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A sleek and stylish gadget for weight management.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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The Gruve Solution™ is a new, completely revolutionary approach to weight management developed in cooperation with Mayo Clinic.

The Gruve is a personalized, wearable device that precisely tracks your daily calorie burn whether you are walking, playing with the kids or taking the stairs.

In addition, the easy-to-use website integrates with your Gruve device to show you your daily activity intensity levels and your accurate, personalized calorie burn. A membership with Gruve also comes with access to Gruve's own Muvologists, certified health professionals who can help you set weight management goals, coach you on small changes that can yield positive results and keep you motivated toward success.

Your purchase of the Gruve device also includes a one-year subscription to the Gruve online.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Encourages adding more movement to your day
    • Customized to your personal health statistics
    • Includes supportive resources like an online tracker and your own team of movement motivators.
  • Must wear it all times
  • Because of its strong computer component, may deter those who aren't computer or gadget savvy

The Gruve does not come with a diet plan, but its interactive website shows you how many calories you are expending so that you can adjust your own caloric consumption accordingly to meet your weight loss goal.


According to Mayo Clinic research, N.E.A.T. is defined as all activity that occurs during a 24 hour period that is Not Exercise Specific Activity. This includes the energy expended during daily activities such as sitting, standing, walking, talking, and fidgeting.

The Gruve is a device that encourages you to get in more N.E.A.T. by alerting you when you have been immobile for too long and therefore need to get up and move.

The Gruve is a small gadget that you attach on your belt or waistline. When you get your Gruve on; your daily goal is to burn a certain number of calories that will help you lose or maintain weight. To show how many calories you are burning and how close you are to reaching your goal, your activity is compared to a scale that tracks progress through five different “zones.”

Each zone is given a color. Start each day in the Red Zone. As you burn more calories throughout the day, you progress through the Orange, Yellow, and Blue Zones. When you achieve your calorie burn rate for the day, you reach the Green Zone.

When you log into your Gruve Online, you will quickly notice that your daily caloric burn goal has been set based on a number of personal factors, not some generic formula like other programs.

Your personal home page features a weekly view of your progress, access to your personal health statistics such as blood pressure, weight and cholesterol and a view of your personal calorie burn goal and the calories you have burned for the day.


The Gruve is a tested, scientifically proven device worn on your waist that also comes with an interactive web site (Gruve Online™) that allows you to see your accurate caloric burn and contact with our Muvologists™ who can provide you with the knowledge and support you need to be successful.

Designed in cooperation with the Mayo Clinic, the Gruve encourages you to perform more N.E.A.T. activity in order to move more, burn more calories and be healthier.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

gruv, groove, gruuve

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