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Lazy Chick Diet

Lazy Chick Diet

Your last diet that doesn't feel like a diet at all.

Top Rated Diet Shakes of 2025
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The Lazy Chick Diet is pH-balancing diet plan that claims to be your most simple diet plan ever. Created by former yo-yo dieter Tia Taylor, The Lazy Chick Diet is available by download and focuses on nutrition and eating the right kinds of foods at the right time in order to improve natural energy levels and lose weight. The Lazy Chick Diet also promises to give a boost to your overall health through its avoidance of allergy-provoking foods.

The main premise of The Lazy Chick Diet is to restore the proper balance between acidity and alkaline levels in the body. Making the assumption that weight gain and energy loss are due to eating too many acidic foods, The Lazy Chick Diet shows you how to eat so that your body is properly nourished and weight loss is natural and inevitable.

It is called the Lazy Chick Diet because it does not require you to count calories, carb grams, spend hours at the gym or take special supplements in order to lose weight.

Do You Know the Best Diet Shakes of 2025?

  • Focuses on nutrition
  • Outlines a structured eating plan
  • Encourages the regular consumption of whole foods
  • eBook form allows for instant access
  • Weight loss is due more to a reduction in calories rather than eating the proper alkaline foods
  • pH-balancing diet has not been supported by scientific evidence
  • May be too restrictive for some

The Lazy Chick Diet focuses on increasing the amount of alkaline foods you eat while reducing the amount of acidic foods. Alkaline foods are those that our ancestors ate before the advent of the industrial food world that developed manufactured grains such as refined and whole grains, dairy, sugars and other processed foods.

The Lazy Chick Diet includes eating fresh vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts and seeds.

The Lazy Chick Diet ebook contains a list of foods that you can and can't eat as well as provides meal plans and an entirely separate ebook on salad recipes.


There are no specific exercise guidelines outlined in The Lazy Chick Diet.


The Lazy Chick Diet is an ebook that incorporates the concept of eating to support your body's alkaline balance in order to lose weight and achieve a strong sense of wellness.

While some individuals may have found success with following this kind of eating plan, a pH diet may be too restrictive for some for its reliance on plant-foods and its strict eating rules.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

lazy chic diet, lazy chick deit, laze chick diet, lazy chikc diet, lazy diet, lazy chicks diet, acid alkaline diet, ph balance diet

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  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
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