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Gerson Diet

Gerson Diet

A controversial diet by Max Gerson that claims to cure cancer.

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The Gerson Diet is an alternative kind of diet therapy that claims to cure cancer and other chronic and degenerative diseases. Created by Max Gerson, a German physician, the Gerson Diet is a controversial eating plan that involves consuming a variety of raw vegetables in addition to performing castor oil and coffee enemas, administering hydrogen peroxide or the chemical ozone rectally and taking specific supplements.

While Gerson claimed to have assisted 50 cases cured from cancer and then went on to establish the Gerson Institute, his cases have been strongly rejected by the medical community, including the National Cancer Institute, for its unsubstantiated evidence. In addition, many people who followed the Gerson Diet became sick due to treatments and/or infected treatment intrustments.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Endorses a diet of vegetables and organic juices
  • Vegan friendly
  • Treatment has caused non-cancer related infections
  • Does not lend itself to randomized controlled studies
  • Has not shown to be effective at treating or curing cancer
  • Very strict diet

The diet of the Gerson therapy involves consuming a raw vegan and organic diet in addition to daily vegetable juices, enemas and dietary supplements like Vitamin C and iodine. All animal products are prohibited as well as alcohol, salt, food additives and unnatural ingredients.


There are no specific exercise guidelines given.


The Gerson Diet is a highly controversial form of alternative diet therapy that claims to cure and treat cancer and other chronic health conditions. But its unsupported health claims and the grave danger that many of the plan's methods possess have caused it to be vehemently rejected by the medical community.

Common Misspellings

girson diet, max gerson diet, gersen diet, girsin diet, girsen diet, gerson deit, gerson cancer diet, gerson therapy

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(Page 2 of 3, 48 total comments)



whoever wrote this article is an idiot, brainwashed sheeple. Gerson therapy works, we are healing (tumour already shrank) my wife's ovarian cancer. Only 4 weeks in and the results are incredible. The coffee enemas are an important part in addition to the juicing and sodium restriction. Soon raw dairy, low fat, will be added in.
Anyone should try this, especially if you have cancer or other disease.

posted Aug 8th, 2011 9:56 am



The Gerson Diet works. The supporting documentary film: "Dying to Have Known" explains it all. It is backed up with scientific evidence, proof, and testimonials from people including famous medical doctors, who have cured their cancer and are cancer free. The Gerson diet has worked for more than fifty years. People who have not tried it cannot speak for itself.

posted Jul 3rd, 2011 3:11 pm


This Therapy has changed my life!! Don't knock this therapy till you try it or at least incorporate alot of into your life. Plus go to their website, email them or call the clinic..everyone you speak to is so friendly and helpful. They'll send you lots of info. But definatly watch "The Beautiful Truth" For more great info check these out "Dying to have known" "Dirt" "The Gerson Miracle"...
The Gerson Therapy "taught" me about food and how important what you put in your mouth IS. Now I look at all that processed junk as poison...oh how easily I could let myself focus on how yummy it tasted and how just one bite wouldn't hurt!! BUT I think you haven't worked this hard to change habits and to actually feel good!! I didn't realize how terrible I really felt all the time. I feel so good. I'm only 15 days IN!

posted Jun 9th, 2011 11:19 pm


this diet is killing my dad and completely eliminated the quality of his life. i hate max garson and the people who advocate and spread this absolute shite to desperate fearful cancer patients. his life has been a living breathing hell for the past 2 years doing this horrid "therapy". he has not gotten better only worse and the work and lack of nutrition required by this "therapy" has made him weak and achy as well as taken any joy out of the day. he is a slave to this horrid therapy that is KILLING him.

posted May 30th, 2011 4:19 pm

Dave Warren

Eating RIGHT is dangerous? Wow - do YOU need educated!

posted May 13th, 2011 8:47 pm



I 'LIKE' the diet, but I dislike the article. Who is the author? They are completely misinformed. Gerson does not claim to cure cancer or any other type of ailment, they suggest that by putting your body into the BEST state possible you allow your body to heal itself. For those looking for proof, do some of your own research. They hide NOTHING. I have studied it in depth and am adopting their methods for my own family BEFORE anyone ever gets sick.

Can you seriously believe someone that tells you fruits and vegetables are bad for you? The author is an idiot. This diet helps people regain the health and vitality that we are supposed to have. The American diet has taught us that feeling tired and bloated is nornal after a meal. It's not normal people.

For the person who asked why there isn't a Gerson Clinic in every state, think about your question for a minute. Do you believe that the medical community that makes billions off sick people in this country would ever stand for that? No...they won't. The US governement stopped Dr Gerson from using these methods in hospitals in the USA, do the research, you'll be glad you did.

Research Gerson and his family, they have been doing good for many people for many many years. YouTube has lots of good info too...

posted May 13th, 2011 9:25 am


"...the grave danger that many of the plan's methods possess..."

Beware fresh organic fruit and vegetable juices...Ingest them at your own risk!

posted Mar 15th, 2011 10:46 am



This is not a diet, it is a medical treatment. Most patients do not need to practice this strict therapy as described for life. As healing improves more foods are added.

posted Feb 20th, 2011 2:50 am



although this article puts this diet to shame, it can help you lose weight but it is meant at making you live a healthier life. yes if you switch over to this diet in one single day and do not gradually switch over, yes it will cause some temporary issues but if you introduce the diet in about a two week period you will have no issue for infection or issues. simple. this ad does not explain the whole story of the gerson diet. whoever wrote this is an idiot. simple.

posted Jan 28th, 2011 2:30 am



I've read this article and the comments on it. I am as of yet undecided on it. Proponents of the Gerson diet only cite anecdotal evidence such as "I know people who have been cured" or "it works!". I don't suggest that these people are lying, but I DO suggest that they provide some hard evidence of these claims so that people like me can investigate.

