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Nutri Mirror

Nutri Mirror

Online Food Diary and Exercise Behavior

Top Rated Diets of 2025
BACKGROUNDBACKGROUND Start the Diet Now Advertisement

NutriMirror is an online food diary that is an absolutely free service that allows you to keep precise track of your health and weight loss goals. NutriMirror is not a diet but rather an internet-based system for managing the behaviors that affect your health. It encourages you to be held accountable for your actions so that you can achieve a healthy weight and nutritional balance.

After completing a brief user profile, you receive an overview of certain important health markers like your BMI and your basal metabolic rate. Once you have created a user profile you can then begin logging your daily food and exercise have access to NutriMirror’s food and exercise diaries. After each entry, you receive a NutriMirror Reflection which is a synopsis of how well or not-so-well you are adhering to your health goals.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Encourages personal accountability for meeting your weight loss goals
  • Studies show that keeping a food diary improves diet outcome
  • NutriMirror reports point out shortcomings in your diet and exercise habits
  • Free
  • Does not include a customized diet or exercise plan

NutriMirror can be used in conjunction with any diet plan. Each day, you log what you ate and how much ate in your food diary and NutriMirror gives you an immediate report of how your food stacks up against what you should be eating. You receive a breakdown of calories, fat grams, vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbohydrates after entering in a snack or a meal.

It also highlights what nutrients you are keeping in your target range and which ones are out of your target range. For instance, if you already consumed enough saturated fat for the day once you entered your lunch information, then the number of fat grams will be shown in red, alerting you to pay attention to your saturated fat intake for the rest of the day.


NutriMirror does not formulate an exercise program for you but it computes and reports the impact of all your elective exercises on your calorie balance via the Exercise Log. After selecting the type of exercise, the duration and intensity, your Exercise Log will give you a synopsis of how many calories your burned. You can also set weekly exercise goals and view a detailed report that tracks how well you have adhered to these goals.


NutriMirror is an online tool that allows you to track your own diet and fitness progress for free. It was created in light of research that shows individuals who keep consistent and daily food diaries have a higher success rate in meeting their weight loss goals and maintaining them over the long-term. NutriMirror is an excellent and comprehensive program that promotes personal accountability for how your behaviors impact your level of health.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Nutri Mirror, Nutra Mirror, NutriMiror, Nutri Miror, NutriMirror Food diary, NutraMirror

How Does Nutri Mirror Compare?
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  • Nutri Mirror
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User Feedback

(Page 1 of 5, 95 total comments)

Janet Bourne

How can I sign in to Nutri Mirror?

posted Jan 12th, 2017 1:47 pm

Loren Jacobon


I began using Nutrimirror when I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I already knew that a balanced diet was about the correct percentage of fats, carbs and proteins each day; even better at each meal. Most of us are way off everyday; that is why people are overweight and such. So I was looking for a tool that would help me monitor my intake.

My first A1C was about 16 (normal is about 7). Yup!!! I used Nutrimirror and a spread sheet to track my diet and insulin. My second A1C was about 7. My doctor was shocked. She said she had never seen anyone bring it down that quickly.

I believe that weight and health is 99% what we eat. I think exercise should not be a way of losing wieght, but a way to keep strong and flexible.

This is the true key to being healthy.

posted Mar 20th, 2016 3:46 am



It's been said over and over throughout the reviews here, but this is NOT a diet site. It's a lifestyle tool.

The site is amazingly in-depth and well developed, with a fantastic staff. The community is active, caring, and helpful. So many have truly found a HOME there. Including me. I wouldn't even consider a diet. Why feel deprived? If you learn to eat foods that are good for you in moderation, and you keep track of what you eat and what you burn, you have everything you need.

I recommend Nutrimirror to everyone. Hands down the best choice I've made for my health, ever.

posted Sep 13th, 2011 8:06 pm



NM is amazing. I have been on it for almost two years now. The whole point is that it ISNT a diet and exercise plan. You figure out what works for you - not what some formula says should work for you.

posted Sep 12th, 2011 8:33 pm



NM is a no nonsense approach to living a healthy and balanced life.
Track what you consume and the energy you output along with some body measurements for a reflection of how well you're taking care of your body.
For most of us, balancing nutrition and intentional movement results in significant weight loss.
There is no end, this is a lifestyle. There are no guaranteed quick results (although some of us have lost significant weight quickly).
The community is loving and supporting and like a good friend who'll give you a dose of reality when you need it most.
The learning curve is a week or two for most people. Once you get your feet wet seeing the results of your intake/output you may find yourself hooked.
We'd love to have you join us.
Go green! (you'll have to sign up to really understand what that means).

posted Sep 12th, 2011 7:50 pm


NM is AMAZING. It has guided me to a healthy path, better than anything I have tried in the past. This is not a diet site but more a lifestyle site. The tools I have been given will last a lifetime. I have lost more than 60lbs in a year and am keeping it off!

