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Mindless Eating

Mindless Eating

Learn the truth behind your eating behaviors.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Mindless Eating is a book that shows us why we eat more than we think. This book is written by Brian Wansink and it gives some insight into the eating that may be sabotaging your diet. Wansink is currently the director of the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab. This book shows how we make many food decisions each day without actually thinking about them. These mindless decisions can result in additional pounds and inches on the body. Mindless Eating tells you that you don’t have to necessarily change what you eat, but how. With the help of this book, you can start to make more mindful decisions that will help you eat better and live better. There is an examination of popular diets and Wansink offers his own strategies for focusing on what you eat. Some of the popular questions that are answered by this book include:

  • Does the size of your plate influence your appetite?
  • Why do you eat more when dining with friends?
  • What hidden persuaders are being used by restaurants and supermarkets to get people to overeat?
  • How does music and room color influence how fast and how much we eat?
  • How can we mindlessly lose versus gain 20 pounds in the next year?

Several studies reveal the behaviors of people when put in situations where they have the chance to eat mindlessly. Other behaviors are also revealed when it comes to people eating and their surroundings. Readers will see themselves in these studies and finally be able to identify some common triggers for mindless eating.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Shows why people eat mindlessly
  • Written based on human eating behaviors
  • Can unlock the key to why your diet hasn’t been working
  • Shows people how much they really eat
  • Book shows you how to eat what you want
  • Shows you how to eliminate overeating triggers
  • Author has been involved in over 250 eating behavior studies
  • Offers information from a psychologist and marketer’s perspective
  • Teaches you how to lose weight mindlessly
  • Shows how you can make small changes to lose weight without realizing it
  • Does not offer a structured diet as some may desire

Mindless Eating doesn’t just give you a bunch of information and expect you to believe that it’s true. The information about eating and diets in this book is backed up by several different behavioral studies. The book talks about external factors that many people rely on to tell them to stop eating, rather than relying on internal factors like feeling full. Once you’ve become familiar with the different things that may be causing you to eat mindlessly, you are introduced to some strategies to stop. You can still eat the foods you want, but with the strategies given, you can lose weight gradually and without realizing you are cutting a small amount of calories. Two very helpful strategies you will find in this book include:

  • See it before you eat it – Pre-plate your food rather than having a small amount and going back for more and you’ll likely eat less.
  • See it while you eat it – When eating, you will eat less if you can see what you’ve already eaten. With meals involving chicken or ribs, keep bones around as a reminder of what you’ve already consumed.

The book really focuses on the fact that there are just three settings that the stomach understands. Those include starved, full but could eat more and stuffed.


Exercise is mentioned as something that should be an important part of life for health and fitness benefits. Just as we underestimate the amount of calories we eat, it is mentioned that those who exercise to lose weight typically over estimate the number of calories they have burned. That over estimation typically leads to over rewarding through additional calories. The author does suggest that it is probably easier to eat less than to implement a new exercise plan.


Mindless Eating offers a great deal of insight into eating behavior that has been observed first hand. This book will allow many people to understand why they eat the way they do, and make the necessary changes to form better habits. Many people will like this book because it doesn’t require that you change your diet completely or eliminate certain groups of food. You can implement the changes offered and slowly lose weight without feeling like you are depriving yourself. Mindless Eating may be the answer to the questions you constantly ask about why and how you continue to gain weight steadily, and allow you to do something about it.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

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