 calories
  • Snack: 125 calories
  • Dinner: 500 calories

One of the key rules with the One-Day Diet is to extend the burn. This means you’ve got to exercise to get results. Drinking plenty of water and taking 20 minute walks after every meal is the recommendation for getting the metabolism going. It doesn’t stop there though. You also need to do some weight training to build strong muscles. You can use your body weight instead of bar bells which can motivate you to eat less so that you have less body to lift.


All of the suggestions given by Dr. Oz for the One-Day Diet are simple and can be easily incorporated. You don’t even have to make a long term commitment with this plan. Each day is the first day and you only have to commit for 24 hours. Changing your eating style to include several meals per day of the right foods can take you far. Adding in exercise with proper eating habits will help you lose the 10 pounds in a month that Dr. Oz speaks about.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Ones day diet, one day deit, one day dite, one day eating, one day Mediterranean diet

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very good.

posted Jan 21st, 2012 3:23 am


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