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A guide that includes everything you need to be healthy.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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GoBeFull is a new book written by registered dietician Judy Caplan that offers a new way of thinking about food. GoBeFull is actually an acronym for following this way of eating that stands for greens, oils, beans, exercise, fruit, unrefined grains, lean protein and labels. Following this program will bring you back to a healthy way of eating that can lead to optimal health and a healthy weight. Based on scientific research, this program includes all of the food your body needs and helps you understand portion sizes as well as nutrition labels. Author Judy Caplan has over 30 years of experience in knowing what prevents disease and improves health. She is also a motivational speaker and founding director of nutrition services at Canyon Ranch.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Focuses on foods important for good health
  • Incorporates exercise as well as healthy eating
  • Following this program can aid in weight loss and maintenance
  • Encourages setting goals and planning ahead
  • Written by a registered dietician with over 30 years of experience
  • None to speak of

GoBeFull offers all of the elements needed for a healthy diet. Each chapter of the book includes a weight loss section so that you can make the necessary alterations to lose weight. Some of the essential things suggested to help you adapt the new habits of the book include:

  • Reorganize your kitchen
  • Keep a food journal
  • Take notes
  • Eat breakfast
  • Exercise regularly
  • Pack your lunch
  • Frequent restaurants that serve GBF foods

The book outlines what you should eat within the title. GoBeFull also focuses on keeping proper portion sizes. Eating balanced meals that include things like greens, oils, beans, fruit, unrefined grains and lean proteins is the basis for the book. Doing things like eating nutrient dense foods, having five meals per day, having a balanced meal and eating at a table without distractions are all ways suggested to eat properly.


Exercise is one of the eight components involved with the GoBeFull program. Getting in some exercise is important whether you are trying to lose weight with this program or just start incorporating some healthier habits. The exercise recommendations in GoBeFull allows you to start at your current fitness level and build up to a healthy level as you are ready.


GoBeFull uses a simple acronym to help people determine what elements are needed for better health. This book is simply written and easy to understand while offering helpful advice that is proven to work. Anyone wanting to lose weight, improve their health or both can benefit from this book.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

go and be full, go be filled, go be full

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