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One trainer's journey to gain and lose 75 pounds.

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  • Established: 2012
  • Authors: Drew Manning, Bradley Ryan Pierce
  • Accessibility: Book
  • Diet Type: Multiple meals, low fat
  • Gender: Male, female
  • Celebrity Endorsements: Drew Manning

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Fit2Fat2Fit is a new book written by Drew Manning and Bradley Ryan Pierce that chronicles Drew’s journey to gain and lose over 70 pounds. As a personal trainer that had never struggled with his weight, Drew set out to do this so that he could empathize with his clients. He wanted to see if having to lose weight would change his viewpoint of those that are in that same position. Before this experiment, Drew had never craved junk food and was obsessed with fitness. Drew’s inability to relate to his clients and help them reach their weight loss goals brought on this monumental weight experiment. For six months, Drew ate plenty of processed and fast food. Over that time period of letting himself go, he gained a total of 75 pounds along with some weight related health issues. After gaining the weight so quickly, Drew also set the goal of losing that weight over the next six months. This book reveals all of the things he learned on his journey and things he learned from those that were losing weight right along with him. Inside you will find recipes, workout plans and everything else you need to conquer weight loss.

  • Advice given based on author’s experience losing weight quickly
  • Includes meal plans and exercise advice
  • Offers all of the lessons learned from gaining and losing weight on purpose
  • Gives insight into difficulties of those who are overweight
  • Encourages fast weight loss through healthy eating and exercise
  • Includes a chapter written by author’s wife on how weight can affect spouses
  • None to speak of

Fit2Fat2Fit includes meal plans and food advice that the author used to lose weight. He also goes into detail about the type of foods he ate to gain the weight, which serves as a warning for those that should be avoided. There are several meal plans and recipes included in the book that you can use. The three different sections of meal plans are broken up into segments including The Beginning, The Balance and The Breakthrough. The Beginning is the first segment which is designed to jump-start your weight loss. This phase cuts out dairy and grains and instead focuses on lean meats, fresh veggies and fruits. Following this eating plan for 30 days brings weight loss as well as increases your energy. You are also encouraged to eat every three hours throughout the day. Below is one day of meals as reflected on the first meal plan referred to as The Beginning.

  • Meal 1: Spinach Shake; multivitamin; digestive enzymes
  • Meal 2: 1 handful blueberries; 1 handful almonds
  • Meal 3: Sun-Dried Tomato Chicken; 2 cups steamed asparagus; digestive enzymes
  • Meal 4: 1 large handful pumpkin seeds; 1 handful raspberries
  • Meal 5: Citrus Salmon with Avocado Salsa; digestive enzymes

For the meal plans, all of the recipes you need are included in the book. Some of the highlighted recipes include:

  • Pumpkin Pie Protein Shake
  • Spinach Egg-White Omelet
  • Egg-White Breakfast Burrito
  • Chinese Fried Rice
  • Roast Chicken
  • Mexican Chicken
  • Basil Chicken with Vegetables
  • Cajun Chicken Stir-Fry

Fit2Fat2Fit includes exercise plans and workouts. When you first start out, you can either do very light exercise or none at all for the first month. After that you can incorporate more exercise as your body can handle it. There are workouts created that you can do at the gym or at home so there is no excuse not to work out. Below is a reflection of the home workout for chest and back:

  • 2 minute warm-up including 1 minute of jump rope and 1 minute of high knees
  • 10 reps of dumbbell bench press with 3 pulses at the bottom of each rep with a twist in on a stability ball
  • 10 reps wide grip pull-ups with a 3 second pause at the top
  • 10 reps dumbbell flies with 3 pulses at the bottom of each rep on a stability ball
  • 10 reps bentover dumbbell rows while standing on 1 leg with a 3 second pause at the top
  • Repeat all exercises 3 times
  • 60 seconds of fast paced jump with 30 seconds on each leg

For anyone that has ever struggled with excess weight or is struggling with it now, Fit2Fat2Fitcan be a great resource to get you into shape. Knowing that you are reading the advice from someone that has been through gaining and then losing weight is very comforting and the results are real. You can use this program to get fit in a healthy and fast way.

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fit2fat, fit2fit2fit, fit2fat2fat, fats2fit, fits2fat

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