My mother has stomach cancer and is bone thin right now. I need more than just stories to go on. If this Gerson therapy truly works then proponents should be more responsible in their claims and back them up with sources and evidence, so that the movement is helped and not hurt.

posted Jan 27th, 2011 10:52 am


Whoever wrote this had their mind made up before researching. When it comes to degenerative disease allopathic practitioners better leave it to the pros and go sell some more drugs. Next time do your homework before leaving a opinion on something you know nothing about. Gerson�??s is the future.

posted Jan 7th, 2011 5:23 am


how can you say that it hasn't been studied or shown to cure cancer or other diseases when it has? who ever wrote this article obviously didn't do any research on the countless documented studies where a overwhelming percentage of people some who have "incurable cancer" have been cured. less than 6% of doctors have training in nutrition so a doctor saying this doesn't work just doesn't have the qualifications to make that assertion. The facts about who funds the hospitals and even the medical programs that train doctors is shocking, and many of the people who work for the companies like Monsanto who produce genetically modified crops, and pesticides used on those crops are members of the FDA.

posted Jan 5th, 2011 7:14 pm

Claiming Health

I am a 55 yr old woman disabled by fibromyalgia., cognitive dysfunction, cavernous hemangioma, various skin cancers, and as I lost medical insurance, have not been able to pursue adequate treatments. The allopathic medical community is not designed to cure, only to line the pockets of big Pharma, and after a severe and devastating reaction to the latest "wonder drug" Cymbalta, I said "No More!" My son-in-law shared The Beautiful Truth with me and I cried because for the first time in a long while I have hope of having my health restored. I worked as a dental assistant from 18 to 21 yrs of age (lots of mercury exposure), had my amalgam fillings replaced and was then diagnosed with auto immune disorders and multinodular goiter. Our world has been laden with toxins --our precious water sources, foods, air. Gerson's therapy will work for me. I have faith that cleansing will heal. May you know peace and be free from suffering.

posted Dec 28th, 2010 2:38 am


I watched "The Beautiful Truth" and all the references I jotted down while watching it panned out. How can people put it down, when Dr. Gerson devoted his entire life to helping better humanity. There is documentation of his patients and their outcomes, so before you put him down, do a little investigating of the facts first.

posted Dec 17th, 2010 2:33 am



as an RD, this diet is ridiculous

posted Dec 3rd, 2010 4:32 am


You know it's unbelieveable that greed is such a powerful thing. If it doesn't have a dollar bill attached to it you discard it as trash.

The problem is the drug industry rules the world. This world that is but let me tell you one thing in the end Jesus wins!!!

I know from first hand experience that a raw diet does cure disease! I had a severe case of Hepatitis C and by God's guidance changed my diet and now I am 51 years old and when I have blood work done they look at me in amazement. Enzyme levels are normal. When I do give in and go back to the SAD diet I can tell the difference immediately.

The worst thing about this is you let people die needlessly because of your pride and greed may God have mercy on your soul.

If it is BS why don't you prove it, and do a study where all of america can watch with people that americans pick to run it so there won't be any foul play.

One last thing. Doctors kill hundreds of thousands of people every year with wrong surgeries, wrong prescriptions, and stupidity. How many people have died seeking alternative avenues. The only way they die is if they let doctors talk them out of continuing the life style i.e. Michael Landon!

Why don't you just face it you're not God!!!

posted Nov 8th, 2010 11:01 pm

Andre A.

What a crock of potty this article is! You all have to absolutely tract the owner of this site's clear & publink to the mainstream medical community. I am personally aware of a dozen cases of the Gerson diet working & curing disease. Imagine someone claiming that the instruments of this diet have cause grave danger & that fruit & vegetable juices are largely harmful & inneffective. MY GOD! What has the world come to when the medical community has becoome nothing short of drug dealers with no compassion for their customers. Sick sick world indeed. Do NOT listen to this review. GERSON WORKS!

posted Oct 19th, 2010 4:44 am



Take into consideration several things.
1. The Gearson family has precious secrets to health.. They have mislead the Medical community - except for a few DR's who have stock and trade in this diet. (they are able by deception to practice any or all forms of therapy - in Mexico)
2. Driving a car is dangerous. So why isn't there a Gearson center in every state. (what exactly is the problem?)
3. Many personality types need NO support from outside - souses to tell them it works. - in the same token they need supporting forces from inside the Gearson group, to contradict. Never dissolve the idea that ones personality - IE Lifestyle or dietary habits from the past need some form of retribution- and conclusion - albeit healing.
4. finally - some things in the Gearsons therapy are very secretive, furtive , and do have some moral implications.

posted Sep 20th, 2010 2:03 pm



Just an observation. The overall percentage of who liked the diet should be 100%. It appears the people who gave negatives were responding to the negative slant of this summary.

posted Aug 29th, 2010 9:24 am



Sounds good to me Cant take meds for heart problem so why not a good veggy diet makes totally good sense

posted Mar 18th, 2010 10:44 pm


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