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Jillian Michaels' Master Your Metabolism

Jillian Michaels' Master Your Metabolism

Revive your metabolism with Jillian's three-step approach.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Jillian Michaels is one of the most recognizable fitness and weight loss trainers. Her mini empire of weight loss books, fitness DVDs and Biggest Loser experience has won her the respect and admiration of millions of Americans struggling with their weight.

In her book Mastering Your Metabolism, Michaels gives you a three-step program to repair the damage that years of fat-free foods, artificial sweeteners, diet sodas and processed weight loss foods have done to your hormones and consequently, your metabolism.

Whereas Michaels has been known for her super tough approach in the gym, this book focuses more on diet and eating habits with modest attention paid to the importance of exercising.

Michaels' three-step program centers around the three "R's:" Remove, Restore and Rebalance. The first step involves removing a laundry list of food additives and ingredients from your diet. The Restore step teaches you about the nutrients that feed your fat-burning hormones; and the final Rebalance step lays out a plan that shows you how often, how much and what you should eat.

Master Your Metabolism is packed with information on nutrition, the dangers of the faux-fat and processed foods, the importance of consuming certain foods and nutrients and other lifestyle factors that influence hormones and metabolism. It teaches you how to naturally turn your body into a fat-burning, healthy and fabulous looking machine.

JillianMichaels.com Official Website

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Endorses a natural and whole foods diet
  • Written by a well-respected and trusted fitness and weight loss expert
  • Includes an eye-opening personal account of Jillian's former eating habits
  • Teaches reader about the hidden dangers of the countless additives in our diet
  • Includes many lifestyle recommendations that are non-food related such as creating a healthy home and using non-toxic cleaning and beauty products
  • Some meals in the eating plan do not include portion sizes
  • Not a gradual diet change: All three steps are followed simultaneously which may lead to a rebound effect
  • Sample workouts and exercise programs are slim

The Master Your Metabolism program is an additive-free, whole-foods based approach to eating. The actual eating plan, which is the Rebalance or Step 3 of the program, you will eat three meals and one snack a day.

Outlined in the book is a complete two-week menu of recipes and day-to-day meal plans. Recipes are given for specific dishes like pepperjack cheeseburgers with jalapeno cumin sauce, quinoa-stuffed artichokes and healthy eggs Benedict.

A sample day on the Master Your Metabolism diet might be: egg whites with turkey sausage and Ezekial 7-grain toast for breakfast, chicken tacos with drunken beans for lunch (recipe in book), a handful of sunflower seeds for a snack and lemon garlic shrimp with veggies for dinner (recipe in book).

In addition, you must always eat breakfast, eat every four hours and not eat after 9 p.m. in order for the Master Your Metabolism program to be effective.

The follow-up to this book is a dedicated Master Your Metabolism Cookbook, with more than 125 recipes specifically designed for this program. Created by Jillian Michaels, it builds upon the three core principles of the original Master Your Metabolism diet. A taste of what to expect:

Most of the recipes contain 100 to 300 calories per serving.


No Jillian Michaels plan would be complete without an exercise component. With the Master Your Metabolism program, you must get in 4-5 hours of hardcore exercise each week and workout at 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. Cardio work must be combined with a serious strength-training program. Michaels is a big of fan of circuit training workouts and gives a few very simple ways to do them.


Jillian Michaels' Master Your Metabolism is a culmination of her 17 years of experience and expertise in the fitness field. This book outlines a clear program to repair the damage we have done to our bodies after years of yo-yo dieting and eating fake food in order to get our dream body.

Master Your Metabolism is a no-nonsense, informative and effective program that retrains your body to rely on natural foods, smart eating, and healthy lifestyle habits in order to retrain your metabolism and transform it into a fat-burning machine.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

master your metobolism, mastering your metabolism, master your metabolsm, metabolism diet

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(Page 1 of 1, 17 total comments)


I love this book and love Jillian Michaels!! Before i had read it i didn't know that all of the cosmetics, toiletries, & household cleaners were bad for us and was making us fat!! Thanks Jillian!! :-)

posted Feb 18th, 2012 6:06 pm

Doris Wayne


I just got this book for christmas, and I love it so far. I am very greatful to have this book. I have alot of respect for jillian Michaels. I have been needing to get my life back on a healthy track, and this book is just what I need!

