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Much has been made of the lemonade diet, which also goes by the name of the Maple Syrup Diet or the Master Cleanse. This uber popular diet involves making an elixir of water, lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper and subsisting on it for three to ten days.
Now, in full American fashion, the lemonade diet has been transformed into a diet pill form that contains the same ingredients as the liquid version of this fast diet.
The Lemonade Weight Loss Diet is a 14-day diet program that promises to do everything from burn fat to cleanse out toxins and reduce bloat. All you do is follow the three-part plan of two supplements and a diet and exercise guide and watch the weight come off.
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- Attempts to offer a convenient form of a liquid diet in a pill form
- May create a placebo effect and encourage reducing caloric intake and exercising more
- Website lacks key information
- Won't result in long-term weight loss
- No explanation on what diet and exercise plan is
- Health has never and never will come in a capsule
- Contains stimulants
The Lemonade Weight Loss Diet contains extracts of lemon, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup.
The Lemonade Weight Loss includes two supplements: The 14-Day Lemonade Weight Loss Cleanse and the Lemonade Energy Booster. It also comes with a booklet outlining the diet and exercise plan.
The Lemonade Weight Loss Diet plan is followed for 14 days, preferably, once every two months.
The Lemonade Weight Loss program's diet and exercise plan is a reduced-calorie eating plan that encourages you to eat a small amount of protein at every meal, as well as drinking plenty of water. Refined, processed and starches should be avoided. In addition, exercise should be done regularly and should be done in accordance to how much energy you have.
The Lemonade Weight Loss Diet is a three-part program that mirrors the Master Cleanse in a pill form. The plan attempts to reduce weight, burn fat, de-bloat and flush out toxins through its inclusion of two supplements and a diet and exercise plan.
While the Lemonade Weight Loss may result in immediate weight loss, it may also result in immediate and uncomfortable side effects with no long-term health changes.
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Lemonade Weight Loss Diet
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(Page 1 of 1, 1 total comments)tibby
Today is my first day on this far so good, I do not plan on doing the salt water flush, hopefully dieters tea will have the same effect..wish me luck, I will check in on day 3
posted Sep 19th, 2011 10:02 am