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Last Chance Diet

Last Chance Diet

A diet fad from the 70s that cost some their lives.

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The Last Chance Diet, also known as the Prolinn Diet, is a fad diet created by Dr. Roger Linn in the 1970s. This diet is basically a starvation diet where you consume nothing but the specialized liquid called Prolinn. The program is titled Last Chance because it is something you can turn to when all other diet options haven’t worked.

The liquid protein contains less than 400 calories per serving and is made from slaughterhouse leftover byproducts like crushed animal horns, hooves, hides, tendons and bones. Also included are artificial flavors, enzymes and colors to make the drink more appealing and break down the ingredients.

There are several dangers to this program because it does not provide the nutrients that the body needs. While on the Last Chance Diet, no food is consumed and although the ingredients of the drink provide protein, it is not a high protein drink.

It is estimated that between two and four million people may have tried this diet. There are also reports that 58 people died from heart attacks while following this diet. There are books written by Dr. Linn outlining the principles of the diet.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • None to speak of
  • Several reported deaths as a result of using this diet
  • Starvation diet with an all protein drink
  • Contains no other essential nutrients except protein
  • Forces body to start digesting muscle because of the starved state
  • Dangerous if continued for extended period of time
  • Very unappealing ingredients
  • Classified as a fad diet

There is no food consumed while on the Last Chance Diet. You basically consume small amounts of the protein drink and don’t eat anything else.

The liquid protein contains less than 400 calories per serving and is made from slaughterhouse leftover byproducts like crushed animal horns, hooves, hides, tendons and bones. Also included are artificial flavors, enzymes and colors to make the drink more appealing and break down the ingredients.


The Last Chance Diet was a quick fix to weight loss and included no exercise plan. Most likely those on the diet wouldn’t have the energy to workout due to their lack of food consumption and nutrient deficiency.


There are some safe ways to lose weight and some very dangerous ways as well. The Last Chance Diet definitely registers on the dangerous way. This fad diet may have been responsible for several deaths and requires that you send your body into a starvation state in order to lose weight. There are a lot of safe ways to lose weight and it’s important to not go to extremes when restricting calories.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

last change diet, last chance deit, last diet chance

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The stuff was the consistency of thin syrup. I recall that I would drink about a quarter cup per serving. Every smoothie that has ever been or will be made was pure bliss compared to this. I have some drug experience in my life and the closest taste I can compare it to would be the taste of methamphetamine if you were to put it on your tongue specifically to get the full taste of it. And meth never caused projectile vomiting in me. This did as often as not.

posted Dec 24th, 2015 5:09 am


I was around 19 years old in the 70s when I went on this diet. I can't sufficiently describe in words just how horrible this stuff was. I tried mixing it with soda but that only made me have to gag down a larger quantity of that taste. I finally just put it in a cup with and a separate cup holding a different beverage. I stood at the sink and downed the protein and chased it with the second beverage. I made sure to stand at the sink because a good portion of the time the vile stuff came back up as fast as it went down. No exaggeration. I didn't even know at the time what it was made of. I think I tried to stay on the diet for about a month. I'm not sure. But at 59 years now, I can tell you that I have still never tasted anything that could compare with that taste. In retrospect I would say that the taste was exactly what you would think something made from slaughterhouse byproducts would taste like. Particularly hides.

posted Dec 24th, 2015 5:03 am

susan connelly-power


What was the taste like? What's the consistency? I can't find anything on what this stuff tastes like? Last Chance or Prolinn Diet. was the protein smoothie gross?

posted Sep 21st, 2015 12:39 pm


Just wondered if the cowjuice doktor is still alive? My sister was the first to die on this diet....Sept. 1977 at Ft. Bliss Army Hospital in El Paso, TX. 57 more died within 60 days after Meredith. The cowjuice doktor went on the Donahue show and denied killing even one...well, Walter Reed Hospital begs to differ with him. She didnt die of a heart attack either. She had a massive blood clot to the brain. She was under a doctor's care and taking prenatal vitamins.
If the doktor linn is still alive, he should be tried for murder.
If a friend says she or he is going on this diet, tell them to pick out the clothes she/he wants to be buried in.

posted Jun 17th, 2012 8:59 pm


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