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Living Low Carb

Living Low Carb

Controlled carbohydrate eating for long-term weight loss.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Living Low Carb: Controlled-Carbohydrate Eating for Long-Term Weight Loss is a book written by Jonny Bowden and features a foreword by The Zone Diet creator, Barry Sears.

As the title suggests, Living Low Carb showcases the information that supports the long-term health benefits of eating a low-carb diet. Living Low Carb is a thorough revision of a previous book of the same title written by the same authors. The author explains how low-carb diets can work and helps them customize a plan that works for them. He also turns commonly-held health beliefs upside down, such as low-fat diets prevent heart disease and that cholesterol is the cause of eating too much saturated fat. Instead Living Low Carb posits that humans have no need for carbs other than those contained in certain vegetables and modest amounts of fruit.

Secrets to sticking with the program on a long-term basis are given as well as a breakdown of all the popular low-carb plans that are available along with some recommendations and caveats. Some of the diets featured are the All-New Atkins Advantage, Low GI Diet and the Ultimate New York Diet.

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  • Compares and contrasts some of the most popular low-carb diets
  • Gives an understanding of how and why low-carb diets work
  • Covers common myths associated with the low-carb diet
  • Includes new information on how to create a modern low-carb diet that works for you
  • Debunks myth that low-carb diets are simply fad diets
  • Book doesn’t include any recipes or meal plans
  • No exercise information is given

Living Low Carb is filled with research that supports the low-carb eating lifestyle, including how the evolution of our bodies and metabolism, dating back to our cavemen ancestors, has paved the way for why eating low-carb is a lock and key fit for not just our waistline but our health.

Bowden reviews 33 low-carb diets and presents his recommendations and critiques on which ones have the most health benefits.

While the book contains no recipes or sample meal plans, it does showcase some success stories of those who have been successful with the low-carb way of life. It also features many tips for how you can make the low-carb diet work for you.

When you are on the program, your foods will vary slightly depending on which low-carb program you choose. Since most of the foods are universal, some of the things you will eat include:

  • All white or red meat except liver
  • Fish
  • Shellfish
  • Eggs
  • Cheese (up to 4 oz per day)
  • Butter, mayonnaise, cream, margarine and all other fats
  • Low-starch green vegetables
  • Restricted consumption of sugar-based starches like potatoes, carrots, peas, corn, and bananas

There is no mention of Living Low Carb including any type of exercise program. But it does discuss how sedentary our lives have become and how important it is that we adopt the activity levels of our ancestors in order to stay healthy and fit.


If you are looking for research-based and in- depth information on the low-carb diet then Living Low Carb will be a great resource. Not only does it compare several low-carb plans, but it gives background information showing why the low-carb diet isn’t a fad diet.

It is important to know that this book does not offer its own plan, but instead it provides background information on the diet as a whole. Helpful tips are given on how you can make the program work for you and manage to stay on the low-carb diet.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

living low carbs, living low-carb, living low carb diet, living low carbohydrate

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