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Ivy Ingram Larson is a certified fitness specialist who was led into the fitness industry due to her diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. With support form her husband, Dr. Andrew Larson (a board-certified surgeon), Larson was able to take her already healthy diet into drastic measures, which eventually led to slowing the progression of her disease without any medication at all.
Larson has recently developed this new workout DVD that emphasizes on no-impact exercises. The DVD includes a warm up, workout, and cool down as well as other extras such as an about Ivy page, an introduction with testimonies, and how to get advice on getting the best results possible.
As a compliment to the workout DVD, Larson also created a new book called Clean Cuisine. Clean Cuisine is an 8-week program with more than 100 healthy recipes. Larson's combination of Full Fitness Fusion and Clean Cuisine were made to aid with reversing diabetes, improve cholesterol and blood pressure and reduce symptoms of inflammatory diseases.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- No impact workout
- Perfect for beginners or for those recovering from an injury
- A great option for pregnant women (light on their stomach)
- Not a lot of room is needed
- Ivy Larson has great credentials from her career in the health and fitness industry
- Includes an introduction with client testimonies
- Increases flexibility
- No optional levels of intensity are included
- After someone has gotten used to these moves, more exercise on top of this DVD is going to be needed in order to continue weight loss
Made to be combined with Full Fitness Fusion is Larson's new book, Clean Cuisine. The book's concept revolves around eating whole, real foods that are unrefined and in their most natural state.
You can count on anything that's processed, fried or sugar-loaded to not be included in the 100 recipes available. To name a few,the type of foods that you'll find useful in her recipes include veggies, fruits, animal-based proteins and organic flours. The Clean Cuisine Food Pyramid is and easy to follow chart that lays all the do's and don't out for you.
The exercise is divided up into three sections that consists of a 5 minute warm up, a 30 minute workout and about an 8 minute cool down/stretching session. Within the workout you will need a floor/yoga mat, enough space for the mat, a chair, one light-weight kettlebell and a pair of light hand weights. At the beginning of the workout the exercises are light and not extremely tiring, but the intensity does pick up as it goes along. One woman shows examples of easier options for certain exercises but for only a few.
Some of the exercises you'll be getting yourself into include body weight squats, light dancing, swaying, stretching, kettlebell swings, kettlebell dips, planks, push ups, hip thrusts, yoga and much more.
In conclusion, this full body workout is full of exercises that are no-impact, which is perfect for not only beginners but also those who may be recovering from surgeries that are trying to become active again. Including the warm up, workout and cool down, the entire DVD will only take about 45 minutes, and it can be done in your very own living with only a few items.
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Full Fitness Fusion
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