posted Dec 27th, 2010 2:35 pm



I got this book for christmas, and I have loved what I have read so far. I have so much respect for the author Jillian Michaels. I am so greatful for this book. I needed help to get my life on track, and this book is just what I needed.

posted Dec 27th, 2010 1:38 pm

jonnie knowles

I have had trouble getting your free book. I would very much help. I think it is going to be a great help. Jonnie

posted Dec 27th, 2010 1:40 am

kim sprague

I am also having trouble getting the free cook book from your site.Can you help me? kim

posted Dec 15th, 2010 5:11 pm

shirley b. wilbur


I would like to receive your free book.but i am having dificulty in doing it properly.No eistein on computer. please tellme how.shirley

posted Oct 4th, 2010 1:47 pm


Joan-if your husband isn't on board then this will be hard for you, but cook for yourself, eat for yourself, and maybe he'll get on board.

My husband is extremely supportive and while he won't give up some things, I just started eating differently and he sees what I make, it looks good, and I'm starting to look great and I can see him wanting to try different things.

I have been doing Michael's DVDs for a couple of months (regularly for the last week), I read some of this book in the store, haven't bought it though, but we eat really healthy in my house.

posted Jul 17th, 2010 10:24 am


I'm still struggling with how this can be done with my family. My husband wont eat "natural" foods and he does all the cooking. If anyone has any advice for that, plz help.

posted Jul 12th, 2010 2:44 pm


Recipe Comment: the banana blueberry muffin recipe is great, however you do not want to cook those muffins 40 minutes...only about 15-20.

posted Jun 26th, 2010 3:05 pm


The numbers don't add up. She says to NOT starve yourself, but her "meal plans" are only 800-1,000 calories per day!?

posted Mar 30th, 2010 3:55 pm


Just finished week one and the jury is still out. I lost two pounds the first two days, but nothing since then. I am more hungry now than I was before eating even less. My stomach feels slightly nauseous on and off. I'll continue with the 2nd week to see if things improve.

posted Feb 20th, 2010 3:19 pm



UPDATE: I have actually put most all of this book suggestions and information into use for about 5 months now. I eat about 90-95% organic. I have lost almost all my sugar cravings etc.. I think the only thing I really don't do YET is exercise much at all. Still, in the last 5months i have dropped from 222lb to 186lb. Thats a 36 lb loss in 5 months. For me that is outstanding and I couldn't be happier. I absolutely reccomend this book that I consider my lifesaver.

posted Jan 21st, 2010 3:52 pm



I just finished reading this book. I received it in the mail Friday, and finished it Monday afternoon...lol. I never EVER used to care about organic eating, toxins in our plastics, and so on...that is, until Jillian opened my eyes to see what is was doing to my metabolism. I have started this plan today, so it's too early to tell, but I think it will be fairly easy, and I love it so far!

posted Aug 11th, 2009 9:02 am

Samantha Herrholtz

I guess you should and can say i have been living under a rock for a long time. In her book she gives a description of the foods she ate before the diet; that was me almost to a diet coke. it has only been 6 days since I have changed my diet but i have all of my energy back and all my sweet cravings gone....in the movies now is Food Inc. for everyone out there that don't believe in organic i suggest you make a family night out and go see what they are doing to our food. Thank you Jillian...you woke me up!

posted Jul 25th, 2009 8:00 am

Lauren Young


This book is all about getting back to basics and what our bodies were originally accustomed to thousands of years ago. I love this book!

posted Jul 9th, 2009 12:35 pm



A must read!!! Although some of the hormone names are hard to pronounce it is a very informative and easy to read book. She clearly tells how to speed up your metabolism, clear your body of toxins and even help your immediate enviroment. It has truly changed my life and how I value my health. Personally I think its more of a life change book rather than a "diet" book but I can definately see how changing you metabolism like she states will guarantee a weight loss. I am already sleeping better and it has only been a few days since I got the book.

posted Jun 2nd, 2009 1:06 pm



I thought this book was WONDERFUL, finally some new information, instead of the same old same old, or ridiculous unhealthy trendy plans.

I am a fan of Jillian's to begin with. Some people may read this booK wrong as it really preaches what NOT to eat, but really lets you know WHY not to eat certain things. So much information on the chemicals our own country's FDA and USDA isn't telling people, it's quite an eye opener.

I started the following the plan this week, and I'm already down 5 pounds and I feel amazing eating the healthy, clean whole foods. THANK YOU JILLIAN FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!

posted Apr 30th, 2009 2:14 pm


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