posted May 6th, 2011 7:14 am

Sophie Mae

Nutrimirror has changed my life and given me back control.

posted Apr 20th, 2011 3:19 pm

Mary Jane Brown

I love this site free, friendly and being green is cool..!

posted Mar 10th, 2011 5:31 pm


I have been a member since February 2010. When I joined I had been fighting overweight ever since my first baby in 1955. Never obese, thank god, but well overweight. I now have a BMI of normal and am losing slowly and surely . I have more energy, and feel good about my stomach not being there anymore.. I'm a happy camper as the saying goes and I love the new person I'm becoming

posted Jun 17th, 2010 12:07 pm



As with so many others, I have tried several different types of 'eating plans' and while they did work (as in I lost some weight) they were too rigid or restrictive to maintain long-term. I've been using Nutrimirror since June 2009 and have lost a little over 20 lbs and its been far easier than I ever would have thought. I've always known that to loose weight you need to maintain a calorie deficit but NutriMirror makes it easier by doing all the math, giving you feedback that tells you if you are on the right track or not. Its all about choices - when you make the ones that support your goal you move in the right direction down that path.

This is not one that you use on a temporary basis until you reach a goal - it is a tool you use for life. The site and its wonderful member community encourage the eating of fresh, whole, natural foods - real foods that you can find in your local grocery store or farmers market. Foods you can find and prepare yourself, today, tomorrow and 10 years from now. Through the process of getting healthy and losing weight, you learn to eat foods that properly fuel your body and are also ones that you enjoy so there is no 'after' once you've reached your goal.

posted Mar 14th, 2010 12:26 pm



I lost 100% of my excess body weight & am keeping it off thanks to the 18 months I have been using Nutri-Mirror. Truly a miracle tool!

posted Mar 14th, 2010 10:40 am



this is the first program that has enabled me to lose weight, keep it off and positively impact my health--normal cholesterol and blood sugar. It helps me monitor my fiber, fat and protein intake and shows me the way exercise positively impacts my life. This is better than any diet, because it alters behavior which is the only way to make lasting change.

posted Mar 13th, 2010 11:07 pm



NutriMirror is an amazing site. It is NOT about dieting, it is about eating in a healthy, satisfying way. The most important feature, in my opinion, is the amazingly positive and supportive people who use the site. I HIGHLY recommend you give this site a try!

posted Mar 13th, 2010 1:01 pm



I joined NM In January 2010 and has since lost 14 lbs. This site is the bomb for those who are determined to make weight lose happen this TIME AROUND. It's user friendly and a great tool to use to reach your weight loss goal. I LOVE THIS SITE.

posted Mar 13th, 2010 12:41 pm



With many health issues there were very discouraging, I started with NutriMirror over a year ago. I have lost weight slowly, steadily yet, HAPPILY. I know it will take me longer than most to reach my healthy weight goal but the tools and non-instrusive support from other members have really helped me. I now realize that weightloss is only part of the goal. I'm still extremely happy with NutriMirror and plan to be for very long time.

posted Mar 13th, 2010 11:41 am



To paraphrase what Mikey says:

Try it, you will like it!!

posted Mar 13th, 2010 9:23 am



I have been logging on NM for 2 weeks and I LOVE it. I have lost 5 lbs. and I have been eating better than I have in a long time. It is super easy to use. The fact that this is a free website is unbelievable. It was a real eye-opener for me to see where I was falling short on my nutrients. I give it a big thumbs up!!

posted Mar 13th, 2010 8:13 am



it is the greastest site ever. besides learning how to feed your body healthy, there are tips, suggestions and inspiration from members. The best thing, the creators of the site are on-line and are there for any question, problem you may have, iT IS LIKE BEING IN A MOM AND POP STORE THAT CARES ABOUT YOU RATHER THAN A NAMELESS GIANT THAT CARES ABOUT $$$$

posted Mar 13th, 2010 1:50 am



I've tried everything and gave up when WW finally failed me. Then Nutrimirror taught me why everything else failed. I am now loosing 1.6 lbs per week for a total of 15 lbs in 10 weeks. Feeling great, looking better.

posted Mar 12th, 2010 8:50 pm

Joy O


Where to start?? Let me just say that without a shadow of a doubt this is the best "life management tool" I have ever used or come across. It is so helpful to know what you are eating, the health benefits - or lack thereof - how your exercising and other choices affect your overall weight, and all the other life management tools NM supplies. Yeah, I've fallen off the wagon more than once but I keep coming back to NM - why? because it is the absolute best way to try to manage your health and weight. I can't thank Jim and everyone else who donates their time to making this site as good as it is.

posted Mar 12th, 2010 5:43 pm


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