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Heart 411 is a book written by Dr. Marc Gillinov and Dr. Steven Nissen and is the only guide to heart health you will ever need. Dr. Marc Gillinov is a heart surgeon and Dr. Steven Nissen is a cardiologist. This book is targeted at the 82 million that are currently diagnosed with cardiovascular disease as well as those that think they are healthy but are actually at risk. Having accurate information about your heart makes all the difference when it comes to monitoring your health. The authors go through some of the common questions they have received form their patients during their decades of medical practice. Some of the questions covered in this book are:
- Can the stress of my job really cause a heart attack?
- How does exercise help my heart and what is the right amount and type of exercise?
- What are the most important tests for my heart and when do I need them?
- How do symptoms and treatments differ among men, women and children?
Heart 411 is written in an informative tone and includes all of the information you need to live a long and healthy life. Some of the simple risk factors that are examined are your LDL or bad cholesterol levels, blood pressure, body mass index, smoking and diabetes. These factors predict more than 80 percent of the risk for heart disease.
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- Book includes proven strategies to achieve and maintain heart health
- Helps you cut through the clutter of health information currently available
- Written by two practicing doctors who specialize in heart health
- Addresses the common questions patients ask regarding heart health
- Received high reviews from the professional community
- Recommendations are easy to implement
Heart 411 offers you plenty of information about your heart and will direct you toward having the best heart health possible. The book explains which medical tests you need, which ones you should avoid and gives you facts and fiction with regards to heart-healthy eating. There are charts included that show how eating different types of food can affect the risk of heart disease. For example, fried foods increase heart disease risk the most due to the trans fats or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. You are also shown how to read and decipher certain information on food labels. Other topics covered include the importance of olive oil, if red meat is really bad for your heart, omega-3 fatty acids and how much fiber you should have each day. It is recommended that you increase your daily servings of fruits and vegetables including leafy greens, spinach, broccoli and citrus fruits.
The style of eating that is suggested within Heart 411 is the Mediterranean diet. This is a style of eating that is rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grain products, lean meats including poultry and fish, low-fat or non-fat dairy and olive oil. Things to be avoided include:
- Trans-fat
- High sodium foods
- Processed meats
- Sugar-sweetened beverages
A common question about exercise that is addressed in Heart 411 is how much exercise and what type. If you don’t exercise regularly, you increase your risk of developing coronary heart disease as well as cut years from your life. It is estimated that only one third of Americans exercise regularly. Exercise does reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease, so incorporating it is important. Exercise is said to be as important as following a heart healthy diet and giving up smoking. Observational studies have shown that middle aged people who exercise regularly reduce their risk of dying from heart disease by as much as 40 to 50 percent. Regular exercise means you do it just about every day with a minimum of 30 minutes per day. The book doesn’t specify any type of activity so it’s really up to you. Walking is mentioned as the easiest and most convenient method of exercise. If you have had previous cardiac issues, your exercise should be monitored by your doctor. Be sure to follow the directions you are given.
Heart 411 offers helpful information for anyone wanting to learn about their heart functionality and prevent or reverse heart disease. The best part about this book is that the recommendations are very easy to follow. Including 30 minutes of exercise each day and eating a diet that removes processed foods can be fairly simple. Heart 411 does give you all the information you will need to improve your heart health and reduce your risk of developing coronary heart disease.
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Heart 411
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