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Mega-Fit Momma

Mega-Fit Momma

This yoga DVD is part of the Happily Ever Active fitness series.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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CEO and founder of Happily Ever Active, Jillian Moriarty has come up with a new DVD of pre and postnatal workouts. The Mega-Fit Momma Exercise DVD is a workout that combines Pilates, yoga and breathing all into one for a workout that can be done in all trimesters of pregnancy. Moriarty’s company Happily Ever Active offers a series of comprehensive DVDs that focus on family fitness. While performing the moves on the DVD, Moriarty is in her second trimester of pregnancy. The moves you will be doing offer ways to tone muscle, get the heart pumping, lengthen the spine and strengthen the core.

All of the workouts are doctor recommended and are said to improve various stages of pregnancy including labor, delivery and recovery. The workouts are shown with modified moves for those that may be farther along in their pregnancy. Moriarty is a certified Pilates and yoga instructor with extensive training in several bodywork techniques. She also holds a master’s degree in physical therapy.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Encourages safe yoga practices for every stage of pregnancy
  • Workouts are doctor recommended to improve all stages of pregnancy
  • DVD can be done during pregnancy and after
  • Offers modified moves for later stages of pregnancy
  • Great workout to help moms maintain their fitness level
  • Not a beginner workout

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Mega-Fit Momma is a DVD that emphasizes the importance of working out throughout your pregnancy to keep up your fitness level. Moriarty goes through all of the moves with you on the DVD while she is pregnant herself. This is helpful to show expectant mothers how to maneuver through the movements. You will need various pieces of equipment for comfort including pillows, blankets, cushions and water. You will also need a disc for some of the exercises featured. This DVD will be challenging but it will also offer the benefits of toning muscle, lengthening your spine, and giving you core strength. The total time of the DVD is 40 minutes.


Engaging in Pilates and yoga during your pregnancy can be a great way to help you relax while also improving your pregnancy, labor, delivery and recovery. Mega-Fit Momma offers a great workout that you can do throughout your pregnancy and after you deliver your baby.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

megga fit momy, mega fit mommy, mega fit moma, mega fits momma

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